Our world is full of treachery. Just look around. There are knuckleheads who refuse to return shopping carts to the corral, leaving your local parking lot a cluttered obstacle course. We’ve had years to adapt to digital culture, yet some obnoxious d-bags still blab with their speakerphone at full volume. I imagine these same people drive slow in the passing lane. You’d think they enjoy being a pain.
Signs of the End Times are everywhere—and have been since the very first city wall crumbled.
My own neighborhood has been made vibrant by immigrants, lunatics, and white trash. The immigrants hover like ghosts, saying nothing, connected to no one but their co-ethnics overseas. The lunatics ask me for unreasonable favors. In return, they offer the dark secrets of the universe.
Just the other day, a loudmouth wiggety-wig stood in the lot across from my place screaming at his girlfriend on the phone. His strained accent was a cross between a rap track and some pathetic online catharsis.
“You bein’ mean to me, girl! Why you always mean to me?! Bitch!!”
The trick is to not let these antisocial behaviors ruin your mood. Most people aren’t like this. Not yet. The sun shines down all the same and the birds sing in celebration. You’ll make missteps, too, but the good Lord forgives.
Another thing to remember is that greed, wrath, and ignorance are endemic to the human condition, so our most refined elites are just as prone to wickedness as the lowliest grunt. No one is spared a sinful nature. The primary difference from one social class to the next is the scale of damage one can do.
The other night, I had a dream that scientists were creating transgender mice, human-monkey chimeras, and AI-symbiotic brain organoids. Lab techs were jamming electrodes into mammal skulls, fine-tuning their trodes for mass human implantation.
Children were trained to ask machines for the truth. Meanwhile, a stuttering Red Caesar used algorithms to streamline the imperial beehive. He established a half-baked algocracy where each worker bee was either replaced or augmented by artificial intelligence.
Bzzz bzzz bzzz…
And the visions only got weirder.
Fuzzy-wuzzy, if oftentimes violent Ewoks were cleared out of their makeshift dwellings by storm troopers. The Empire was prepared to build intergalactic resorts on their beachfront property. Those Ewoks allowed to return would be under constant surveillance and forced to trade with the Empire’s digital currency.
By “dream,” of course, I mean a ridiculously long spell of staring at my smartphone screen—the Hylic Portal. I scrolled through one report after another, reading about this or that abomination, and cross-referenced it with my previous research. If you believe the text and images on your screen are connected to objective reality, all of this is actually happening.
Last December, the White Coat Waste Project discovered the US government has given over $10 million to scientists to “create transgender mice, rats, and monkeys in university labs.” The funds were rubber-stamped by the NIH and USDA. The ultimate purpose was to apply these techniques to human tranny-mannies at scale.
This biohorror is as real as brain organoids. So is our propensity for selective outrage.
Two years before the trans rat revelation, federal investigators uncovered similar abuses by Neuralink lab techs. “In all, the company has killed about 1,500 animals,” Reuters reported at the time, “including more than 280 sheep, pigs, and monkeys.” The ultimate purpose was to apply these techniques to human tranny-mannies at scale.
At present, Neuralink has implanted only three human subjects, allowing paralysis victims to enjoy a mystical software called Telepathy. This is clearly a good use of the technology. Speaking on a panel with Bibi Netanyahu back in 2023, however, Elon Musk projected a borg-hive future that goes way beyond healing.
“The reason for Neuralink—initially it will be very helpful to people who have brain or spine injuries,” Musk explained, “and ultimately to improve the bandwidth between the cortex and the AI version of yourself. … And if ultimately hundreds of millions or billions of people get a high-bandwidth interface to their digital tertiary self—their AI self, effectively—then that probably leads to a better future for humanity.”
I’m not implying Elon Musk is the Antichrist. Honestly, I doubt he thinks too much about it. But if he was, I bet his fanboys would tattoo 666 on their own foreheads and say it was for the glory of God and country.
X marks the spot.
So long as we’re talking about Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister happened to be the first foreign leader to meet with president Trump at the White House. During their press conference, Trump proposed a solution to the endless violence between Israelis and Gazan Palestinians. The refugees would be sent off to various safe zones in Egypt and Jordan. Their demolished land in Gaza would be rebuilt via a US partnership to develop all that “valuable” waterfront property.
In case you’re wondering what this “Riviera of the Middle East” might look like, an independent coalition of Israeli advisors wants to install a “technocratic transitional government” in Gaza. Their Abraham Shield Plan is basically a human laboratory.
“Cash in the Gaza Strip will be abolished (‘ZeroCash’) and an advanced mechanism of monetary supervision will be implemented,” the Coalition for Regional Security proclaims. “With crisis, comes opportunity.”
Setting aside the complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict—which Americans tend to interpret according to their own religious or racial affinities—this callous Abraham Shield Plan lays out widely held ideas in naked terms. Undesirable human behaviors must be brought to heel through digital control. Freedom is secondary to safety. This notion is hardly unique to Israel, of course, and many Israelis are as horrified by such a society as any other sensible people.
Cashless surveillance states using biometric digital IDs are emerging across the planet. China is a good example of what happens when this is implemented openly. Their WeChat app combines social media connection, convenient payments, and social credit scores in one platform. Run afoul of the Chinese Communist Party, and your digital money gets frozen. The wayward Chinaman becomes a nonperson.
India is expanding its own biometric ID and cashless payment systems. One imagines the bindi upgraded with a biodigital implant. In a patchwork fashion, the European Union is stumbling along a similar path. That rough Beast slouches toward Bethlehem, collecting digital trackers along the way instead of passport stamps.
The technical design has been in the works for decades. Its symbolic image has been with us for two thousand years. So there’s no reason to freak out about it. There’s no reason to get hysterical. But do remain vigilant.
America is not above the Beast System. We’re at the heart of it. The only thing standing in the way of its full implementation is the dogged American spirit that refuses to accept the deal. From 9/11 to Covid-19, that defiant core has been our saving grace.
Of course, anti-government defiance can be redirected and confused so that more corporate versions of a Beast System are accepted. To take one sensational example, Elon Musk has partnered with Visa to enable the X payment system. Musk sees this future platform as “the everything app.”
“You basically live on WeChat in China because it’s so usable and helpful to daily life,” Musk told his staff in June of 2022, “and I think if we can achieve that, or even get close to that at Twitter, it would be an immense success.”
Presently, one of the most defiant elements of the American populace—known affectionately as MAGA—has been hypnotized to see Musk as a cyborg savior. To be fair, his ongoing work with DOGE is rooting out all sorts of corrupt government spending. Musk’s team is using AI to identify and quantify useless eaters on the federal payroll.
“The end goal is replacing the human workforce with machines,” a US official recently told the Washington Post. “Everything that can be machine-automated will be. And the technocrats will replace the bureaucrats.”
Many will say, “Yeah, well, of course the Bezos-owned WaPo would quote an anonymous source.” Fair enough. The hypocrisy of this mudslinging is obvious. Now keep your pom-poms shaking.
The reality is that Musk’s other competitor, Sam Altman, has already contracted with our federal government to integrate ChatGPT Gov across multiple agencies. Non-public documents will be fed into a “secure” AI system, which is hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud. Federal workers will use ChatGPT Gov to do their thinking and writing for them, as thousands were already doing anyway.
This is Algocracy 1.0—a partial rule by algorithm, which could spiral into a system where AIs have ever increasing authority over our managed reality.
The broligarchy’s cheerleaders appear to have both limitless energy and zero moral consistency. Scrolling along as if my thumb is controlled by an algo, I see the online swarms buzz this way and that according to their pre-programmed affinities. A time-honored formula determines much of their outrage:
“Evil transhumanism” is when our enemies do it.
“Good technology” is when our allies do it.
2 + 2 = ?
If there’s anything transhumanists get right, it’s that the human mind is fickle and easily controlled by algorithms. Of course, sacred scripture alludes to much the same. Good thing we have AIs to interpret those cryptic allegories for us.
It’s tempting to impose a Beast System on your adversaries, believing it will never be turned on you. Use AI-powered surveillance to tag-and-track shopping cart offenders and deduct their social credit score. Install tiny bombs in smartphones so whenever someone blares a speaker in public, it’ll blow up in their face. Mandate autonomous vehicles to rid the road of left lane cruisers.
Eliminate terrorists by erecting a total surveillance state with mandatory biodigital IDs and cashless payments. Force immigrants to provide DNA and other biometric scans. Deploy drones and robotic hellhounds to patrol the border. Use artificial intelligence to smash your enemy’s apparatus.
The Beast System is a strong temptation. If you kneel before it, all the kingdoms of the world can be yours.
Purchase yours at → DarkAeon.xyz ←
Stupendous, Witty & Insightful writing as always, JOEBOT. We love you! 🫶🏼
I'm glad you post early in the morning because it helps me ... yikes!...better get up! You've given me a lot to ponder today, but I will start with this: as a MAGA person who liked MAGA better without Elon but also very grateful for Elon at the same time. My fear of Elon is he seems to have no fear. I want to tell Trump...slow down, give the normies a chance to understand that excising corruption is a good thing, and there wont be any dastardly collateral damage...right? It's like when cutting out a cancerous tumor, there is always a chance the surgery itself will cause the cancer to spread. How can we restrain AI if we cant restrain Elon? Trump seems to do a pretty good job. Does Elon know that the "Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom," and how can we program that into AI and its emerging progeny?