Thank you for this "oldie but goodie," Joe. Once again, you nailed it: " way of hypnotic regression and subsequent book deals." And, made me feel sorry for the poor horses that Strieber broke in his youth -- bestiality would not be inconsistent with the dehumanizing bent.
Lue Elizondo is a nat sec operative who is covering up man-made technology in the USAPs. Lue and his buddies in AATIP and AARO love to say that only "aliens" are in these UFOs (because humans aren't smart enough to understand physics). These guys are coverup artists for tech that we have developed right here on earth, but are not releasing for obvious reasons. UAP tech is only incomprehensible for those who know no physics. Our human race is very intelligent and clever. We have been shooting down ET craft with EMP weaponry for decades and have learned about their propulsion systems.
Instead of quoting Carl Jung from a 1957 pamphlet you might be better off quoting Ben Rich, head of Lockheed Skunkworks, who said: “Jim, we have things out in the desert that are fifty (50) years beyond what you could possibly comprehend. If you have seen it on Star Wars or Star Trek, we’ve been there done that, or decided it was not worth the effort.”
— Source: direct comments by Ben Rich to Jim Goodall via telephone call at the USC medical center approximately one week before Ben passed away on January 5th, 1995.
You are correct about those creeps who think they can rape the Human race forever...that they are demonic in nature. I have had some strange experiences with those freaks. A few years ago, when I was doing much research and gaining much knowledge, they began to interfere in my life. It seems that they don't want us to know the truth, and so, they attack us.
One night while in bed, some super fast thing came spinning at me while I was sleeping. It attacked me! I was being spun around in, whatever body that my sleep body is, and I was having to fight for my life while that thing was trying to...I don't know...take me over? But I fought, that for sure! And when finally it let me go, I saw it flee from me really fast in the other direction from which it came. I instantly woke up and, because I was living alone, I had to make contact with someone because this was just too much. So I went downstairs and onto the computer to a site where I could talk to some people I knew on there. I was so distressed.
It wasn't too far later in that year, that I got another ugly situation occur. There was a freaking ugly skinny alien with yellowish beige skin who showed up in my life...or dream world...because it was so weird, I find it hard to remember what actually happened. But, it was so threatening toward me. It stood in front of me and then it forced its way into my body, which I was not able to even prevent it from going into my space...but in the meantime, I knew I was me, and it was interfering in my space. It carved with a knife, its own breasts off of itself. While standing in my body, trying to make like it was cutting me up. Then it moved out of me and stood in front of me showing me on its body the two circles that were carved out, and they had like a greenish puss coming out on the surface, but no blood coming from it. It was disgusting!
Later at another time, while I was awake and busy doing something at my desk, it showed up in my mind, and did the same thing, but I was wondering because I didn't remember when it first happened, and so I thought this was the first happening of it. But later, I remembered that it had first showed up in my bedroom and did this evil act toward me, and then it had showed up in my memory while I was doing something, as though it was trying to mess with my thoughts, my memory, my thinking.
I was so astonished at its evil. Then, just recently, I saw a video about Human mutilation, and it said that a lady had her breasts carved out so that on her chest appeared two circles, and with no blood whatsoever there. That is when I remembered the incident about 4 years or so, earlier, when that alien was shoving itself in my world and forcing this picture show on me. And that is actually what they do to people. So I realized, it was truly threatening me. It was so disturbing, because they manipulate time structure, and therefore the memory is messed up. But the memory does come back later. You see though, they have been doing this, and this alien was treating me with that. Hm.
I agree with Ken. Post WWII, German scientists came to North America - specifically a military base in the Mojave Desert in California - and along with the confiscated research of Nikola Tesla developed advanced weapons systems that we're now seeing rolled out as part of the Technocracy. I direct your attention to the events of 9/11 when tons of matter of the WTC literally turned to dust in seconds. Molecular dissolution. It was a test run.
After JFK's assassination, the Space Program went underground and was weaponized. BTW, none of these programs are exactly secret since military/corporate documents explaining them are available to the general public.
Ironically, within this advanced science lies more ancient technologies and at the same time, holographic physics and a more complete understanding of how energy manifests into matter in our dimension. In other words, any UFOs are part of the Secret Space Program as researchers call it.
Weapons. The US Economy is based on weapons like weather warfare. All weather is manipulated. Air Force documents predict using the weather for "Full Spectrum Dominance" by 2025. Imagine the economic power of directing weather including earthquakes, tsunamis. flooding, droughts, fires, etc and then blame it on Climate Change and people for the most part are clueless. A global injection campaign of essentially a bioweapon that is a gene altering protocol so humans become transhuman traceable in a militarized microwave energy field otherwise known as a SMART city. None of this information is secret but it's just assumed that people are too indoctrinated to believe it. The USA since its inception was always intended t be the center of a financial empire but now we're moving into a radical systems change.
Michael Schratt has been documenting these "encounters" for some time now. Mostly hand drawn testimonial evidence but still a fun watch for those interested in these phenomena.
The app CE5 Contact is #3 in Education apps - shows how far along we are & absurd things have become!
No way...
Great piece. ❤️
Thank you for this "oldie but goodie," Joe. Once again, you nailed it: " way of hypnotic regression and subsequent book deals." And, made me feel sorry for the poor horses that Strieber broke in his youth -- bestiality would not be inconsistent with the dehumanizing bent.
Contrary opinion Joe:
Lue Elizondo is a nat sec operative who is covering up man-made technology in the USAPs. Lue and his buddies in AATIP and AARO love to say that only "aliens" are in these UFOs (because humans aren't smart enough to understand physics). These guys are coverup artists for tech that we have developed right here on earth, but are not releasing for obvious reasons. UAP tech is only incomprehensible for those who know no physics. Our human race is very intelligent and clever. We have been shooting down ET craft with EMP weaponry for decades and have learned about their propulsion systems.
Instead of quoting Carl Jung from a 1957 pamphlet you might be better off quoting Ben Rich, head of Lockheed Skunkworks, who said: “Jim, we have things out in the desert that are fifty (50) years beyond what you could possibly comprehend. If you have seen it on Star Wars or Star Trek, we’ve been there done that, or decided it was not worth the effort.”
— Source: direct comments by Ben Rich to Jim Goodall via telephone call at the USC medical center approximately one week before Ben passed away on January 5th, 1995.
The reference for my comments above can be found at It's a fascinating read and exposes guys like Elizondo, as well as reporting on 70 years of verified UFO sightings and the USAPS that design and build them.
Don't believe everything they tell you.
Well said, Joe.
You are correct about those creeps who think they can rape the Human race forever...that they are demonic in nature. I have had some strange experiences with those freaks. A few years ago, when I was doing much research and gaining much knowledge, they began to interfere in my life. It seems that they don't want us to know the truth, and so, they attack us.
One night while in bed, some super fast thing came spinning at me while I was sleeping. It attacked me! I was being spun around in, whatever body that my sleep body is, and I was having to fight for my life while that thing was trying to...I don't know...take me over? But I fought, that for sure! And when finally it let me go, I saw it flee from me really fast in the other direction from which it came. I instantly woke up and, because I was living alone, I had to make contact with someone because this was just too much. So I went downstairs and onto the computer to a site where I could talk to some people I knew on there. I was so distressed.
It wasn't too far later in that year, that I got another ugly situation occur. There was a freaking ugly skinny alien with yellowish beige skin who showed up in my life...or dream world...because it was so weird, I find it hard to remember what actually happened. But, it was so threatening toward me. It stood in front of me and then it forced its way into my body, which I was not able to even prevent it from going into my space...but in the meantime, I knew I was me, and it was interfering in my space. It carved with a knife, its own breasts off of itself. While standing in my body, trying to make like it was cutting me up. Then it moved out of me and stood in front of me showing me on its body the two circles that were carved out, and they had like a greenish puss coming out on the surface, but no blood coming from it. It was disgusting!
Later at another time, while I was awake and busy doing something at my desk, it showed up in my mind, and did the same thing, but I was wondering because I didn't remember when it first happened, and so I thought this was the first happening of it. But later, I remembered that it had first showed up in my bedroom and did this evil act toward me, and then it had showed up in my memory while I was doing something, as though it was trying to mess with my thoughts, my memory, my thinking.
I was so astonished at its evil. Then, just recently, I saw a video about Human mutilation, and it said that a lady had her breasts carved out so that on her chest appeared two circles, and with no blood whatsoever there. That is when I remembered the incident about 4 years or so, earlier, when that alien was shoving itself in my world and forcing this picture show on me. And that is actually what they do to people. So I realized, it was truly threatening me. It was so disturbing, because they manipulate time structure, and therefore the memory is messed up. But the memory does come back later. You see though, they have been doing this, and this alien was treating me with that. Hm.
They are obviously our enemies.
I agree with Ken. Post WWII, German scientists came to North America - specifically a military base in the Mojave Desert in California - and along with the confiscated research of Nikola Tesla developed advanced weapons systems that we're now seeing rolled out as part of the Technocracy. I direct your attention to the events of 9/11 when tons of matter of the WTC literally turned to dust in seconds. Molecular dissolution. It was a test run.
After JFK's assassination, the Space Program went underground and was weaponized. BTW, none of these programs are exactly secret since military/corporate documents explaining them are available to the general public.
Ironically, within this advanced science lies more ancient technologies and at the same time, holographic physics and a more complete understanding of how energy manifests into matter in our dimension. In other words, any UFOs are part of the Secret Space Program as researchers call it.
I grew up on that military base in California.
Yeah, they're probably like fifty years ahead of anything we see.
Moon bases. Flying cars. Radical longevity. Nanobot swarm puppet shows.
Planet-destroying death stars. Inescapable mouse traps.
They have all of that. We just can't see it.
Weapons. The US Economy is based on weapons like weather warfare. All weather is manipulated. Air Force documents predict using the weather for "Full Spectrum Dominance" by 2025. Imagine the economic power of directing weather including earthquakes, tsunamis. flooding, droughts, fires, etc and then blame it on Climate Change and people for the most part are clueless. A global injection campaign of essentially a bioweapon that is a gene altering protocol so humans become transhuman traceable in a militarized microwave energy field otherwise known as a SMART city. None of this information is secret but it's just assumed that people are too indoctrinated to believe it. The USA since its inception was always intended t be the center of a financial empire but now we're moving into a radical systems change.
If you believe they control the weather, you might as well go all the way and call them gods.
Michael Schratt has been documenting these "encounters" for some time now. Mostly hand drawn testimonial evidence but still a fun watch for those interested in these phenomena.