The idea that shared life energy and resonating warmth of a Mother's womb as she carries her child can or should be replaced by machine made radiation or other purely material heat source is so ignorantly malevolent it is pure evil. Science has no idea what energy itself is nor from where it originates, much less life energy and its loving relationship with consciousness, yet narcissistic fools lost in the dark religion of scientism believe they can control creation. This is Satanism waging war against God and man with the goal of enslaving humanity before destroying all creation. As a civil engineer I am nauseated by this level of malicious blindness... and more so if intended by many as it appears.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Well we also have Ragnarok.

"The Third Age" of Zoroastrianism also jumps to my mind.

Then Tolkien own mythology also provides some interesting insight, I believe... And maybe more Sarouman than Morgoth or Sauron. Especially when he takes over the Shire.

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In the comments on clif high's substack which came out about the same time as this one, there is a listing regarding "Forces of Change that occurs only every 2580 years" that took place about that time by Spartacus Arminius:

550s BC Carthage conquers Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica.

559 BC—King Cambyses I of Anshan dies and is succeeded by his son Cyrus II the Great.

558 BC—Hegesias is removed as Archon of Athens.

558 BC—The Chinese state of Jin defeats its rival state of Qin in battle.

557 BC—The Persians besiege Larissa (Calah) but fail to capture it until a solar eclipse occurs.[1]

556 BC—Pisistratus is exiled from Athens to Euboea.

556 BC—Labashi-Marduk succeeds Neriglissar as king of Babylon.

556 BC—Nabonidus succeeds Labashi-Marduk as king of Babylon.

c. 550 BC—Colonisation of Greeks ends.[clarification needed]

550 BC—Abdera is destroyed by the Thracians.

550 BC—Mago I begins his rule of Carthage.

550 BC—The Temple of Artemis is completed in Ephesus.

550 BC—Cyrus II the Great overthrows Astyages of the Medes, establishing the First Persian Empire.

c. 550 BC—The Temple of Hera I is built in what is now Paestum, Italy.

550 BC—Siddhartha Gautama founds Buddhism in Northern India after achieving enlightenment after six years of practicing penance and meditation.

556 BC—Rule of Labashi-Marduk as king of Babylon

556 BC—Rule of Nabonidus as king of Babylon

558 BC—Death of Solon, Athenian statesman, poet.

c. 556 BC—Birth of Simonides of Ceos.

555 BC—Death of Stesichorus, Greek lyric poet.

September 28, 551 BC—Birth of Confucius, Chinese philosopher (traditional date).

c. 551 BC—Commonly accepted date of death of Zoroaster, founder of Zoroastrianism.

550 BC—Birth of Epicharmus, Greek poet (d. 460 BC).

Link to the substack: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/masakatsu-agatsu

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This is relevant because both these substacks are looking at a great time of change occurring now. In India from a more distant time of writing. Both are dealing with religious and actual time events and both are focused on the projected outcome possibilities

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I am always blown away by the length and breadth of your knowledge. It is obvious you have a passion for your subject. What we should all remember is that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. It is unwise to mock God and that is what these people are doing.

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This is great. I'm a Christian minister and have a Doctorate of Divinity but when I was studying world religions back in the 70s & 80s, Hinduism was one of my favorites. I had several friends who were Hindu who I loved & respected very much. I've read many of the Hindu texts over the years and the insight and outright prescience is undeniable.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Reading your excellent and well documented article, I realize that, for almost 200 years, since the French Revolution, those who actually hate the Bible, in fact hate The Book of Revelations because it is an incrimination of the individuals destroying the Earth for their benefit, in an entropic way, hoping to extend their pathetic life. Every day now, and every description from that book comes out from the 2D paper page in a 3D horrible format.

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Excuse me, sir? There's a chunk missing out of Kali's thigh in the first picture.

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I hate you.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Not your average Bot

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Well there you go Joe! Opening my mind to some old, some new and some futuristic things to ponder. Since discovering your writing I have become a huge fan! Keep it coming JOEBOT! Love it!

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I’m amazed at the speed of immortality and evil that is accumulating in our time. I expect that these artificial wombs will soon be providing a source of organs for the corrupt. Their pride will make their failures all the more poignant.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Hindu mythology is like Grimms fairy tales on acid. I’m wallowing in delight at your commentary

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Excellent Joe! But “The Creator” is Never Destroyed, therefore, The Billions of Aspects of “The Creator”, Known as “Souls” are Never Destroyed, and “The Creation” is Constantly being; created-maintained- destroyed, by the “The Creator’s” Three Gunas(the forces of creation)?

Common understanding suggest that The Creation was a six day event, Billions of Earth Years

Ago? However, there is another understanding ...that Creation is Being Acted Upon by The Three

Gunas in very subtle and covert dimensions? We Humans experience Changes of our physical form, our environment as a Constant of “ Life” on planet Earth...? Will We Human-Soul Beings ever Know The TRUTH?

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Mind blowing article. As difficult as carrying three babies was, each birth was a miracle that brought me closer to God.

Factories filled with artificial wombs turns miracles into nightmares!

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, another excellent article! It’s amazing how you tied the Hindu religion and their stories to the possible future of childbirth. It’s frightening to think there are actual scientists who are feverishly working toward “growing” humans in pods. The “End Times” get closer every day…

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Life is so deeply mysterious, yet simultaneously predictable in the most painfully predictable terms, that I don't know how to respond to this article. Myth expands our energy. Narrowly defined science and technology... 'a little knowledge' 'n all of that... shrink it. This article contains both.

At this point in time we must hold life, limb and sensibilities together whilst being profoundly pragmatic. Myth and mulch are equally important, in fact the one supports the other.

Perhaps the most important point to make is that veracity is oftentimes more discerned by our gut than our brains.... and it is crucial that we recognize and acknowledge this. My own brain can engage with the justifications for pod babies... but my gut can't... and I think my gut, in its deep wisdom and knowing, is actually the more qualified of the two because it's not limited by the relativity of intellectual rationalization.

I particularly enjoyed reading this bit: 'As a whole, the Mahabharata is a brilliant latticework of stories within stories, filled with blood feuds and bad omens, hurtling toward cosmic disintegration, and laced with more metaphor and hyperbole than a womanizing Hebrew warrior hacking off two hundred Philistine foreskins to win the king’s lovely daughter.'

Bless you Joe Allen. What you contribute matters. Because truth and integrity always matter.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, I love the connections between today's facts and yesterday's mythology. Joseph Campbell would be proud!

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

You are amazing!! I love your research and reporting!!

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

It took me 40 years to finally finish the "Lord of the Rings."

Now once I finish the Bible, I can look forward to 15 times as much reading to understand Hinduism. I think transhuman life extension will be necessary for me . . . not!

Yes, I did take a shortcut and bought "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Hinduism" maybe a decade ago. I guess I'll finish that first.

Looks like Joe Allen's Substack will have more competition. ;-)


More seriously, I have been contemplating what can be saved versus what must be destroyed. I'm a big believer in reconciliation, so these conundrums disturb me.

I would much rather convert the enemy to becoming expediently callous to their demise. Maybe in the ultimate iteration, achieving such redemption will herald the true age of harmony.


Things look bleak, but if a critical mass of our fellow man truly awoke to the intentional deception, things could change suddenly and dramatically, like a well placed move in a game of Go.

The indignation coupled with the shock and awareness of unwittingly living in a decades- or centuries-long false reality could rally generations to suppress any resurgence of meaningful corruption for a thousand years.

The hardest part of a recovery would be tempering the rightly aroused passions from creating an overreaction that seeds the evil all over again.

If destruction is inevitable, I will learn to pace my efforts, but I won't give up hope in beauty because "[n]one of us know the future" and a "warrior’s duty . . . is to fight."

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William Buck's retelling of the Mahabharata (linked in article) will save you some time.

And it is a wonderful rendition.

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