Aug 27, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, I am beyond thrilled for you. I know this is a very difficult subject for you the researcher/writer, and for all of us regular joes (pun intended). Some days I feel so overwhelmed by it all, from all sides, kind of like a tsunami. Even as a committed Christian, I wonder and worry what the near future holds, and I pray for my grandchildren. I know God will one day say, "Enough!", but in the meantime it will take courage to face the onslaught of issues that are being thrown at us every day, week, month, and year. May God bless your endeavors, and I AM ordering a copy for myself (my husband just rolls his eyes when he sees ANOTHER book arrive in the mail). ๐Ÿ˜œ

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Ditto, Dawn, on ALL of your points ... including "my husband just rolls his eyes when he sees ANOTHER book arrive in the mail" ! :-)))

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Aug 27, 2023ยทedited Aug 29, 2023

I'm so glad I am not alone. It's a full time job trying to uncover the truth in all that is happening nowadays. I'm 70, and have come to realize how much we have been lied to my whole life. And I find it fascinating how interrelated most issues are. When I go down one rabbit hole it leads me to another, and so on. It all started for me in early 2020, and since then I feel like I have acquired a PhD. ๐Ÿคฃ Seriously, though, I have sensed that we are in spiritual warfare and that the demons have been poured out on this world.

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NOOOOOOOOOooooo, you are definitely NOT alone. There's lots of us out there doing EXACTLY what you're doing. :-)) And, for the same reason. We've been lied to all of our lives (I'm 67). I agree with everything in your comment. Worst of all, this is not even a generational thing... regardless of anyone's age, it's been lies, upon lies, upon MORE lies. As you say... "when I go down one rabbit hole it leads me to another and so on". Keep the faith. We've got to find out what all the truth is. I REFUSE to let the liars and psychopaths win!!

It's great to meet another legacy-human who seeks truth in books. :-))

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You just wait until the reptilians conspiracy ,just joking...well....i dont know

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Joe- I just emailed a reply to your announcement about the launch. So excited to dive in to the light of Dark AEon

Have learned so much from you on Warroom the last 2 years. May the Lord bless you and may you sell a zillion copies! God bless!


Ephesians 3:20

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I had ordered the Kindle edition when you 1st announced the book. Today, after watching you on Warroom, I decided to order the paper book as well. I do not trust what will happen to digital things in the crazy times we are living.

I think the robot in Ward and June's living room is trying to figure out what Ward did for a living.

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Much appreciated, Robbie!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

I am grateful that you took time to put together such a book. The demoralized and traumatized population needs to know where the danger comes from and how to maintain a minimum of hope. Now it is the time when any kind of faith would be tested in many ways. Only true faithful would maintain the necessary level of sanity to survive this tremendous psychological warfare.

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Spot-on and well said.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Something about the way you write keeps me reading

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Receiving the hardcover book will be like shaking your hand. A tangible piece of your person.

Looking forward to it. 17JUL2022-29AUG2023. Epic effort, Joseph.

As French-Canadian beat boy Jack Kerouac dared record in (1956) ON THE ROAD;

"It would take me all night to tell about OBL; let's just say now, he was a teacher, and it may be said that he had every right to teach because he spent all his time learning; and the things he learned were what he considered to be and called 'the facts of life' which he learned, not only out of necessity but because he wanted to. He dragged his long, thin body around the entire United States and most of Europe and North Africa in his time, only to see what was going on... the international cocaine set of the thirties - gangs with wild hair, leaning on one another... in a Panama hat, surveying the streets of Algiers... exterminator in Chicago, a bartender in New York, a summons-server in Newark. In Paris he sat at cafe tables watching the sullen French faces go by. In Athens he looked up from his ouzo at what he called the ugliest people in the world. In Istanbul he threaded his way through crowds of opium addicts and rug-sellers, looking for the facts... He did all these things merely for the experience... Bull had a sentimental streak about the old days in America... the country was wild and brawling and free, with abundance and any kind of freedom for everyone... He spent all his time talking and teaching others... strange youthfulness - a Kansas minister with exotic, phenomenal fires and mysteries. He had studied anthropology, read everything; and now he was settling to his life's work, which was the study of things themselves in the streets of life and the night." Old Bull Lee has met his match, just sayin'.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, you're enlightened by the Holy Spirit and therefore you see the truth which is how the book of Revelations "reveals" what's to come near the end of the Church Age... May God bless you and keep you safe! I bought your book and can't wait to share it!

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

I have both versions on pre-order. Everyone should know that the more pre-orders Joe gets, the higher on the Amazon charts his book will be catapulted up to on day 1. PRE-ORDER YOURS TODAY & support our dude!

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Christopher, you're too kind.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

You deserve to be #1 on that damn best seller list, bro. The world needs to read this book!

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So excited for this!

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Thank you, Suzanne.

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It's always a pleasure to read your take on things. I'm looking forward to learning more about the things you've discovered in your research, and a good dose of laughter from someone who has a similar reaction as I find myself having in these quasi-weird times. Thanks for letting us know that what you've been working on is ready! I find it ironic that the day I read your email the AI tool to generate dialogue in writing from the podcast launched. It seems like anything else, it is introduced as an idea to "help us". I'll admit, I'm tempted to use it, but since I've been using the Podcast for Bible teaching, I'm not sure I will. We're getting into territory of letting AI rewrite the Bible when ancient scholars meticulously checked and double checked the Word in comparison to previous sources. If one mistake was made, it was thrown out. What if we could harness that enthusiasm to get it right in such a way that a machine could never even come close to taking the care to make sure it's just as it should be? This is how mistakes will be made. Humans aren't infallible, but I'd rather find a mistake from human error than expect a machine to get it right and portray the meaning that I might not have intended by interpreting the speech of the speaker. I recently viewed an old German scroll at the Wesleyan District Conference that had a mistake in it. The mistake was noted, but it's probably the only reason the University has it. I use audio talk to text when I'm driving, which I shouldn't, but I have been utilizing it, and it is safer than texting, but it never gets it right. lol I hope the Lord blesses you with an abundant harvest for the work you've done. I'll be happy to help spread the word that it's available. Wishing you much success.

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Thank you very much for your thoughts, Ronnette. You've been here from the beginning, and I really appreciate it.

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You're very welcome, and I appreciate you too.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Ordered-Can't Wait!!!!

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Looking forward to it Joe.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Will order

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Mine arrives Wednesday. Looking forward to reading.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Ordered book today.

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I can't wait to get my copy! โ™ฅ

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