Oh, if only the Oligarchs could be trusted. So much of this advancement seems so damn wonderful! But, alas, we know that human beings are flawed immeasurably and evil rules this world. Covid lock downs, forced jabs, internment camps, forced mass hysteria coming from the top down...unrelenting evil everywhere...Unfortunately-This whole damn thing is never to be trusted, ever.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Mr. A., thank you for your research and comilation. It sent me to the MIT AI/CS lab and, in particular, a paper on the site about AI being confounded by "overinterpretation." Turns out machines can and do make perfectly "unbiased" predictions that have zero confidence attached. THIS IS THE RULE not the exception when serious stuff is happening and decisions MUST be made in a very short period of time. Not exactly suitable for little things like driverless cars, let alone governing self-reproducing economic system. Bottom line is that humans with access to restricted/mixed stochastic regression techniques, full information maximum likelihood methods and spectral analysis can do BETTER than machines using these very same tools of statistical inference. Hoo wah !!!

Here is the link to the MIT paper: https://www.csail.mit.edu/news/nonsense-can-make-sense-machine-learning-models.

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Joe can you look into nano tech in our food source..Link above is from FDA. Which by the way, can neither confirm nor deny the benefits or risks of this technology . Interesting and bloody F.......scary

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Thank you for this! I certainly will.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I shared this knowledge with a friend. Their response was.


Yeah, I have heard and read about this stuff. But here’s what I don’t get: If some one or cabal is herding billions of people into trans humanism, then they themselves remain human. If they do not remain human, then who is controlling it? Maybe the question should be phrased, “What is controlling it?” since there no longer is a human “who.” In that case, somewhere along the line the last human checked out and now there are only trans-humans. Then What is in charge? (since we cannot talk about “Who” anymore)? Is it HAL? (2001, A Space Odyssey)? There are interesting parallels. There is a God out there Who created all of reality and controls it with His sovereign providence. Yet many would rather believe in a super-race of trans-humanism than to believe in a Creator God. The cost is minimal. If everything is controlled by AI, then there is no morality, there is no sin, and no need of forgiveness. In contrast, the Creator God of all reality has definite laws that stipulate how human life ought to be lived. Failure and violation are sin. Now the cost is great, and most would not want to face up to it and rather would flee to something like AI transhumanism. The subterfuge of unbelief has had many creative expressions over the centuries.

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Great research and writing Joe! Can't wait to read the 2nd part.

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Which is why they don't want or need as many of us to accomplish this. A 1 billion steady population means resources go further and they can control us easier and keep us in localized locations so the rest of the world can revert back to fauna. Machines will farm produce most products we use. People will be connected to the hive for imagination factor. You know what make it 500 million tops. Remember the 5-6 families that really are in control just don't want the headache of use worthless eaters. It will be a technocratic nightmare. And if we don't take these families out soon it might be too late they are decades ahead of us

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I love this Substack channel... Like minds and answering many questions!

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Does anyone remember Jurassic Park? When we were told the GENETICALLY ENGINEERED to animals without the ability for LYCENE? Didn't they say if they didn't feed this to the animals they would slip into a coma and die?

If mRNA tells your cells what to do, who's to say that genetically engineered humans won't actually be genetically engineered slaves dependent on MASTERS just to survive?

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"All Life is Code" --- search for Juan Enriquez on TED Talks.

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Im new here and to this topic so I apologize for asking this - how do these transhuman freaks remove our soul from our bodies and put them into their grid (so to speak)? That has to occur correct?

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