Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

"'...This technological revolution is unstoppable.'"

Not so - nothing a few strategically-located EMP's won't cure.

The skids on which this menace rides are (like all menaces) being greased by the failure of the collective wet-mind to know itself, especially its own weaknesses. That mind is hell-bent on the thrill of playing with matches in a gasoline refinery. A true spiritual awakening would result in a big fat transhuman coitus interruptus.

But you can forget negotiating for rights against these crazies.

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or perhaps we won't need to go to the effort, nature is capable of bringing our fragile technological infrastructure to it's knees as well after all: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/preparing-for-the-100-year-storms

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Keep it coming. I wonder how far the God of heaven will let it go. Thanks for keeping us informed.

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I wonder too. All the time.

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We have all been conditioned (by governments, corporate propaganda and religious propaganda) to latch onto the comforting (and infantilizing) idea that someone other than ourselves is going to solve our problems for us. This has never been true and it never will be true.

Many people are attracted to interpretations of the bible which say it is a story about good guys and bad guys (and they are of course one of the ‘good guys’). In the story they perceive they have (and will have) a similar role to a spectator watching a sporting event. The story tells them all they have to do is sit around and pledge loyalty to the “good guys” and one day their champion will appear and make the bad guys go away and give them a ticket to a fancy four season resort in the clouds. They feel no need to take action to make the world better in the here and now, after all, why bother when ‘judgement day’ is coming and the bad guys will be held accountable then? Why bother doing the hard work when someone else is going to do it for us? So in essence, they have been told a story that they are on the winning side, and they can just sit back and enjoy the show, sound familiar?

If the stories we have been told (and/or the stories we tell ourselves) promote stagnation, I would suggest that if we want to have a world worth living in and gifting to future generations, we should begin telling new stories about what it means to be human and what the meaning of all this is.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

There is no elected official, institution, politician, guru, priest, revolutionary, savior or any other external force or individual who can do this for you. Engaging in life on Earth is a voluntary journey that each of us chose willingly. The Creator of all things respects our choice to be here and our free will. We did not come here to see a dramatic dualistic showdown happen and applaud the ‘good guy' for vanquishing the bad guy (from a distance as a spectator). No, each and every one of us (whether we are currently consciously aware of this fact or not) came here to co-author the story. That means no-one else is going to do the hard work for us (not a savior, rebel leader nor a politician) we came here to do that work of transforming this world ourselves.

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With all due respect the Bible does not tell us to sit do nothing and wait for God/Jesus to fix everything and take care of us. Quite the opposite, God takes care of those who take care of themselves. Here are some examples:

1 Timothy 5:8 ESV

But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

1 Timothy 5:3-5

3 Take care of widows who really need help. 4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, the first thing they need to learn is this: to show their devotion to God by taking care of their own family. They will be repaying their parents, and this pleases God. 5 A widow who really needs help is one who has been left all alone. She trusts God to take care of her. She prays all the time, night and day, and asks God for help.

2 Thessalonians 3:10-15

For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. If anyone does not obey what we say in this letter, take note of that person, and have nothing to do with him, that he may be ashamed.

And yes, our Savior Jesus Christ will one day return and all knees will bow. He died for our sins so that we may have eternity in Heaven. In the meantime, we are to be good stewards of this earth, and everything we have been blessed with by God Almighty. Nowhere in the Bible, does it say to sit on your butt and things will magically appear.

God’s blessings to you.

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Greetings Micáhla

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and those bible quotes.

I suppose I was going on what I have had many people say to me who identified themselves as Christians and told me about how they see my intent to plant a food forest, a garden or trying to build off grid communities guided by integrity, love, humility, peace, courage, honesty, permaculture design and hard work was a waste of time because "judgement is coming and they are just gonna sit back and enjoy a front row seat and get sent to the promised land".

I am glad your interpretation of the bible differs from theirs and you suggest people take action to improve this world and their lives rather than see this life experience and time in history as a spectator sport.

May God and the Mother Earth bless you on your path and in your endeavors to help others and improve this world through your own decisive choices.

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Excellent article, Joe. As I read it I got a clear "emotional memory" of the of the artificial interpersonal landscapes of "Bladerunner". From the standpoint of full human happiness, any version of what you describe will be a desolate, barren shadow of existence for some small portion of us who really know and enjoy the depth of the legacy human experience. I fully concur with another commenter, time to completely unplug and find others who want to build a society of legacy humans.

Thank you for all you do!

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I inch closer and closer to unplugging entirely every day. I'm down to a landline phone and this laptop. There may be no stopping me now.

Just call me Luddite Lucy... ♥

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Me too. In the coming hard times the skills needed to survive and cope may be more like the skills of our grandparents and the hard copy books may be the best reading we have. We are too used to the smart phones. kindles and laptops. (says I, writing on my workstation. Doh!)

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I was just talking to my daughter-in-law today about the days of landlines and how nice it was to not have a phone following me around all the time. The only problem was you never knew who was calling till you picked up the receiver. I know how you feel.

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Thank God for Caller ID!

I don't answer unless I know who's calling.

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You see that technology is a two edged sword. We love it when it helps us and hate it when it hurts. I have the recurring thought that I want all of this to slow down. That thought was an obsession during the years I worked for Microsoft.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

"Yep, here's your problem. Someone set this thing to evil." - Krusty the Clown doll repairman on The Simpsons

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IMHO, excellent insight and a highly reasonable pro/con for some of the key issues.

.... "The AI is motivated to learn by Pavlovian “reward models,” like a neural blob receiving hits of dopamine every time it gets the right answer. "

Ditto everyone using AI.

A vortex of reciprocal Dante(ian) 'modified host behavior', culminating as a wholly new form of *matter-information*. E.g. Star Trek's Q of the Q Continuum.

--- PS --- (modified host behaviour) is in title of videos on my Rumble which present that concept: https://rumble.com/c/c-1852196

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Brilliant piece Joe Allen! Thank you.

Few notice as well as you do the 'religious/spiritual' constant that runs through this whole agenda. The 'Google god' et al. But if they did, they would understand that all this (un)godly fakery sits on the assumed supremacy of the neural mind as the (lowest, actually) common denominator shared by humans and synthetic intelligence - the logical counterpoint to which is the true human mind that does not live only 'in the head' and the multi-dimensional sense of 'the spiritual' that is natural to us. But to go there, we need to clean up the toxins in our minds, and these run deeper than we suspect thanks to all the unacknowledged false beliefs that run the show inside us - even in the 'awakened'.

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I can't help but think that given the inputs and the curbs so they will be "politically correct" (whatever the hell that really means as the parameters change constantly) that the AI's will end up being insane.

Will there be a need to create AI psychiatrists and therapists to treat them? Will the autonomous cars develop road rage and purposefully crash into other cars?

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

WOW!!!!! This a work of genius. Keep up the great reporting and prognostication. I repeat. You should be preparing a book. I'll be first in line to buy it!

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Every bot is merely a product of his programmer.

God help us!

Thank you, Joe. Your Awesome!

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Thank you for your insights.

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Thank God for the Orthodox Christian religion which is kept on Mount Athos.

This article reminds me that there are suckers born every minute, but they are not the majority. I also remember the days of the hula hoops, yoyos, klackers, transistor radios, pong and the addictive behaviors that were cultivated by those same entrepreneurs. Computers are just another toy for the boobs and suckers who allow them to control their lives. Then there are those of us who know how to use them without giving them our souls or all our private info. I'm just glad so many parents woke up to take back the schools in order to redirect the education of their children. Just like the demise of all those toys I mentioned...

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Great stuff, as always Joe. It all started when our tech leaders decided they could open up the pools of our data in the Cloud to training the AI bots. Did they ask permission? Where are the ethics committees and morality police when you need them? So stop uploading your stuff to the 'free' storage spaces. It's not free. Keep all your tech separate and if nothing else, they won't be able to clone your personality because that's coming - like the custom DNA medicine, they will develop 'helper' clones to deal with all the mundane online responses as you supposedly invest your time in more higher-level tasks.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Any novelty has two conditions – optional and mandatory. The more subtle way, and an intermediate step, is a quasi-mandatory stance where the user goes to the midway in order not to be left behind or, other utilitarian reasons. The problem is how to get disconnected once the individual is in the grip of the technology. The Chatbot is another credit card-like usage. I would mention the vaccines too. Once they figure out how to monetize it we have no escape.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

As I was reading this, Short Circuit came to mind, and then I saw your visual reference of Johnny 5. I tell you, the stuff you write scares me. Does it keep you up at night?

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Just remember most of this was first started by Military groups. This has been inevitable. The biggest problem in preventing it from succeeding is separating money and technology which people LOVE more than anything. It’s the same reason why many are willing to take a vax or implant chips in their head for connectivity SMH.

Technology destroys ALL God given rights!!!

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