How to stay sane? Prove to yourself that birds are real. Sit in a small outdoor space with a tiny cup of unsalted raw peanuts, and blue jays will find you. If you're there long enough over time, they'll bring their babies to visit and teach them to fly right in front of you. Watching the struggle, the family dynamic, restores your faith in the feathered fierce family format. And yes, it's likely that one of them leaves a 'deposit' too close for comfort. 🐤🐣

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Underated comment!

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Even if it's a simulation within an another one, it's still as real as it gets. We are on an author's ship, no doubt.

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Bro, this is some amazing perspective and coverage of this issue. I think a lot of us have had some moments where we might not have passed the Test, not that our concerns were totally unfounded of course. But it can't be stated enough how important it is to remain sane despite learning of insane transhumanist propositions like you've covered.

Now if any topic deserved tact and nuance this might take the cake. Thank you for being a sober voice in the room.

And thank you also for the recommendation of VALIS, I've been contemplating that one for a while now and I might finally take the plunge. At this point, I'm very discerning about what fictional media I bother with these days--the news usually checks all the same boxes.

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It's a remarkable book, especially for its time. I do hope you enjoy it!

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Appreciate the longer perspective and cautionary tale, Joe. You and Noor Bin Ladin were on similar wavelengths last weekend -- she published "Keep Calm and Stay Frosty" https://noorbinladin.substack.com/p/keep-calm-and-stay-frosty. Grateful that we have prominent voices earnestly protecting our health and sanity!

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This appears to be a reading exercize en route to mentacide. We get exposed to information the puts into question the fundamental basis of our existence. With no good information we feel unable to tell a lie from the triuth. One side lies all the time and their people live the lie despite the absurdity. You are left out of their world if you do not also live the lie. Truth v Lie, Right from wrong, and good from evil cannot be discerned. Mentacide is complete. Big Brother will direct you now.

Avoid this state of brain death with thoughtful prayer as you made decisions throughout your day. Keep your God center open and active. Talk to yourself positively.

Repent, fight and rebuild on earth as it is in heaven.

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