Revelation 18:13 discusses all the various commodities that will be exchange or sold to/by the whore of Babylon, to include "the souls of men". I always wondered how that could be done.... Until I read this.

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Jan 17Liked by Joe Allen

Thanks Joe for the sane run down on the CES. I'm with you all the way. My husband was the only one in his work this week that declined facial recognition time clock technology. He's allowed to use an app. Wonder if there will continue to be alternatives as the world moves forward in the transhumanist direction?

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No. First it starts with the whiz bang thing for volunteer early adopters. When the worst kinks are worked out it becomes the opt-in standard. The old system slides into disrepair and it becomes very inconvenient to refuse the new one. Then someone does a cost/benefit analysis and decides it’s time to phase out the old thing because hardly anyone uses it; that’s when the new thing becomes mandatory. This strategy is so pervasive and works so well that when you’re pitching some corporate system you bring it up before the prospective customer even thinks to ask “how will we roll this out and phase out the old thing,” just so they know you’re super-smart and have all the answers.

But there’s a silver lining here. All this techshit does not reduce complexity, it just moves it somewhere else and increases it in the process: to hardware manufacturers, software programmers, QA, IT staff, and largely onto third parties responsible for infrastructure that supports it all. This was one thing when the hypercompetitive nerd meritocracy handled the technical details. We were just barely able to keep this ridiculous jury-rigged house of cards functioning (most of the time) and convince the managers it was stable and reliable (this was a lie born of nerd egotism). But now the HR departments have priorities other than merit and think that hypercompetitive nerd culture is “toxic” and creates a “hostile work environment”. Which means we’re getting people who were hired for some reasons other than their qualifications, and aren’t always firing them when they fail to do the job. Which means the whole thing is crumbling at an alarming pace.

I doubt we’ll get as far as putting chips in people’s heads before the whole thing collapses in a pile of inert silicon and blue smoke. But if we do, they’ll just be delayed-effect lobotomies in practice.

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Jan 18Liked by Joe Allen

I just saw this:

IBM CEO: ‘Either Embrace AI Or Lose Your Job.

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna told attendees at the 2024 World Economic Forum’s annual meeting that companies and nations who embrace artificial intelligence (AI) “are going to be advantaged forever.” For those who don’t embrace AI, Krishna warned, “you’re going to find that you may not have a job.” Source https://thenationalpulse.com/

What's not to like? They are doing our job for us in alienating people against AI

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"...you still have to remember your old school ways of doing things.” It's revealing to watch the tech evangelists caveat things that they probably know aren't going to happen.

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Jan 18Liked by Joe Allen

That was a great review of the event. Hey, this could be a starting script for your next book "Bright Aeon" "My journey from the dark side to the light". Ya think? Nah!

I loved the car with the suicide doors. Those are always a hit (usually for pedestrians, and riders trying to get out of the back seat on the drivers side).

I also loved you response: "I told him I’d rather God remember and let the physical world forget." where "He said I was doomed to be left behind". Ya know we all get left behind. I was an early adapter to personal computers when they 1st came out. I kept up with the changes for years. But after the decades and the advent of windoze 11, I am afraid my give a shit is broken.

Your mention of the Nigerian hospital and having to fetch water from the river is a fair parable to what just a few well places EMPs would take us back to. Everyone would be looking or buckets and hand pumps to place over wells. As a child of the 1950s and 60s, I could go back to that way of life pretty easily.

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As always, Joe, your ultra-wordsmithing descriptions of this AI gig in Vegas left me with a case of the heebie-jeebies .... glad you were there and not me. Hope you get combat pay for this! Thanks for the analysis/translation/commentary on the world of our "overlords". Sincerely, A Legacy Human in the soon-to-be Wastelands

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Jan 17Liked by Joe Allen

As you’re likely aware Joe; I’ve been a follower of your work on War Room from the beginning of when you 1st came on board. I think your assessment of where the annual CES show was located in Las Vegas (not being sure if it’s held annually there?), your review of all the glittering playthings, was revealing in so many ways, & I truly appreciate your comments & review. I did read your book BTW, & it exceeded my expectations, & I was unable to make it to any of the book signings you had set up in Texas, mostly because I was involved with my oldest Son’s move to Germany through his employment with Tesla, that I couldn’t avoid. We’ve hashed out these futuristic scenarios via the old “Forbidden Planet” movie, that I was able to find on the internet to send you for free, which was such a personal impact on me, while I still quite young in my early teens. So I’ll leave you with this, after reading your CES review, the thing that popped into my mind was that we’ve arrived at a “Topian Cross Road” that’s Prefix dependent, with the ultimate question being, “U-or Dys-“? ~ Pat

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Jan 17Liked by Joe Allen

Well chronicled. Grateful for what you brought back from your katabasis! Better informed now about what's coming--and better stocked with teaching fodder for this semester's feed bags!

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Well Joe, thanks for taking the time to show us a glimpse of the future suckers market. There's one born every minute, some things never change...

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Just listening to your chat with Courtenay Turner, we are all pretty simpatico on the transhuman thing, especially the Descartes bifurcation. I actually posted this yesterday and started listening this morning and had to say something as very few people seem to hear me https://open.substack.com/pub/andrewcorner/p/show-me-the-money?r=b7juy&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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The current state of human digitization:

Seems medical applications are the lure But virtual reality could become the dustbin for emptying the trash (that would be us) -- a potential tool for WEF etal.

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A few things... Robots just can't dance..

Transhumanists are very stupid people because they fail to understand Humanity... they fail to understand life.


And this is the problem with all this toys... that is what they are toys...

It escapes them that Humans are not Machines.

These people are Materialistic and have no shred of Idea what it is to be alive, mind you neither have the Christians.

One Question alludes me...

Can we travel faster than the speed of light?

Robot says: No!

And you believe your Robot?... sure you also believe Biden is legit...

All this transhumanism leads to one thing only... Planet Auschwitz.


And you will be a prisoner of AI.

Oh... who am I to tell you?

I am the original Inventor of the Hyperloop... and Elon Schmuck is a liar and a thief and all Transhumanists are conman.


And I am the first to present a technology that can achieve theoretical faster than light travel.


Beat that!

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Is teledildonics a thing? Faintly curious.

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So thankful you report this information. All of this creeps up on us and blip we are a slave to it. What I don’t understand is why WEF is in a rush to kill most of us yet this technology will desire millions of people to use their devices to make millions of dollars. They are working against each other in a way. It’s time to recreate the community and redefine the antidisestablishmentarian!--

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"BrainSight AI is used in over twenty hospitals in India, and a growing number of American facilities, so obviously they aim to heal."

Obviously? Mang, where have you been for the last 4 years?

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Covering exactly that.

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Respectfully, don't think hospitals are strictly in the healing business anymore.

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