Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I think it’s very possible that one day soon the voice coming out of the robot won’t be the robot’s, but something much more dark and evil. You may not believe in the devil, but he does exist, and his greatest desire is to be like God, and I believe AI is the perfect “body” for Satan to possess. He would become omnipresent, all knowing, and his physical presence in this world would be more evident than ever. The demonic world is real, and it is intricately intertwined in the affairs of mankind and always has been sense the Fall of man in the garden. Anyone who denies this reality is simply willingly ignorant. You cannot separate the spiritual from the physical. Get right with Jesus of Nazareth, the God Man, who died for the sins of all mankind, and be saved from this mess. Read His Word, the Bible. God will only allow this world to go so far. Thanks Joe, I really appreciate your research and the time and effort you take to bring us this information, it’s vitally important.

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"The greatest lie the Devil ever told was making the world believe he doesn't exist."

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

Satan exists the same way as God but will cease to exist some day. People exist the same way and are created with an opportunity to join the Heavenly hosts who sustain the Reality they interact in. Satan's connection to the world is deceived men. It found a way in by tempting Adam and Eve to believe they would become wise and able to decide what's right and wrong if they ate the fruit, a lie that cut them off from God's wisdom and set mankind on a path to disaster.

Our bodies belong to God and are on loan to us for a purpose. We are created with free will to give us a chance to learn how to really love. The world isn't made out of some sort of preexisting substance, it's literally God's word. Information processed to make all things. Living ones connected to independent sequences separate from God, and all others directly controlled by God's law. Satan can’t control computer systems. They follow invariant logic established by God to make the world real. But Satan can exist in collectives of individuals who reject God or God’s attributes , which are Love, Truth and Will, and embrace apathy, lies, and sloth.

The great danger is Satan’s control of fallen souls, not that they're going to write evil code. AI, virtual reality and machine learning can be a great benefit or danger, depending on who controls them. The meta verse is a pipe dream, hype so disconnected from reality that it would be laughable if so many weren’t fooled by it. It’s like the AGW models used to instill fear and brainwash children. They’ve taken an idea proven to be impossible (long term weather prediction) multiplied the complexity trillions of times and pronounced the meaningless outputs to be ‘settled science’. The truth is, we can’t reliably model a single molecule of H20 on our most powerful computer given unlimited time, something God figured out how to do in nanoseconds for every molecule in the Universe.

The power Satan offers is belief in a lie. Lies set you free to sin without guilt. Lies set you free to choose death.

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I couldn't agree more, Lerwill.

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Worship them as gods and demons will gladly move in.

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As a physician, I can applaud the innovations that can allow "locked in" patients the ability to communicate, or quadriplegics to "move". It is a shame that this technology will be used for nefarious purposes. Normal, healthy humans aren't meant to be connected to an AI.

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Lynda check out the 2045 project. These insufferable egotists have already given us their road map. They're behind schedule if we take them at face value and assume there's no hidden tech already capable of this functionality.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Very well written Joe! My favorite line “will disappear faster than a dinosaur admiring a meteor shower.”lol.

The problem as always is 1% control ALL the narratives, 90% go along (sheep), ~ 9% (us) Can see positives and negative’s and would love a chance to discuss/debate before the technology gets shoved down our throat or jabbed in our arm or implanted in our bodies. Unfortunately noone in power is doing that for us cuz they are bought and paid for by the 1%. Im gonna go watch a meteor shower now.

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LOL I suppose that the next thing will be they will be making laws upon laws about who can and who can't have neurolinks...

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Philosophical Ethicists went down these avenues years ago. I met one in Liverpool in 2012. Dying of cancer she told me about her philosophical exploration of robot rights. There had been a panel of such experts. It implies Government sanctioned work. Of course they gave that the green light. I wonder having served her purpose whether she was discreetly disposed of.

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Hair-like wire extensions into the brain? go ahead. The people who want to do this don’t truly understand where knowledge in the brain precisely resides (no one really does except for very limited applications), AND the resulting brain inflammation that would result (stents to open arteries have the same problem).

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

A person't body and brain are an interface created by God to enable them to freely choose to follow or reject divine law. The best way to help people with disabilities is to empower them to care for themselves. I'm sure there's a way to empower them to control things that doesn't depend on brain surgery. Those proposing this idiocy are obviously cut off from God's wisdom. The establishment's responce to Covid proves the majority of this world's leaders are even more blind than the bats they extracted the virus from. How anyone could think the way to prepare for a pandemic would be by engineering viruses to cause one, is beyond belief. That the idiot who funded the lab that made the virus would be in charge of the responce is incomprehensable.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, I think this is one of the finest opinion statements that you have written. As I have said before, I very much appreciate your creativity and your insight to the serious threats and challenges ahead of us. I trust that you can stay ahead of the devils around us, and I look forward to more from the "brain trust" known as Joe Allen.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I will wait until others allow themselves to be experimented upon vis a vis vaccines. Likely a similar no brainer decision. Even if they work: No trode, chips, vaxs or mark is my likely path forward.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Amazing insight. A word to the wise is sufficient.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, as I was listening to you today on Bannon's show, I remembered that I wanted to ask you if you had ever read Play Dead by Ted Dekker. I read it a while ago, and by the time I finished it I felt creeped out. What you said today sounded like it came straight from that book.

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No, but I will certainly have a look.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Maintain the rage, Joe, love it. I can see our Australian government begging to be Musk's useless idiots for his truckbot trials. Starlink's already here.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

fascinating. So many things to comment on. One thing: funny that a perceived big benefit for quadrapelegics would be be being able to use a neural link to use their phones and not some way to control their limbs.

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There's that, too, on down the road. Blackrock Neurotech has already done it quite well.

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The Trojan Horse wasn't subtle, either, iirc.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Here I go again: Reality is an information process set in motion and sustained by God for a purpose. This isn't a statement in a vacuum, like those of Elon Musk and many others like him about us living in a game simulation, a digital universe in a more advance society's computer system, or coordinated dream sequence like in the Matrix. It's a conclusion drawn from 60 years experience designing computer systems; starting at the gate/LUT level and going all the way up through complex math to re-configurable architectures supporting data typed Hilbert Space; in conjunction with a deep understanding of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and the fundamentals of major religions.

The starting point has to be A Theory of Existence and the realization that consciousness (existence) is just as likely to be the foundation as objects. The answer to the question: Can consciousness exist without an object? Is brought into focus by understanding why one can search an infinite set for infinite time and not find one element of another infinite set that’s mixed with it. Or why is it impossible to construct a four dimensional container? Or how a particle with mass follows the law of gravity when it has to sum the forces of all other particles of mass in the universe according to where they were in a spectrum of time between now and the big bang with an accuracy greater than one part in 10^40, before it can move an infinitesimal amount?

Materialistic explanations of Reality are grossly misleading at best, and destructive to the moral fabric of society, yet a vast number of people put their faith in them, and have become the majority within the modern scientific community. They are extremely resistant to the idea we were created for a purpose, and seek to impose their extremely limited views on the rest of humanity. The hype of a virtual reality as real as what God created so they could exist is all smoke and mirrors. What they’re proposing is in the same vein as the fentanyl induced dream world offered by the cartel, and just as evil!

Relativity teaches us objects are relationships, not things that ‘exist’ by them selves. The only eternal relationship is LOVE, the most important attribute of God, and the only reason ‘anything’ exists. The merging of knowledge revealed by nature and knowledge revealed by God will allow Man for the first time to fully understand the workings of Creation, and if enough people will dedicate their lives to the project, the request in the Lord’s Prayer will be answered. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in HEAVEN!

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Here I am, on a road again

There I am, on the stage

Here I go, playing star again

There I go, turn the page

Well, you walk into a restaurant all strung-out from the road

And you feel the eyes upon you as you're shaking off the cold

You pretend it doesn't bother you, but you just want to explode

Most times you can't hear 'em talk, other times you can

All the same old clichés, is it woman, is it man?

And you always seem outnumbered, so you don't dare make a stand

Bob Seger

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Dead Thread.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

JA, thank you. Your article brought back memories of a poem by JG Whittier my father read to me from the time I was a child:

Let the million-dollared ride!

Barefoot, trudging at his side,

Thou hast more than he can buy

In the reach of ear and eye,—

Outward sunshine, inward joy:

Blessings on thee, barefoot boy!

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Wasn't it Stephen Hawking that said the thing he feared most was AI?

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It was.

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Keep swinging, JB.

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