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I was wondering if you have ever come across a device called djed? The item is identified by a pictograph in one of the pyramids. It, curiously, looks just like the modern quantum computer. The first QC (and most advanced by far) was made by the company D'wave (yeah), led by a fellow named Geordie (pronounced Jordie) Rose.

Mr. Rose has said that the purpose of the D'wave QC is to communicate with "the other side", and he has said that QC introduces communication with dark entities. He has said that they are opening a can of worms but he said "it'll be ok". Remarkably Musk has alluded to the same aspects of quantum computing, saying that they don't really understand where they are going to end up and it could be bad for humanity.

Intriguingly, the D'wave has "organic components".

After reaching well over 5,000 qubits in, I believe late 2020 or 2021, after reaching over 2,000 in 2017, and reaching 4,000 in 2019 (and heading toward 7,000 {probably already surpassed}, while other quantum computers by IBM, Google, etc., struggle to reach 100), D'wave was sold to Lockheed Martin, and is allegedly now in the hands of DARPA.

Before being sold to LM, a D-Wave team claimed the 2000Q could find solutions up to 2,600 times faster than any known classical algorithm (2017), and also in 2017 D-Wave demonstrated a computation that would be impossible for even the most powerful classical supercomputer, a goal that competitors call “quantum supremacy” (according to nature.com).

Some "conspiracy theorists" are surmising the D'wave QC is communicating with the abyss, the abyss of the Bible. Others say that the D'wave is in direct communication with the small g gods of the Vedas, Fallen Angels.

Weird, fascinating stuff, eh?

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Hi Ogami,

Oh, well, I'm newbie here, so I can not estimate whether the @mention works or not, so I offer my above comment link written to Joe, to read also for you.


And yes,

>D'wave has "organic components"

see, https://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/our-brains-think-in-11-dimensions-discover-scientists

"The goal of the Blue Brain Project, . is to digitally create a “biologically detailed” simulation of the human brain. By creating digital brains with an “unprecedented” level of biological information, the scientists aim to advance our understanding of the incredibly intricate human brain."

and see also

Curiosityness - Is Human Level AI Possible? | Facebook


thank you for reading.

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Do you believe, intuitively, that we are living in a simulation? If so, how do you think you can/ever would be able to tell that you are, in fact, living in a simulation?

Do you believe in God? Or the Big Bang Theory, which when applied to mathematics, is impossible to ever have happened?

Quite often your intuition (common sense) will allow you to be able to see through the glaring misconceptions of Modern Science or Modern Medicine practice (alchemy). See Paracelsus. Paracelsus was the forerunner of "living better through chemicals".

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Hi Ogami,

Thanks, for your answer.

>Do you believe, intuitively, that we are living in a simulation?

>Do you believe in God?

In fact, in what I believe, that is, only the everlasting never created 'Existence' EXISTs! Whether that is GOD or else state of our living, that may be conceptualized anyhow.

For example, establishing CREATING self-reflective simulations holographic Likeness Beings, to scrutinize how the everlasting never created original existence and beings - as an AS IS ARCHITECTURE may work, in tandem (parallel running, lived with) those created simulations scenarios, as possible TARGET ARCHITECTURE, examining whether what worth to achieve or not.


We are, always we have been, who are trying to understand and conceptualize our EXISTENCE, and the everlasting perpetual question always has been same;

What to do with our gained knowledge from our very existence in a sustainable development, where are our limit to keep our 'original' humanness.

What we do not understand, or someones desperately trying to hide;

What is created, What is not, and what may happen if something may go wrong with the created (See Big Bang)

--- How about the simulation ----

You may read my essay put on the FQXI written in 2014


I strongly suggest reading the comments thread below the essay, what may be more informative than the essay itself.

I put it here the earlier version of this essay abstract, (it had changed on the final version on the FQXI site), but, because I feel it was better...


This essay resulted not from an academic or professional physicist's viewpoint, but emerged from a scholarly person's critical thinking. The theme not only treats for an essay contest, but a very hot topic for how humanity can maintain itself. The author questions, whether the in-depth question is "How Should Humanity Steer the Future?". (Should it?) Or we need to ask more precise questions before we attempt giving answers to how humanity may be able to handle radically different modes of thought and fundamentally new technologies. The latter not only is becoming relevant, but in fact much of them are not new, working in practice and/or covertly, knowable, understandable or hidden, even 'alien' for present mainstream and/or open minded scientific views. But, we all have a tool either having strong technical understanding or living an average life course, what makes us to be a man, a higher order being atop nature who can reach his goals, is the ability for thinking. Unfortunately, even if our knowledge deepens, we don't put a focus to properly formulate how the thinking process works, for why and even how can express itself. The truly risk is, we are not able to adequately control our own thoughts and acts, therefore we should incur becoming manipulated by our own thoughts, in worst case steered by someones' else interest who have already studied, researched the faculty of thoughts, even developed peculiar technologies for controlling it. The author's aim to tug us to understand truly the fundamentals not oversimplifying the relevant questions for which FQXi's scope and goals try for, but much rather triggering an Eureka effect. This essay isn't able to cover and giving sufficient answers those questions addressed in possible sub topics. But, at best it can suggest quirky to see the modern physics and its relations with else scientific fields to describe how the everlasting thinking process is in working, and also to figure out how it can express itself via a substantial medium simultaneously being been both solid, material, physical, genetically coded, stored in a body and non-material, non-physical as the latter attributed to consciousness.

thank you for reading

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