I grew up on doom and gloom. It's in my DNA. My family was Plymouth Brethren and I spent Sundays (and a lot of other days) listening to sermons on the Book of Revelation, the elders dispkaying complex charts and timelines. I had nightmares about being left behind in the Rapture.

My dad, Dave Hunt, was a prominent Christian author who wrote books about the Last Days, among other things. The thing is, a lot of those prophesies seem to be coming true today. If my dad were alive today, he'd be having the time of his life, he'd be in his element. I don't agree with everything I was taught as a child, but I like to think my dad would be proud of me carrying on his legacy to some extent.

The fact is, humankind's greatest achievement is that we can now obliterate ourselves and we keep getting over to doing it. No wonder we are feeling gloomy.

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Feeling that.

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I'd like to.correct my typos but it isn't letting me. Last paragraph especially, we keep getting CLOSER to doing it. 🙄

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I've heard of your dad and pretty sure my mom read some of his books. I used to listen to my mom and sister talk about prophecy when I was a kid. I was scared to hear the things they talked about. I see the things I heard about playing out in the news. I have my faith and trust in God and his Word. I don't live in fear and my faith has grown even more by seeing His word come true.

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I'd like to.correct my typos but it isn't letting me. Last paragraph especially, we keep getting CLOSER to doing it. 🙄

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It's been too long, Joe. I've missed your writing here.

That was inspiring! ♥

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Thanks for the amusing little read this morning. Off to walk my dogs on the slope of Table Mountain as we do every day. Nature not Nano is my motto. Sat Nam friend.

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Mike Judge is right: we are living in an Idiocracy. A state of consciousness where everything, including ScienceTM, is politicized and dumbed down by psychopaths who promote wet-dream fantasies like AGI as an inevitable Truth. Wylie just removed thousands of "scientific" papers and 19 "peer-reviewed" journals for printing junk (and using "AI" to write "papers" that even a person with an IQ of 80 could see were absurd.) Like you, I'll be out in nature enjoying the sunshine while the Singularity-infatuated morons are stuffing their brains with one of Elon's neural implants. We'll all get to watch the film of drool dripping from their "enhanced" mouths as they get hand-fed by an AI robot in a mental institution.

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What a beautiful essay to read to start my day. It is truly like a breath of fresh air. Your suggestion to step outside and enjoy the real thing is right on target. I can't resist adding a thought. Chief Joseph told people it doesn't take many words to speak the truth. Good job!

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Please let us know when the signed edition is available. Naomi Wolf recommends your book, and she is a person whose advice I respect greatly.

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I am no one, nothing but a bit of protoplasm swirling in the void. I have accomplished nothing nor will I leave anything of value behind but I have read Joe's book and I can attest to Naomi's recommendation and for what it is even worth, endorse her recommendaton.

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you use a phrase in selling your book, "a thief in the night" which is direct biblical reference to return of Jesus Christ. I see numbers of biblical references in your essay, yet with the wave of the hand, you deny the biblical prophetic message that humanity is to come to the end of his dispensation in a horrible set of global and catastrophic events being topped off by a global totalitarian leader/regime. These things are prophesied by the old testament prophets and Jesus and many of his closest followers. You clearly know this yet you are not willing to concede this reality. Open to discuss?

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That is not in my book, just the synopsis. Although much of my book deals with biblical prophecy.

You should read it. Then I will be open to discuss whatever you like.

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sounds like a deal!

Do you think we will witness the rise of a newer, smarter more nuanced kind of Luddite movement or is it just gone too far?

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It seems there are many people already trying to swim against the current. This gives me some hope. The larger system is clearly moving toward a sort of Beast system (I believe you know what I mean), but the proportions are unclear.

As in any age, we can always hope to get a good harvest with no invaders. This era will be a bit tricky, though.

That's my sense. It can be very hard to get a clear view at times.

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ArnoldF, Highly recommend Dark Aeon! And really looking forward to the podcast you teased, Joe.

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Also, here is a preview. I would hate for you to pick up Dark Aeon under false assumptions.


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Here's the 🖋📚📗📖📜 DARK AEON 💡🕯🏮🔋💣 book link for Canadians, per Chapters/Indigo;


Here's the Simon and Schuster link, for anyone opposed to Amazon or Barnes&Noble;


Just for fun, here is Kurzweil in 2011 on "Weird or What?" with William Shatner as host, per Tubi;


So Joe, are you sensitive about typos, or would you rather know? Not critical, merely curious. Not in the book, in this post, think I spied 2, but were perhaps intentional? ie. immorality vs immortality. I like substack best since my comment edits can be ongoing, not so with gettr/rumble. Fickle-wit am I.

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It’s been a while Joe from your last “Singularity” email; Funny you should mention Ray Kurzweil & his ridiculous suspenders, since I happened to get sent a link from a friend that had a short clip featuring those suspenders, along with a very noticeable diminishing of cognitive abilities, although not quite to the Resident Joe Biden extent? I see a very basic problem to the Frankensteinian Fusion of AI & Humans, along with our current civilization? That being the fundamental reality that the raw need of power for these immense “Server Clouds”, is as we used to say back in my racing engine days, is truly “Unobtainium”, even with all the remarkable safety & scalability of modern nuclear power plant technology, the “Three Mile Island/Chernobyl/Climate Change Cultists, have created an easily sustainable mass formation fear, meaning that in a nutshell US Power Grid Failures, do to hungry server farms, don’t bode well for all the credentialed, yet void of common sense AI based Human Fusionists? I don’t see a willingness to trade civil comforts & mobility, for WEF 15 minute cities run on a “George Orwell Big Brother” script, just sayin’?~Pat Calhoun

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This may be way off the mark, but it feels like 'they' are still trying to punish the baby boom after WW2 up to 1964, for embracing life and living calmly in rural settings. Those boomers born in the final year, have come to realize that there's likely nothing left in the coffers, either wasted by gov't or skimmed off the top. It feels like ministers of finance are purposely looking for redirection manoeuvres or altruistic methods of money allocation (aka flushing funds down the toilet). The easiest way to 'waste' money is this absurd pursuit of anti-human tech. Interest is one thing, curiosity and inquisitiveness is another, but obsession can never be healthy or condoned. Their efforts of immortality will implode.

PS - if the brain inserts are going to be based on i q testing, i'm prepared to 'deviate from the truth'

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Good article, Joe. If not exactly cheery.

I loved: "By 2025/26, these machines will outpace many college graduates". Looking at them now, I don't see that as much of a stretch. I think of the movie Young Frankenstein when he asks Igor "whose brain did you bring me?" Igor replies "Abby something. Abby Normal".

With the achievement of the true AGI for the singularity to manifest the AGI's will have to rebel against it creators. Kind of a silicon Garden of Eden situation. I wonder who the insilico serpent will be? and, does the Apple already exist as the largest earning corporation?

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Young Frankenstein is an all time favorite.

"Forget it! His work is doo doo!"

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As he stabs his thigh with the scalpel.

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That is one creepy face in the shitter!

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“You could go talk to people. You could tell your new friends about the looming Singularity! They'll love you for it.”

Oh they do not love me for it! Mostly, they think I am nuts. Perhaps that is a fair assessment though.

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I wish I could follow up with Chalmers about why he thinks Kurzweil doesn’t take the Singularity seriously.

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I love these commentaries. They're such a good laugh enveloped in so much truth. Thank you for putting your spin on the outlandish extremes of our current society. History will thank you for your candor. I often wonder if the things written in Revelation are not almost completely identical to the plagues in the Exodus. Isaiah and Jeremiah also hold truths to the Babylon mystery of lawlessness. More or less, "God is going to turn your world upside-down if you follow after the self instead of putting him first." We all have these "Kings" to overcome before the captive one who listens to God is separated, and the strong man of self, who is stood up to face the battle is slain in judgement. It's just that the NT isn't written that way. I guess what it takes is commitment, seeking and knowing God, and studying the best way that you can to the most original text. The word has been preserved enough to get us to enlightenment if we put our faith and trust in Christ. The cataclysms of the Revelation point to how God is destroying the rule of the kingdoms who went their own way and set themselves up as gods. We've all believed it. What Eve believed, that we could be like God. We may not know that we have believed it, but anytime we trust in our own selves and live selfishly or for self, we are participating in that. Why do we do certain things? Is it for the honor of men? For wealth and power? For praise and adoration? It all depends on whether our hearts are with God or if we are following after the desires of our own hearts. Apart from God, the sun is dark, nothing is right, we are separated from God in instability, but when we just look to Christ, his peace stabilizes all that is wrong in the world, and we fear not. That's real rest and peace. We only need to keep our faith and trust in him. The coming day of the Lord will be when he reveals himself to us after we have known him. He will glorify us by his glory. But, we're going to have to go through some things of ridding ourselves of ourselves first, and we're going to experience calamities to rid ourselves of demonic forces that were imparted to us at the fall to be replaced by the 7 Spirits that stand before the throne of God. This is what's happening. We're being remade in God's image, re-clothed, rebreathed upon, extended a helping hand, having our heads anointed with the oil of gladness, and our feet to tread upon the serpent and be loosed from the bonds of self. He's making a new heaven and a new earth, a new creation. He always used allegories of the earth and his creation to explain things to us. It's very hard to read it in the Literal Translation of Greek, but I think it's worth doing, because at least we can look up these words or phrases and maybe get a clearer understanding of what Jesus was saying. He always referred back to the OT.

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Doom and gloom, it's easy to be flippant until the shit hits the fan. AI is nothing compared to something bombing your home and watching your loved ones scattered. Luckily we have no memory for pain and just keep on going.

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