Webb's chat with CHA/Kennedy Jr. was my intro to her galaxy brain observations. Spectacular.

My line in the sand for religious practice is easily summarized as the Seven Sacraments. My dad attended Mass weekly for 12 of his 81yrs receiving the Blessed Sacrament from a priest he disliked immensely. There was no swapping one Church for another, or one Faith for another. The Eucharist held more importance than any man, and the hands of a RC priest are consecrated for one reason. Trans-substantiation. Yes, he baptizes babies/adults and marries couples and absolves the sins of the dying, and bishops confirm. But the Sacraments of Confession and Communion are available vessels of grace nearly on demand. In person. Exorcists explain that Faithful with daily prayer, weekly Eucharist, monthly Reconciliation have very little to fret about. With 3 kinds of sin; the world, the flesh, the devil. It's all about the 'try'. If you fall, you get back up. The sin is acknowledged, absolved, with a firm purpose of amendment. The Sacrament is invalid otherwise. If unable to attend in person (illness is not a sin) then alternate devotions fill in around the Mass. It is the pinnacle for Catholics. No online source is able to nourish us with the Body Blood Soul Divinity of Christ Crucified. We need our priests for that, forever. It mattered to my dad, his dad, his grandpa. My children see it matters to me. If 'they' start pushing tech on babies, women will return to the woods for childbirth. Better one lost to God than heretically fused with evil demonic perversion. But that's imho... Time will tell.

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Whoops. That should be Children's Health Defense (CHD) with RFKJr. Voila...


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