Oct 8, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Joe ... Do you ever feel that after learning all that you've shared and likely more that you know and haven't shared yet, that you just want to chuck it all, sell everything, and live in a cave on the most basic human level possible? I probably don't know HALF of what you do, but what I do know makes me feel that way. My "Quick! Run, hide!" reflex is strong these days. I'm too old for this sh*t.

Keep up the good work......../heart here/

/heavy sigh and tears here/

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You must be reading my mind.

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I agree 100% It's a world I Never want to live in. I am too old also. My poor grandkids. It's all so wrong.

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Love your work... I have seen you on War Room. Transhumanism is so fascinating, scary and disturbing all at the same time. Keep cranking out the articles. You've got a fan here.

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Oct 12, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Hi Joe, I've enjoyed your segments on Bannon's War Room. I'm not a tech person, just a teacher. Your article about the Pope and his prayer for AI was disturbing. The "New Normal" of communicating in my opinion, is really just good old fashioned Neuro-linguistic programming technique. And boy, have they been pushing that hard during this whole COVID fiasco. Once you know the tactics, you can spot it anywhere. The vagueness leaves them plenty of room to create confusion and chaos. I watched the WH Press Secretary do this today in her briefing. She literally spoke for 2 minutes and said absolutely nothing at all! Anyway, thanks so much for what you're doing and breaking it down for us to understand. Cheers!

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Look forward to watching you on WarRoom. Sure wish Bannon would give you more time.

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Much appreciated!

Bannon has discernment.

He'll let the dog off the leash when the time comes.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

We are at an evolutionary stage where the future of humanity is becoming more and more influenced by exponential growth in knowledge and technology. Humans are not managing or controlling crucial decision points as we transcend from Shock Level 0 thru SL4 of unmodified humans. Whereas mankind evolves, morphs, and evaporates into another Dimension of reality and understanding of SL5. Driven only by power, greed, naivety into the grasp and abyss of the unknown. ---->>

"We can now clearly see strong similarities between the “posthuman perceptual threshold” of perceptuo-centrism and the implied tier beyond Yudkowsky’s SL4, where human prediction and understanding are stymied by the sheer scale, complexity, pace, and strangeness of technological development. For this reason I suggest that there is indeed a Shock Level Five, constituted by phenomena which by their very nature cannot be perceived or predicted by unmodified humans. This profound epistemological barrier can only be overcome by modifying one’s own physical structure in ways which facilitate new modes of perception or cognition."


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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Always learning, never knowing.

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Oct 8, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

There will always be a struggle between those in the middle and those on the extremes.

And I believe most of us understand that while Mankind is comfortable using new technologies (from the digital watch and calculator to the smart phone and computer) we also need community, fellowship, and the natural world to be our best, healthiest, truest selves.

That said, I'm all for advancing technology and automating difficult, repetitive, and dangerous tasks in manufacturing (been doing it for 30+ years) and those who disagree are living in a fantasy world.

There's a commonsense and very Human reason why we used animals to pull our plows and carriages, why we used wind and water to turn wheels that drove our machines.

But to use that to justify trying to become "Borg-Like" is insane, and trying to create a super computer to outsmart humanity like "Deep Thought" is just as crazy.

We've all seen the movie, and it doesn't end well.

We must all stand up for what it means to be Human, and while we adopt new, non-evasive technologies (fast speeds, better information, higher fidelity) we must not lose what makes us the people we are, and a huge part of that is getting outside, enjoying the outdoors, and embracing nature and the green world which has always been our home.

Someday in the distant future, as well learn how to cross the huge distances between stars, it will not be as "Man-Machine" hybrids, but as curious beings from Earth who bring along for the journey entire mini-Earth environments with a complete min-biosphere of plants and animals as that, and not some metal box, is where we are at our best.


Michael Seven

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Yes. Definitely. It's the difference between driving a fine car and becoming one..

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Well said. Especially this: “We must all stand up for what it means to be Human, and while we adopt new, non-evasive technologies (fast speeds, better information, higher fidelity) we must not lose what makes us the people we are, and a huge part of that is getting outside, enjoying the outdoors, and embracing nature and the green world which has always been our home.” Excellent.

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Nov 6, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

AI can not only make mistakes at astronomical speeds but those mistakes can be very large disasters. Recently, Zillow realized its AI powered real estate flipping scheme was massively underwater and is now being forced to liquidate a portfolio of thousands of homes. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/zillow-scrambles-punt-7000-homes-28-billion-ai-flipping-scheme-ends-disaster I suspect their developers codified their biases into the algo which dutifully scaled up into a very large failure.

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Oct 8, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I've een you several times on War Room, good information.

I'm tempted to call this, "What it means to Eat Humans." They, the elite, are the predators and we are the prey. They plan to use us for our energy, much like in the ancient past when they first domesticated animals. With the new technology they will domesticate us for power and profit. And, according to Klaus Schwab we will own nothing, just like livestock, and enjoy it like a steer happily chewing grass before being hitched to a plow or a wagon.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, have you ever thought that , among other things the Covid is promoting that it may make humans embrace trans humanism due to the damage the vaccines are doing to to the human body? The heart damage, the neurological damage, the fertility damage, is what I’m thinking of, that’s being reported. The push to give vaccines down to babies here in the U.S. leaves me searching for the possible answer .

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Oct 16, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Good work! I saw the fundamental errors with Kurzweil years ago (a few years after spending time with the neural network guys and objecting to their hubris). Fundamentally I am not concerned about all the transhumanist nonsense--it will soon collapse. What is missing from the conferences is a pushback based on Robert Rosen's work (Life Itself, Anticipatory Systems). Rosen clearly (VERY CLEARLY) explained the difference between organisms and machines. Machines cannot and will not EVER be able to reach what these misguided intellectuals and technologists are hoping for.

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I wish Bannon wouldn't interrupt you ! So frustrating.. just singed up today. Excited to learn more:)

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Gotta say this -- when an old lion speaks, it's best to stop and listen.

He always knows something I don't.

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Something must be done to let folks know how insane these transhuman people are. I'm in all the way.

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

have you looked into SingularityNET ... https://singularitynet.io/

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It's a small world -- ine of the guys at the TransVision conference I'm covering is involved.

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Ben Goertzel and Charles Hoskinson did a few youtube videos beginning about 18 months ago FYI. You can see the progression.

So, is Cardano a suitable/favorable platform to build AGI apps because its foundational code uses imperative programming?

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It's not something I've followed. Having just now browsed the topic, I couldn't say.

I will say that Ben Goertzel is the ultimate surfer dude transhumanist!

When he did his talk at TransVision, he showed off his new robot, Grace.

She talked like a dopey soulless robot from a 60's movie, but the way Goertzel put his hand on her hip, I have to wonder if he created her for conversation.

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Oct 11, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

As an econometrician I have a preexisting notion of singularity. It's wehn the determinant of the adjoint matrix goes to zero. I'm sorry to be so specific, but in the statistical imagery you can predict but cannot verify. Single equation models have exploding confidence intervals. In the multi-equation simultaneous model you have what is called unidentifiability. You cannot sort anthing out. It makes it impossible to invert anything meaning you can solve for nothing using you model. To the extent the signularity disciples believe consciousness is all and only about computation, the north star wanders and the ancient mariner becomes hopelessly perplexed in the dark. So, for me, signularity means the absence of computability. Sorry to go off. I wrote my dissertation under David Hawkins who, with Stanley Ulam, developed the multiplicative theory of probability as applied at Los Alamos. To roll it into a ball David insisted that the search for boundaries presupposed a knowledge of what is bounded. In the singular world, this is impossible by construction.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I've seen you several times on War Room and find your analysis to be spot on. I just watched Cyrus Parsa on Stew Peters and found his insights astounding. I always suspected the ayys were demon seed or chimeric. Have you looked at his work? If so, what's your take?

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Let's just say that Parsa is a man with great imagination. It's very easy to get carried away. Believe me, I know.

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

As do I. Its a powerful thing.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Joe Allen


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Oct 6, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Awesome stuff Joe! Let’s keep hitting… 45 is near

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