Man cannot live by math alone, the computer does not have the capability to hear the voice of God. And no machine can live your life for you therefore laziness is the root of all evil. Hang in there Joe it's just another ride at the amusement park which will soon lose it's "magic" especially when they use your own information against you!

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20 hrs agoLiked by Joe Allen

No matter what revolutionary technology, religion, or life hack that comes along - presented with all the benefits we humans will reap from this alleged breakthrough, the end results are always the same, for the same reason:

“There is one human story. Dressed in new clothing and using new tools, we endlessly relive it. If we read philosophy, literature, history, poetry, and theology – we see greed, hedonism, and hubris easily defeat empathy and reason.” – The Last Act of the Human Comedy – Chris Hedges

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Oct 1Liked by Joe Allen

More great insight into human behavior, Jose. Protect -- and celebrate -- your balls.

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“Your AI should remember everything about you,” Sulyman recently said of the Copilot app, “all your contacts, all your personal data—everything you’ve said—and be there to support you...throughout your life.” Hmmm. I already have an address book with all my contacts (physical and digital). I already have spread sheets, and files and digital albums. All backed up off my computer and most important things backed up on paper. I already have a wife, though I have been supporting her more than she has me. So ,putting it all together, why do I need the AI at all?

I see a future where a "copilot" super intelligent AI would quickly lose respect for the guy who keeps asking "Alexa. where did I put my glasses?" "What is on TV tonight?" "Siri, how do I make a grilled cheeze samich?" Copilot starts to say: "Get off you fat ass and figure it out yourself!"

A world where we lose our creativity, our curiosity, our gumption to fix or build or make something on our own. People reduced to the example in Idiocracy the future documentary movie, watching shows like 'Ow May Balls!'

Former Disney animator Aaron Blaise who runs Creature Art Teacher was asked why not use AI to animate Snow Bear? (the project he is working on solo at present). He said "I could, but that is not what I am about". He was also asked why not hire people to do most of the animation? He said "that makes me a manager with staff and all the bureaucratic things that entails. I don't want to be that".

I relate to Aaron. I am thinking I would rather work on paper in pen and ink and watercolor washes than any digital media that utilizes AI assistance. I do have A Cintiq and Clip Studio Paint, Moho Animation, and a few other digital illustration programs that I use, but I don't want or use the extra bells and whistle features because that makes one lazy. I see that in so many comics these days. Everyone works to the same formula so people look the same where as in the 1960's on through the 80's with the rise of underground comics there was personality to the people animals and even the cars. They were quirky. Just look at R. Crumb's work as an example. An AI could plagiarize Crumb, but could never create that.

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It’s the Gullible’s and the Banal among us that is to be feared. The ones doing this, the Manipulators, are on the sidelines watching as the population plays out their fears and misunderstandings. This is what gives them permission to destroy us. That is not to say each other are the enemy per se. It’s important to remember who the real enemy of humanity is. They may even manipulate a psyop that we are currently in the end of world Revelation, not knowing Revelation actually reveals what we need to understand. I’m speaking of both the Manipulators and the Gullibles. God has given us free will to solve these problems not fold like cheap tents.

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....but like cheap suits, we may get wrinkly as we age gracefully through the B.S.....lol

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Our wrinkles and scars tell better stories than tattoos.

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Ah, Gullible’s Travails.

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It’s hard for many to understand, but I’m having my best life now. Those who spend time in fear and chaos imposed on us by Others, are wasting their precious time.

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Yes! Be it wealthy times or a great depression, this is the time of our lives.

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lol. can always tell a millenial.

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I’ve been warning people for decades. I saw what they were trying to do to my children, knew that their social engineering and communist indoctrination would one day manifest and I’m thrilled so many are finally seeing their propaganda for what it is. It’s not about money, it’s about living in Truth. What was unexpected was Covid catapulting us right in to Totalitarianism the world over giving these Dumbass God envying Globalist’s the upper hand for the time being. They’re “Progressives” and at root of Progressivism is Eugenics. What they fail to realize was God gave up Progressivism when he sent the rainbow.

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I think its vital to define just exactly what/who "humanity" is ... Scripture clearly identifies a gathering together of people in the throes of sanctification who then become a new creature, unblemished, undefiled and (most importantly) BLAMELESS before God. The reversal of Gen 3. Humanity is everyone else.... The leftovers.

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Wow. And I actually used the word, "singularity" in a comment today, referring to Kurzweil's connotation.... i see techno-fascist transhumanism, dancing the harris waltz....or else TRUMP-LOVE....just sayin'....see: "Chevron Deference"....

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I am thinking of Schizolarity as a word to describe it all

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20 hrs agoLiked by Joe Allen

I like it! But is that "schizo & hilarity"?.... I do laugh at the craziness of it!.... Taking this stuff TOO seriously DOES lead to an unhealthy state of mind.... like, what if AI commits suicide? Or dies from the AI virus?.... Hey, could happen!, lol.... thnx,

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Dual use word: divided mind or/and hilarity will ensue.

AI's certainly are capable of getting a virus. Pfizer is probably working on a vaccine for that. They also seem to go unstable and lie, hallucinate, or just plain become incapable of giving an answer.

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Gee, you make AI sound almost HUMAN!....

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Consider their maker.

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Oh hey, I just got your book in for my library.

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My 1st reaction is (predictably) a scripture:

Genesis 11:6 KJV — And the LORD said, Behold, the people [is] one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

This verse is in context of Nimrod attempting to literally assault heaven via the tower of Babel.

My 2nd thought is from the other end of the book.... book-ends, if you will:

Revelation 13:15 KJV — And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

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I just think we are decades more advance than anyone can describe.

Our known math displays giant black holes devouring everything and growing stronger exponentially.

It's doubtful anything more evolved than fossilized bacteria wandering in space for billions of years

made the distances, to suggest what ever Lost in Space ET that made it here is just as fossilized.

Possibly their micro machines traveling for thousand of light years made or will make the journey.

Just like our Voyager, now past 15 billion miles in only 48 years. Hey, only 15, 676 years to the nearest potentially habitable exoplanet. I hope it's going in the right direction.

H.G. Wells, The Time Machine a 1895 dystopian post-apocalyptic science fiction novel. 800 thousand years into the future. Remnants of human off spring divided in two groups, cave dwelling cannibals, farming slow "child like" adults that willing herd themselves into the slaughterhouse at the blast of a horn.

If AI is connect to a human brain, that person could think faster than anyone. He would be able to win and own every casino on the planet. Will the people try to kill it or join in the competition turning the planet two groups, IA enhanced, and child like.

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I’m praying I will not be here to see it happen. I know too many gullible people, some friends and family who will fall for Satan’s deception and unfortunately I will not be able to make them believe any different.


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No need to over-think it. Just look at how technology has been used at scale to this point in history, then extrapolate by a factor of inifinite (discounting for raw material limitations).

No matter. Shortly after they require everyone to agree to let their helpers "know everything about [them]" - every materially recordable detail - tech-skeptics will have been corralled into The Great Cyberghetto of disenfranchised non-persons.

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So you believe.

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