Hey, Joe, it's early here, so no big words, just more coffee. I agree it would be so easy to go back to "sleep" as in days of long ago, but then we're back to deep slumber and back seat "I'll be raptured out of this soon". I don't like the FACT they're listening in. I want the rats caught, the swamp drained, the GITMO tribunals, etc. But for now, I'll live one day at a time, trust God, and keep updated, amused and alerted by JoeBot. Thanks, Joe!
With all the smoke there has got to be fire somewhere. But where? In 1861 Abraham Lincoln wrote in his diary: “Both sides could be wrong, but both sides cannot be right”. Lincoln did not believe that both sides were wrong, and he understood the importance of picking the right side under the guiding light of immutable truth. The Bible says that the people who are ultimately condemned become so because they ceased to be “lovers of truth”. Here is the root of the tree, in a world that no longer believes in objective truth, the place where the love goes to die. I can’t debate anything with someone who doesn’t believe in objective truth. As GK Chesterton put it: “A person who concludes that they do not believe in God does not of a sudden believe nothing. They believe anything”
Well, my primary vote would have gone to Kalergi. And thanks for highlighting that it's pore not pour.
Happy Holy Thursday to you Joe-bee Job-ee Joe. Tis one of the most impactful scenes in your book. The washing of the foot of the gal, to your left, with physical deformity, submitting your own to be washed by a young man with Down syndrome, to your right. In that circle, in that moment, profound empathy was forged. Unexpected simple humanity. Thanks for conveying that day with essential care.
Did a pre-record for War Room today, and ended on that.
The record was not exactly showbiz-worthy — but in my defense, it was literally the first time I ever just stared into a camera with no one on the other end.
Your anticipation of the conclusion is appropriate on multiple levels.
Wow. Just wow. The strings of resonance conveying the importance of that day ring true.
Christ Crucified has us both gripped by the throat, which makes it difficult to find an appropriate voice to relay the divine message of that moment, cracked vessels of clay that we are. Catholics often focus on the drama of Easter and Christmas and even today, Good Friday, as being the touchstones of the Faith. However, my memories as both child and adult, of Holy Thursday remain unmatched. The fact that Christ, knowing what was about to unfold, knelt to wash the feet of Judas too. The first Act of Charity or humility is service. Then the 'feast' and the betrayal with an 11:1 ratio, that Jesus told John who would betray Him in advance knowing John would not flee, standing with the Blessed Virgin Mary, receiving her as his own Mother, taking her into his home. The flow of events;
1. the washing of the feet (I have had my foot washed by our parish priest)
2. the Last Supper in the upper room (my home has at least two of those images)
3. the betrayal with the infamous 30 pieces of silver (my parish stained glass window)
4. the Garden of Gethsemane when the 3 boyos fall asleep as Christ prays
5. "wait one hour with Me" (every year for 20+ years, in person Eucharistic Adoration)
6. the Roman soldiers' approach and the Judas kiss
7. the slicing of the ear by Simon Peter, Christ's rebuke, the healing amidst darkness
8. the denial of Christ by Peter and the significance of the rooster's third alarm
9. after the arrest, the mistreatment, the imprisonment, all prior to Pontius Pilate
10. physical prayer through charity, mental prayer in the Garden, sacrificial prayer as His body is abused in the scourging at the pillar, the abandonment of all but John, the Cross
Joe, your profound respect for the events, the history, the experience of your own with the Boston L'Arche community, absorbing its humility and significance, reached my marrow. Awaiting your Good Friday second segment with elation...
The recording was not as awkward as you likely felt. Having watched the clip after reading your comment, I believe it provides an object lesson. There seems to be an unseen and unacknowledged synergy that assists our flow of thought when talking to another human with heart and mind. On the other hand, talking to a machine which lacks a God given heart and mind is disconcertingly disruptive to that flow.
Thanks Joe, that’s an interesting with a lighthearted viewpoint on conspiracy theory.
Each individual will see schemes, deceptions, and realities based on their own life circumstance, experiences, and perspective in time.
To understand more clearly one has to mentally place themselves into the mindset of the people who lived it in their perspective in time.
There may be truths or falsehoods and everyone will perceive things differently. The human mind is an amazing thing. It has the ability to protect itself by way of believing or sensing what does not exist in reality.
More so, it can “fill in the blanks” of what it cannot understand or make logical sense of.
This is known as Perception Deception. You can look up online articles of Perception Deception and do the experiments yourself to see and understand how people can sense things completely differently from one another.
This is amplified by the fact that outside sources such as the media works to infect and use propaganda to influence what people think and believe. Other things that affect us are dynamic and endless natural forces in the universe that we will never understand.
We are on an electromagnetic planet that itself is a live entity spiraling around a star which is traveling around a galaxy at a half million miles per hour through the unknown vastness of the unknown universe.
Every microsecond that passes can bring phenomena that everyone can sense differently than anyone else.
Proof is a concept of the human mind. It is an abstraction, conceptualization, theory, and hypothesis.
This makes it simple to understand all the conspiracy theories, UFO sightings, distrust in authority, etc..
Here is a great example of the start of a conspiracy theory- At this point in time with our open borders for tens of millions of people from all corners of the globe.
In my life in communism I learned a lesson similar to the concept of "conspiracy" - "Any rumor is later confirmed by a fact." Since 1993 i have been reading eye-opening books like yours but were interesting because they were just in 2D - on paper. Now we see things in 3D and it is not so much fun. What is next? Stepping in real life thrillers...?
It's early morning in Prison Paradise (Australia) and I'm enjoying a cup of coffee with my favourite Substack. This week our government just rushed in another Bill overnight to get us closer to digital IDs and Armaguard, the only company which transports cash from banks to businesses announced it's on the brink of insolvency, which means a cashless society is steamrolling ahead. Coincidence or conspiracy? I think I'll have another cup of coffee. Happy Easter Joe and the critical thinking cabal!
Love the term "conspiracy fatigue" - and great album title.
One "Cabal"? It is, and has always been the money changers, 'Big Money' at the top of the pyramid - from the usurers' at the tables that Christ overturned to today's BIS and the Central Banks around the world who skillfully keep themselves under the radar and keep us distracted with all of the above while they grip the levers of power that create all wars and form the worldview of the masses in which most everyone complacently obeys.
They have us coming and going. Now with AI-assisted surveillance and predictive behavior tools, we won't even be sure of our innermost thoughts and desires. Philip K. Dick was THE prophet.
There are realities of the things you mentioned but there is also the distraction (look a squirrel!) of them. There have always been organizations that want to control the masses, make themselves rich and powerful. And they do that very well. Now we live in a time that they have honed their skills and have the technologies for spreading the word about the squirrels to everyone while they bring in armies of invading peoples, and their debt based economies have become unsustainable. Solution? wage slavery and total control. Replacing populations, the elite "masters of the universe" separating themselves from the unwashed and now cancer ridden (thanks to them) masses. So, the conspiracies are real, but we have to SEE WHAT WE SEE. SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN PLAIN SIGHT. Understand history to see how people both dealt with it before or were harmed by it. THEN ACT ACCORDINGLY.
But realize that relief is not going to come from our controlled governments and political parties. Whomever the next president will be, no matter how well intentioned can only do so much.
Ah yes, this is a common problem nowadays. There is no "cabal". What we are seeing is the networked effects of developing technology and, on the other hand the negative externalities it generates and that we never bothered to take seriously, because we are so hooked on tech solving all problems that it never even occurred to anyone this could have a backside too (well maybe it occurred to people like Thomas Sowell, but no one listens to them anyways).
Lets take feminism for example. Technology allowed women to join the workforce, quite simply because most of the physical power needed is now no longer provided by manual labour but by machines. On the other hand, technology also allowed for reproduction to be a much more plannable and much lower risk business than before. You can choose when you want to have your children, and when you have them, their mortality riks is 0,1% or so not 50% as it used to be. All of this resulted in a social phenomenon that is very easy to understand if you see it from the point of view of tech development. Yet, most people are more comfortable seeing it from the point of view of cabals.
Interesting viewpoint. There are conspiracies, though I don’t believe they’re black and white, as you pointed out. Mostly, the destruction seems to be due to an overall erosion of values and ethics, of which actual conspirators take advantage. Most egregious acts seem to be driven by avarice and power-lust. It is easy to destroy something, but harder to build, and much harder to maintain things. The diminishment of God and a higher purpose in life seems to be the root cause of bringing us to where we are.
Take a look at some of the documentaries of Pastor Billy Crone. I think they would be right up your alley Though he carries the title Pastor, and I don’t believe that is where you are at, I do believe some of his documentary subjects will whet your inborn curiosity.
Don’t let the weird sensationalist appearance of his work put you off, it contains more meat than bones.
I have in my library ‘Hybrids, Super Soldiers and the Coming Genetic Apocalypse’. His information is thoroughly researched, fascinating and can be overwhelming. Some of it, for you, might be familiar. The aforementioned series is a 16 DVD set
Hi Joe, well done once again. Thank you. And yes, I've said all along the very same thing, "it's Cain and Abel." It's a spiritual battle first, manifesting itself in the earthly realm. So, I guess you could say it's a spiritual cabal; maybe some of these people knowingly, wittingly worshiping at the altar of Evil, and maybe some entirely unwittingly worshiping at the altar of Evil. Keep up the excellent work, and thank you again - you have a nice and distinct voice.
Hey, Joe, it's early here, so no big words, just more coffee. I agree it would be so easy to go back to "sleep" as in days of long ago, but then we're back to deep slumber and back seat "I'll be raptured out of this soon". I don't like the FACT they're listening in. I want the rats caught, the swamp drained, the GITMO tribunals, etc. But for now, I'll live one day at a time, trust God, and keep updated, amused and alerted by JoeBot. Thanks, Joe!
With all the smoke there has got to be fire somewhere. But where? In 1861 Abraham Lincoln wrote in his diary: “Both sides could be wrong, but both sides cannot be right”. Lincoln did not believe that both sides were wrong, and he understood the importance of picking the right side under the guiding light of immutable truth. The Bible says that the people who are ultimately condemned become so because they ceased to be “lovers of truth”. Here is the root of the tree, in a world that no longer believes in objective truth, the place where the love goes to die. I can’t debate anything with someone who doesn’t believe in objective truth. As GK Chesterton put it: “A person who concludes that they do not believe in God does not of a sudden believe nothing. They believe anything”
Well, my primary vote would have gone to Kalergi. And thanks for highlighting that it's pore not pour.
Happy Holy Thursday to you Joe-bee Job-ee Joe. Tis one of the most impactful scenes in your book. The washing of the foot of the gal, to your left, with physical deformity, submitting your own to be washed by a young man with Down syndrome, to your right. In that circle, in that moment, profound empathy was forged. Unexpected simple humanity. Thanks for conveying that day with essential care.
Did a pre-record for War Room today, and ended on that.
The record was not exactly showbiz-worthy — but in my defense, it was literally the first time I ever just stared into a camera with no one on the other end.
Your anticipation of the conclusion is appropriate on multiple levels.
Happy Easter!
Wow. Just wow. The strings of resonance conveying the importance of that day ring true.
Christ Crucified has us both gripped by the throat, which makes it difficult to find an appropriate voice to relay the divine message of that moment, cracked vessels of clay that we are. Catholics often focus on the drama of Easter and Christmas and even today, Good Friday, as being the touchstones of the Faith. However, my memories as both child and adult, of Holy Thursday remain unmatched. The fact that Christ, knowing what was about to unfold, knelt to wash the feet of Judas too. The first Act of Charity or humility is service. Then the 'feast' and the betrayal with an 11:1 ratio, that Jesus told John who would betray Him in advance knowing John would not flee, standing with the Blessed Virgin Mary, receiving her as his own Mother, taking her into his home. The flow of events;
1. the washing of the feet (I have had my foot washed by our parish priest)
2. the Last Supper in the upper room (my home has at least two of those images)
3. the betrayal with the infamous 30 pieces of silver (my parish stained glass window)
4. the Garden of Gethsemane when the 3 boyos fall asleep as Christ prays
5. "wait one hour with Me" (every year for 20+ years, in person Eucharistic Adoration)
6. the Roman soldiers' approach and the Judas kiss
7. the slicing of the ear by Simon Peter, Christ's rebuke, the healing amidst darkness
8. the denial of Christ by Peter and the significance of the rooster's third alarm
9. after the arrest, the mistreatment, the imprisonment, all prior to Pontius Pilate
10. physical prayer through charity, mental prayer in the Garden, sacrificial prayer as His body is abused in the scourging at the pillar, the abandonment of all but John, the Cross
Joe, your profound respect for the events, the history, the experience of your own with the Boston L'Arche community, absorbing its humility and significance, reached my marrow. Awaiting your Good Friday second segment with elation...
The recording was not as awkward as you likely felt. Having watched the clip after reading your comment, I believe it provides an object lesson. There seems to be an unseen and unacknowledged synergy that assists our flow of thought when talking to another human with heart and mind. On the other hand, talking to a machine which lacks a God given heart and mind is disconcertingly disruptive to that flow.
Thanks Joe, that’s an interesting with a lighthearted viewpoint on conspiracy theory.
Each individual will see schemes, deceptions, and realities based on their own life circumstance, experiences, and perspective in time.
To understand more clearly one has to mentally place themselves into the mindset of the people who lived it in their perspective in time.
There may be truths or falsehoods and everyone will perceive things differently. The human mind is an amazing thing. It has the ability to protect itself by way of believing or sensing what does not exist in reality.
More so, it can “fill in the blanks” of what it cannot understand or make logical sense of.
This is known as Perception Deception. You can look up online articles of Perception Deception and do the experiments yourself to see and understand how people can sense things completely differently from one another.
This is amplified by the fact that outside sources such as the media works to infect and use propaganda to influence what people think and believe. Other things that affect us are dynamic and endless natural forces in the universe that we will never understand.
We are on an electromagnetic planet that itself is a live entity spiraling around a star which is traveling around a galaxy at a half million miles per hour through the unknown vastness of the unknown universe.
Every microsecond that passes can bring phenomena that everyone can sense differently than anyone else.
Proof is a concept of the human mind. It is an abstraction, conceptualization, theory, and hypothesis.
This makes it simple to understand all the conspiracy theories, UFO sightings, distrust in authority, etc..
Here is a great example of the start of a conspiracy theory- At this point in time with our open borders for tens of millions of people from all corners of the globe.
You said TAQIYYA out loud.
Beware of G.A.Y.!
In my life in communism I learned a lesson similar to the concept of "conspiracy" - "Any rumor is later confirmed by a fact." Since 1993 i have been reading eye-opening books like yours but were interesting because they were just in 2D - on paper. Now we see things in 3D and it is not so much fun. What is next? Stepping in real life thrillers...?
It's early morning in Prison Paradise (Australia) and I'm enjoying a cup of coffee with my favourite Substack. This week our government just rushed in another Bill overnight to get us closer to digital IDs and Armaguard, the only company which transports cash from banks to businesses announced it's on the brink of insolvency, which means a cashless society is steamrolling ahead. Coincidence or conspiracy? I think I'll have another cup of coffee. Happy Easter Joe and the critical thinking cabal!
Love the term "conspiracy fatigue" - and great album title.
One "Cabal"? It is, and has always been the money changers, 'Big Money' at the top of the pyramid - from the usurers' at the tables that Christ overturned to today's BIS and the Central Banks around the world who skillfully keep themselves under the radar and keep us distracted with all of the above while they grip the levers of power that create all wars and form the worldview of the masses in which most everyone complacently obeys.
Have a nice day!
Amen and amen
They have us coming and going. Now with AI-assisted surveillance and predictive behavior tools, we won't even be sure of our innermost thoughts and desires. Philip K. Dick was THE prophet.
There are realities of the things you mentioned but there is also the distraction (look a squirrel!) of them. There have always been organizations that want to control the masses, make themselves rich and powerful. And they do that very well. Now we live in a time that they have honed their skills and have the technologies for spreading the word about the squirrels to everyone while they bring in armies of invading peoples, and their debt based economies have become unsustainable. Solution? wage slavery and total control. Replacing populations, the elite "masters of the universe" separating themselves from the unwashed and now cancer ridden (thanks to them) masses. So, the conspiracies are real, but we have to SEE WHAT WE SEE. SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN PLAIN SIGHT. Understand history to see how people both dealt with it before or were harmed by it. THEN ACT ACCORDINGLY.
But realize that relief is not going to come from our controlled governments and political parties. Whomever the next president will be, no matter how well intentioned can only do so much.
Ah yes, this is a common problem nowadays. There is no "cabal". What we are seeing is the networked effects of developing technology and, on the other hand the negative externalities it generates and that we never bothered to take seriously, because we are so hooked on tech solving all problems that it never even occurred to anyone this could have a backside too (well maybe it occurred to people like Thomas Sowell, but no one listens to them anyways).
Lets take feminism for example. Technology allowed women to join the workforce, quite simply because most of the physical power needed is now no longer provided by manual labour but by machines. On the other hand, technology also allowed for reproduction to be a much more plannable and much lower risk business than before. You can choose when you want to have your children, and when you have them, their mortality riks is 0,1% or so not 50% as it used to be. All of this resulted in a social phenomenon that is very easy to understand if you see it from the point of view of tech development. Yet, most people are more comfortable seeing it from the point of view of cabals.
Interesting viewpoint. There are conspiracies, though I don’t believe they’re black and white, as you pointed out. Mostly, the destruction seems to be due to an overall erosion of values and ethics, of which actual conspirators take advantage. Most egregious acts seem to be driven by avarice and power-lust. It is easy to destroy something, but harder to build, and much harder to maintain things. The diminishment of God and a higher purpose in life seems to be the root cause of bringing us to where we are.
Take a look at some of the documentaries of Pastor Billy Crone. I think they would be right up your alley Though he carries the title Pastor, and I don’t believe that is where you are at, I do believe some of his documentary subjects will whet your inborn curiosity.
Don’t let the weird sensationalist appearance of his work put you off, it contains more meat than bones.
I have in my library ‘Hybrids, Super Soldiers and the Coming Genetic Apocalypse’. His information is thoroughly researched, fascinating and can be overwhelming. Some of it, for you, might be familiar. The aforementioned series is a 16 DVD set
I appreciate the recommend. I watched one interview he gave, but it may have been an unfortunate choice.
Crone predicted that UFO abductions are a way to prepare the population for the Rapture — so that Satan could then enforce the belief in Darwinism.
I was out after that. But perhaps I should revisit.
Chuck Missler has been very instructive for me. I don't agree with his theology, but then, I'm pretty contrary!
Hi Joe, well done once again. Thank you. And yes, I've said all along the very same thing, "it's Cain and Abel." It's a spiritual battle first, manifesting itself in the earthly realm. So, I guess you could say it's a spiritual cabal; maybe some of these people knowingly, wittingly worshiping at the altar of Evil, and maybe some entirely unwittingly worshiping at the altar of Evil. Keep up the excellent work, and thank you again - you have a nice and distinct voice.