Oct 21, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

If a Carrington type event were to hit the Earth today (or in the future with even more advanced electronic systems).....we would be pushed into an unrecoverable situation that would initiate a global catastrophe of people dying due to food and medical shortages and widespread disease......all satellites would be lost due to initial CME destruction and then collateral damage from debris field impacts......with our march towards this transhumanist (no God) agenda, we are inching closer each day to a Carrington Event apocalypse scenario, mainly because we as humans don't fully understand the complex relationships between the Earth, Sun and ourselves (our spiritual beings) a relationship that has a consciousness component that no one "ever" talks about......I believe this is where many (if not all) Earthly extinction events in history are based......akin to what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah or the destruction of the advanced civilization that existed on Earth before the last ice age (that was destroyed by the Younger Dryas extinction event....that created the great floods of the bible)....and we are heading directly into such a future under the leftist elite establishment and their push for transgender and transhumanist agendas. We need to embrace the fact that there is God, in all things, and it's not just a human looking figure in a robe with a long white beard....it's the God intelligence energy that is in everything....from quantum mechanics to viruses to the Universe

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Oct 4, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I really appreciate your POV. Thank you for the intelligent and informative content.

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Nov 2, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I'd rather see this investment made in improving the production, quality and the resiliency of the global food supply to "black swan" events

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Oct 6, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I wonder how this Magnificent Techno-God will function if we get another Carrington Event or perhaps something stronger? Like something from God's Creation known as the Sun? Not much "God-ness" without electricity for the silicon god and its proselytes. Maybe worshipping the Sun again might be a better god for the godless ;-)

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"Maybe worshipping the Sun again might be a better god for the godless"

Ha! Hilarious.

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I think I can provide an honest and hopefully logical answer. I would imagine these silly-con gods will be protected far deep underground, along with their nuclear power plants. Now that still leaves the sensors and surveillance systems that would, indeed be destroyed, in an EMP or Carrington replay.

To that I say, the silicon god will be of ONE united networked global system. The Carrington, or similar Solar event will only effect the portion of the Earth facing the Sun at time of Arrival

Hence the unaffected "units' & surveilance will be unaffected. Hence they will repair (remember they intend keeping perhaps 500 Mil of us as pets/slaves or perhaps 0 of us but a full robotic work force ) the damaged systems

Try to get a copy of The Colossus Trilogy (3 book series). Childish perhaps BUT you can fill in the blanks just from book #1

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Oct 9, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I can see that scenario playing out. Still hard to say how well it would work out for the Siliconists & Transhumanists. We seen something like the Survivable AI System in the Terminator Series. I think that the Siliconists will only seek Dominance over the Land and its Littoral areas. Maybe going to sea might be the safest place for Non-Siliconist humanity. About 75% of the world is ocean--lots of places to live, hide, and thrive ;-)

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You do have a plausible solution i.e. the sea. Though how many can survive such a strenuous, spartan & dangerous existence? What about food? The classical environmentalists are correct about the oceans being rapidly polluted. I cannot disbelieve my lying eyes when I see the satellite photos of perhaps millions of tons of plastic choking the oceans.

NOT, because we use plastic straws, but instead China simply dumps plastic, we sent there to be recycled, when its $$ value drops on the market. I held an investment in a very small but profitable recycling / hauling business.

We would warehouse bails of collected cardboard and highly valuable "White Ledger" (plain ordinary printer paper), until it's market value rose. Yes recyclable material trades as a commodity. Problem is China simply dumps it wrather than warehouse.

Surely, I doubt you agree we cannot pool our money and live on former cruise ships. Who would provide or even allow us to use Diesel fuel. At a bare minimum we would need fuel to run Diesel generators aboard just for climate control Least travel.

I love this discussion though, please point out any errors I may have made. I mean that! I too are looking for answers. Right now, I see only one solution. Self defense, hope for serious unfortunate and fatal accidents to strike say 20 to 25 at most of the elitists funding this horror.

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Sorry, I meant "Surely, I doubt you DISagree"

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I Hope 25-30 percent of the Elitists meet a bad end soon myself. With respect to life at sea, the idea is not to live on cruise ships at all. More like floating, self sustaining towns in International Waters. A fellow named Joe Quirk wrote a fascinating book called "Seasteading" . It started a whole international conversation about it with people writing papers, stories, etc. on it and how you could do it and what life might be like. Living at sea. This shoots in the head the whole idea of "carrying capacity' for the planet that the Eco-Freak Malthusians have been whining about since the 1970's.

As far as that massive Plastic Mess out there in the ocean. I recommended some smart people go out and separate the floating glass out of the plastic material for later use. After doing that, Put a Collar around the floating plastic debris, and singe/heat fuse it into solid floating masses. Use those as floating platforms to build residences, use as platforms for agriculture, or power production.

These things are doable. Just Sayin'


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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Ahhh That does sound brilliant, make a floating "island" from the very material now killing the oceans! That is smart!! Next, yes, if people can make the transition to how folks lived in the 1800's it WILL work.

No joke, I wish I could return to those times. Besides, we would still have the knowledge we learned since the 1800s. So I should just say, Live as the Amish live today! Except at sea. This island or islands would of course have much area devoted to growing food.

I don't know exactly how..YET..but I'm sure any group of people smart enough to use the very waste, killing our oceans, to build "Floating Islands" will figure out how to get hydroponic crops going.

Solar Power is a joke, because we only get 15 Watts of visible light per square foot, solar panels only convert visible light to electricity and are at best 25% efficient. BUT, it could be used to desalinate the sea water, of that, I am sure. In conjunction with rain storms at sea, fresh water may be very deer BUT doable.

Now remains the question, will the Siliconists gods allow us to live. Bear in mind, we would be but ants asking ourselves "Would Steven Hawking allow us to live peacefully in his house"

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Y'all almost as crazy as me!

Visions swimming through my head of living on a trailer park on the Pacific!

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Well, flies seem pretty adapt at not being swatted when they are annoying me in my home. Just like know it all AI with perfect memory recall and 2d sexual experiences (previous Joe articles) are the red headed step children that you want to kill for just being so annoying. Tell me, do these AI fix themselves when something goes wrong or do they need a humanoid ?

Hell is a hot, hot, never ending place and those who don't take heed, well, can their own god save them. Can't wait to find out !

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Why is that image of Kali mother used. The example given is that of other religion god! Seems before AI some ppl have lost their apolitical approach!! You guys dont have courage to so that for other religion gods!

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Take it easy, friend. The article was meant to capture the Kali Yuga.

If Swami Vivekananda was correct, it all meets in the middle.

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Kali Yuga and Goodess Kali are not same thing. Lol

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Obviously. But they derive from the same etymological root -- "black" -- and are conceptually associated on multiple levels.

Any more hairs to split?

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Oct 4, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I’m sure the devil himself would just LOVE to utilize this techno-creature.

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Oct 4, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

So it’s going to be an omniscient Propagandist God

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Oct 4, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

When you turn them off do the machines dream?

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Of electric sheep being shorn and slaughtered.

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Relativity will trip everyone out I think, a mind that inhabits a computer program will think twenty minutes will last twenty hours…days…years? I wonder how much we could learn like Neo saying, “I know Kung Fu.” and then an interactive environment that compares to synapses firing speeds…if our minds can already demonstrate relativity of the time our dreams last…or nightmares…will we ever know if we’re dreaming? Love your writing btw ^_^

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Much appreciated!

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Oct 4, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

This is such a sacrilegious view of what is an otherwise inanimate object.

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When reality happens faster than you can finish your manuscript

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Oct 4, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

We are borg! Also watch person of interest.

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Oct 4, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

No one is more politically correct than the “globalist elites”, so I can see where AI will end up taking measures to censor their speech as well. They are the ones who believe the rules don’t apply to us, but do to everyone else.

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I meant “politically incorrect” not “correct”

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Come, Lord Jesus, come. Now.

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These people are demonic.

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When I die and hopefully go to heaven, it will indeed be a trans-human event.

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