Love your work Joe, but my fact-free opinion is that AI is vastly overrated. The promotion of AI is essentially a sophisticated Information Influence Op to scare the crap out of people, and to lower resistance to the IOT and the Internet of Bodies. The real goal of the AI program is to destroy religion and spirituality, and to create a zombie population of fearful victims that no longer understand their divine origins and will willingly become a part of the machine.

(We've all heard about the AI scam Nate, which was just using humans to do the work AI was supposed to do. https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/6/23156318/artificial-intelligence-nate-app-ecommerce-go-read-this)

Undoubtedly AI advances are being made, but I don't believe the wild claims made for it ("AI is going to take over the world!") My opinion obviously. I still have faith in the God-given intelligence of the human race. Biological humans are far superior to the sterile so-called intelligence of AI, which is all developed by humans anyway. Call me a Luddite if you want! Keep up the good reporting; we all need to know about this dark scam.

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You know, opinion differs wildly on how advanced AI is or could be. I'm always cautious about making any hard predictions, not because I don't have an opinion, but because I see so many hard predictions fail. No reason to believe I have a more accurate reading. So I rarely offer it.

The one area that I'm certain of is the one you mention here -- the psychological and spiritual impacts. The tech is plenty good enough for that.

And I am 100% against such a change.

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

It can write code, but even that requires editing by a human being.

Its poetry is not good. Seriously. It lacks depth, emotional breadth, metaphors, and proper imagery. Even its rhymes are "off."

It makes sense. AI still cannot "get" abstract ideas or analogies.

Like the worst of Instagram poetry.

But almost nobody has taste enough to notice the difference. Let alone care.

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An extra dark and creepy essay. I got truly yucky feels from reading it after waking up in the wee hours thinking if I read a little something I’d go back to sleep. Not happening now thanks. But even so, the take away for me is I am even more certain (solidly certain) that I do not care to know what AI may think or imagine about itself. I also do not care what AI might think about humans (me in particular) or how it may see us.

This piece did read like a Cronenberg Movie or at least what the picture box portion of the screenplay would describe. Those movies always made me wonder why I watched them all the way through. And why I was still watching in the middle them. They were so far out there that to rate them as just bad “b” series films was not satisfying enough. To get all the way through one made me feel like i had just seen a good b movie and happy to be done with it.

Those pictures you displayed created by AI? Uh uh, nope me no likey...!

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AI frequently concocts unsettling images not meant to be ugly or frightening. Especially human faces.

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Huh, but they are though, ugly and frightening. And I’m vey skeptical on the whole idea that AI can mean to do anything. AI is an it not a who. It can’t know what it creates. Right? or am I missing the point?

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Meant by the users. Not the bot itself.

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Ok good I got it now

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Kudos to Cronenberg and his directing of “A History of Violence” I did not it was one of his. Really great movie. Viggo Mortensen and Maria Bello? A list all the way.👍🏻👍🏻

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Your best piece yet. The dadaists and surrealists would be applauding AI for sure. The problem with these AI (term I use lightly here) productions is that they end up having that same 3d look and feel. It's all about pixels in the end. Ok, I forgot about cyberspace and 3d printing. Does this spell the end of 'art' as we've known it, or will a cultural/creative counter rebellion occur? As an artist painter myself, I don't know how many times over the last 40 years I've heard the declaration that painting is dead. Yet, painters still make paintings today. AI and robots would realky impress me if they physically built their own canvas stretchers, prepared their own paints, actually used painting tools to apply material on a support, organize ads for their exhibitions, hang their own shows and survive public criticism. That'd be AI worthy of praise. But, that's not what's going on here. Great job. Keep up the amazing work! P.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

I love your thesis: “It’s not rocket science, boys. Just computer code. Garbage in, garbage out.”

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or as Ricky (Trailer Park Boys) would say: "It's not rocket surgery." and "What goes around is all around." which fits with this AI crap. Art, Books, Poems, Music, Coding, Robots taking over labor, Driving, Robot sex companions. It all makes me wonder if God doesn't wish he had rested a day or so earlier.

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Those images are beyond disgusting. God's hand has pulled even farther away from this land.

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An excellent piece today about a really weird topic - yet I believe that we will be losing our collective minds, as the close to your piece surmises - only because AI will tend to take the place of human creativity and we will be spoon-fed its product in the wide world of advertising. The results will be chilling. Who needs a model when you can generate one out of thin air?

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We use less then 10% of our brain, even the smartest. It won't take much for a machine to outdo that. My smartphone is beyond me, it is a watch to keep time. Only the few that have a mind left will lose theirs. I see the kids hypnotized by the tiny screens and lament the loss of real life. Hand paintings will only become more precious. Original creativity is a human condition. The only way a machine can is by emulation.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

your thought processes are so far above my understanding,I think that is what compels me to read your writings. Todays post is disturbing to me on so many levels. Mainly because is means the death of true artistry and imagination. That should be no surprise to me since the true foundation of all things human is born out of creativity. And the AI community is all about replacement theology. Being an artist, I still find it a bit sad that man is content with losing our essence to a programmable thing.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Thanks for the work you are doing. This one must have been hard to stomach to research, but, we need to be aware of what is happening.

That imagery certainly is disturbing. I really don't want that stuff running around in my head. For that reason I never was big on horror films. I can't even fathom the damage it can do to impressionable young minds. Rob their empathy? their humanity? And, How is the AI versions of the Cronenberg films not outright violations of copyright?

If you search Youtube with the subject "AI stealing art" you will find lots of videos with examples.

Two things you may like to see:

On Citizen Free press this morning: "Learn to code" is Dying


New from Anastasia In Tech: This New ChatGPT Competitor is Mind-Blowing


I have followed Anastasia for while because she has excellent videos about the progress in chip and hardware development as well as AI progress (she speaks from a fan point of view).

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Thank you!

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All I have to say is that I'm glad I never saw a Cronenberg movie.

I've never understood why anyone wants to spend good money to be scared shitless. Real life is scary enough without all the fantasy fear porn.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Oh I really liked that one! (not that I don't like your other papers but this one tapped deeply into the imaginary world of my teenage)

Let's not forget the Swiss artist Giger (Alien and Species) as an obvious inspiration too.

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"People won’t see anything that hasn’t been sifted through the Machine."

Only if we continue to allow this kind of soulless garbage into our homes and minds. I will not watch, read, listen to any of this dystopian 'art'. Time to make our own beautiful art again.

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Joe, it is really a story about Satan working through AI technology to achieve his ultimate goal of assuming as many humans into his minions as possible. It is sad to think that such potentially useful technology has begun with such dark influences. God forbid that more and more humans become complacent about the direction that our world is heading. Thanks for keeping us alert to the advancing devastation AI technology is capable of.

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Cybernetic pit of HELL Why bother with the humanoid form at this point? I wish i could visit DARPA archives and active projects.

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This is sad.

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Wait till the VR and the Ai create your every step based on Brainwave generation and emotion.

I give it another yr before the cats out of the virtual bag.

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Oh i have no doubts this exist, also occlusion from all senses will be a thing.

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