Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, you are one of the sanest thinkers and writers that I know.i appreciate your insight and honesty. As a life-long Christian who began my walk during the Jesus Movement, my faith is solidly built on Jesus and a Biblical worldview, but I still have my eyes wide open and try to keep my brain engaged with what is going on. Thank you for your help in navigating this crazy world. Joe, I DO have a hope and a Savior who paved the way for me. The resurrection changes everything. Keep doing what you are doing because there are many of us listening.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Rational truth and best red pill. Thanks, Joebot.

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Thank you so much for this candid appraisal Mr. Allen. Your thoughts on this are the most pointed, on the mark analysis I've heard in months. Many of us confine our consciousness in a thought-locked PsyOp world where narrative suggestion is reality, and Satanic ideologies compete for dominance over traditional Christian beliefs, integrity, and morals. A putrid example is the Russia hoax - a narrative that NEVER HAPPENED, discussed and debated across the world for six years now - and still going. Another is massive in-our-face election fraud that DID AND IS HAPPENING, where judges won't even look at mountains of written, video, photographic, and digital evidence allowing indoctrinated Globalist pundits to claim there is no evidence. We have to figure out how to escape this mental and emotional infection which Yuri Bezmenov called "demoralization" and Dr. Desmet calls "mass formation". You and others like you are helping find our way through this information combat zone. Thanks again for your courage. Sir.

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So, why do you suppose Trump endorsed Oz in the first place!🤷🏻‍♂️ He’s not dumb (obviously).

We’re in a hot mess and I am sticking with the book of Revelations for guidance.

Thanks Joe!

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Hard to keep good company in politics.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

As one "LEFT" behind in the last election, may I say you are "Right" on!

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, as usual a great article! You are spot on. I am the Vedantan who has written before. A great deal of what we see is very obvious, and yet ignored. I am shocked at my educated friends as they appear to have lost the gifts of reason and analysis. What do you believe is the reason people seem incapable of rational thought and have surrendered to Nothingness. Years ago I had cancer and sought a second opinion from a top doctor. During my visit, he described a patient who was dying and should not be. The patient had "turned his face to the wall." This analogy is as close as I can come to current situations. Has the technology vampire stolen our life force? Keep up the great work. Kindest regards.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, have you ever thought about writing a novel? It could be a sci-fi about the world today since we are living in a sci-fi and you are an excellent writer. You make the morbid enjoyable to read about. It would be a best seller!

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I love your colorful words. Your stories are very important and to the point. People should actually pay attention to your stories. Thank you.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

YES ! - - it's a privilege to read Mr Allen's thoughtful 'word selections' that bring out the truth (most often in laughter) that lie just below our consciousness - an artist at work. ...... ....... shalom

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

The Latest Fitness Craze: Hype&Spin

It’s a vicious cycle.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

The “mark”! I love it.

Hype and spin is the roller coaster of the day don’t ya know.

I think O’Biden and Fedderman are just in their beta model forms.

Glad you are out there watching and reporting JOEBOT


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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Elon is corrupt. For those who thought themselves to be clever enough to see past the corruption, many of them are trusting him without question. He’s apart of all of this - some would say he’s one of the ring leaders, but those who aren’t willing to research who he truly is and what he’s involved in, are walking themselves into a trap. Twitter is a form of data collection for those who are more resistant to digital IDs. I have to say, Musk is clever for reeling in as many of these skeptical individuals as possible. Sadistic, but clever... just like Satan.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Great commentary! Keep it up. People are paying attention! God bless!

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

This is really great stuff. I felt it was necessary to put down my bug sandwich and say so.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Is there a recording of the Eagles Lodge presentation? I'd love to see it and what the audience thought?

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Only in the ether, I'm afraid.

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Got it - any interesting questions from the audience? Curious what the montana gun slingers think about the transhumanists...

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I think this is your best article to date. Your coverage of the Uncle Fester vs the wizer of Oz selection was awesome. More importantly your analysis of what it all portends We want to hype and spin like we did last summer. Just substitute the words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxQZQ86jJHg

I think Klaus Schwab meant to say: We are at zee "infection" point to exponential development. If we can get rid of 70% of those pesky humans.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Always enjoy your writings and insight. I’m originally from Montana and saddened by all that is happening. Also afraid for humanity. Only God knows. May God Bless you and your journey

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