This is arguably the most succinct and accessible "reader's digest" description of Technocracy I have yet encountered! Info for the sorry-assed masses - good work, Joe!!!

"algorithmic Mammon" - most excellent! keepin' that!!

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I aim to please! Thank you.

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The entire last part of this post was awesome!

"So what do we call the tech titans who attended Trump's inauguration, or those now gathering in Davos? “Transhumanist oligarchs”? “Kleptocratic wizards”? “Robot-loving antichrists”? Many will call them “great men” as if their livelihoods depend on it. Some will call them “saviors.” Call these tech titans what you will, I call them a menace. They do not serve God—they serve algorithmic Mammon. They offer automation in place of human autonomy. They uphold the artificial over the organic. They dream of sand gods and the Greater Replacement. If we don't untie the knot tightening around us, we are destined to be their subjects. The digital will be confused with the spiritual and America's new “Golden Age” will be a Cyborg Theocracy. Even as words fail, its priests will call this “freedom.” "

That was brilliant. Love the way you described/expressed this. Absolutely.

That was a synchronistic title, "The old labels are peeling off" because when I watched Trump cutting the cake, first, they were telling him something about the airplane on top of the cake. Well, any gourmet artist knows that everything, and I mean everything, on a cake or in a plate, HAS to be edible. I don't think they fashioned that airplane out of candy sugar and then painted it with food coloured parts. Anyway, when Trump was cutting that long cake with a long sword, with another man on the other end cutting it too (I'm Canadian so I'm not sure who all the actors in politics are there, nor am I familiar with the dolts in politics on this side of North America, either) his second cut pulled a label from the cake, which is also SUPPOSE TO BE edible, but I doubt it was, and he saw that half the label came off the side of the cake, hahaha, so he pushed it back on, and it stayed on. Hahaha. You gotta love that man, he's just so lovely. That label. I was looking at that cake and seeing how inedible it looked. THEY made it.

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Much appreciated!

Yeah, this is a wild show and an even wilder ride.

Hanging on tight.

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Beautiful. Well said. What a ride, and hang on tight, or..keep your head above water level. Be the master of the wave.

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Thanks and welcome back, Joe. Appreciate this stage-setter, perfect for a new year and a new era.

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Thank you, Otto! More on the way. Much more.

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The fact that Sam Altman and Larry Ellison, who is pushing digital ID and says AI surveillance will force us all to be on our "best behavior", were platformed day 1 at the White House and the executive branch is touting their outsized role in US AI infrastructure should be major cause for concern.

When the powers that be realized that many Americans would resist a "great reset", they obviously noticed that most were expecting it from the public sector so now it's implementation is going to come from the private, likely via public-private partnership. People misunderstand the WEF and what it does IMO, but it's most obvious and overt goal as a group is facilitate digital transformation and the 4IR (ie the "great reset") via the public-private partnership model.

Public-private partnerships do not beget a true free market, they beget crony capitalism and produce state adjacent corporate monopolies and quasi-monopolies.

Yet, expect that many of those "great reset" policy agendas to be marketed as "free merket/private sector innovation." Expect some of the ind media figures who claimed to be against the "great reset" now support its very policies under different sales pitches.

Vigilance matters most when many vocal opponents to these agendas have been distracted and/or pacified.

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I was thinking about you today because of the DAVOS weirdos. My answer to me Tecno weirdo Klaus is “ I AIN’T EATING NO BUGS. PERIOD

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Welcome back! Great opener.

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How about calling them Hellbeasts?

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Very true Joe! I take most of them with a grain of salt, even Elon Musk, who’s done a great deal of good, even his upcoming stent with DOGE, however his brain chip implants repulse me to the point of wanting to throw him in with the worst of the largesse seekers? The pinnacle of the “Evil Dark Side Miscreants” has to be Open A.I.’s Sam Altman, who for yourself & your other friends & followers who haven’t seen it yet, need to watch Tucker Carlson’s interview with the Mother of a young Indian genius, who was going to worn the world about Sam Altman, who in addition to several evil deeds, abused his own sister growing up, & who this young Indian fellow was with, before he mysteriously committed suicide? I’ll leave at that Joe, & let me know if you need for me to forward that interview, & for any of your followers as well. Let’s all make it a year to remember, as we all look forward to the 2nd Donald Trump Presidency.

Warmest Regards,

Pat Calhoun

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Recently, I discovered that the original Technocracy, Inc. movement specifically forbade membership to Communists and politicians. They didn't give them even a seat in the back of the bus.

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"Come on, X-789-IE-666, let me come to the meeting!"

"No ergs for you, pinko."

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Joe, you said "The original technocrats were anti-communist, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, and anti-democratic." The venn diagram overlaps on these groups leave precious little manuevering room for Technocracy to blossom in a fertile soil. I dont get it, perhaps you can elaborate further?

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Basically, they sought a complete overhaul of society. They wanted to leave all of that behind.

Patrick Wood at Technocracy.News is an excellent resource on this.

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I agree with you about the technocrats. The one term you did not apply to them is "main chancers." See how fast they pivoted when Trump won the election. Making pilgrimages to Mara Lago, standing on Trumps side at the inauguration, attending the dinners and balls.

The one term that you also did not use because they aren't is "populists". There are things we can admire about these technocrats because of their drive and ability to get things done, create industries, wealth and invention. But they could do nothing without people who can build, turn wrenches, weld, and assemble. Without us, they would just be dreamers, and perhaps, science fiction writers. I think they harbor plans for AI and robots because they believe it could give them the ability to accomplish things without people to turn those wrenches. To make their spaceships go to Mars. No longer would they need to be mere globalists, they could become solar systemists, then tomorrow the stars. 1st Star Trek then the Borg collective, but they will always have Klingons to fight.

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Joe what do you think about Larry Ellison’s comments on Stargate and mRNA?

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Working on a piece about it now, actually.

I bet you don't have to stretch your imagination too far to see where I land.

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Has the term 'techno-eugenics' been coined yet? And I mean coined...

Eugenics and Other Evils by GKChesterton, 1922;


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Not at all. Would be interesting to see what Dr Malone and Dr McCullough’s thoughts are. I will anxiously await your piece. Thanks for all your great work!

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"GREG B.'s" - Global Ruling Elites & Globalist Banksters"....but said with fierce irony & thinly-veiled contempt....

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So much being written on various topics all pointing to these massive deceptions, that many on different fronts are falling for as “the golden age”. It really has been going on a long time and now has a magnifying glass intensity applied.

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Good one, Joe. Thanks

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