I needed this thump to the side of my head. Thank you JOE! - Emily

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Oct 14Liked by Joe Allen

Your sober yet funny reality checks saves us all from being “wigged out”.

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If you can't laugh, there's only one other option.

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Oct 14Liked by Joe Allen

I love the way you deliver the straight man comedy routine while providing valuable information.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Joe Allen

“It lays the predicate and the foundation for a space communication satellite that will permit the people of the world to see one television program at the same time,”

I had to pause here. Did people of that time really think that was a laudable ambition? What kind of college was he addressing, an art school? Were they descendants of people who fought the British for Independence, or the North for the Confederacy, or the Mexicans at the Alamo? Did they just lay there and say, "cool...people in Africa can watch the Honeymooners!" as if that was an ambition worthy of a great nation, a person's working life...or the cost of a college education?

I suppose there was reaction to such nonsense, but this is the one The Archives wanted everyone to see. Surely Marshall McLuhan said, "What did I tell ya?"

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Aww, what fun is that? Well, I am sure Dane Wigington would agree with the saying: Never Let a good crisis go to waste. Though, I am still worried about the cats pushing everything of the edge of the earth.

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As always- really impressive writeup. I appreciate the additional research you did for this piece. Nice work.

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Absolutely agree! If you haven’t read his book yet you should check it out. I bet you’d love it!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Joe Allen

Bought Dark Aeon when it published, and yes I sure did enjoy it!

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Otto is "ride or die"!

Ethology style.

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I love it! Go team 🤩

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It’s almost insulting to leave a one sentence “nice job”post as a review on any of your writing- especially ones like this. So I’ll add: I can’t imagine number of hours you had to invest in this one, but I’m certain it was a lot- especially because of the background/in-depth research required to write it all up. It’s very good & I’m sure I’m not the only one thankful for it. It only takes one candle to shine a light in the darkness w/this topic or anything else you usually cover. You have an incredible ability to write and formulate well constructed arguments with supporting evidence…while masterfully keeping the reader very engaged/interested. A difficult and under-appreciated skill.

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I really appreciate that.

It isn't fun!

But it had to be done.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Joe Allen

Amen, Heather -- you're definitely not the only one grateful for Joebot! He's a sorta lifeguard of truth, diligently scanning for the real threats in the sea of information and opinions surrounding us... and whistling us back to shore when needed. Also, only Joe could turn a phrase like this: "spinning yarns and dimming minds."

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13 hrs agoLiked by Joe Allen

You have a Knack Joe for looking at a myriad of information and formulating a sober interpretation. Too many of us read a article by a “expert” and accept it as fact. Thank you for not and clearing the smoke, mirrors and distrust of everything bad that occurs as being nefarious.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Joe Allen

So Joe, I appreciate your pulling my thoughts and imagaination back to reasonable. Was the Hawaii fire earlier this year an act of God or something sinister. Why is MSM not talking about the 1000's of acres burning in WY?

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In the case of Hawaii, and Appalachia, my main concern is that whatever the cause, American citizens are being cheated out of taxpayer resources and exploited by big corporations.

If there really are no space lasers involved, that means those narratives only serve to muddy the water and make it more difficult for real problems to be confronted.

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“Think of this article as a sort of Consumer Reports for conspiracy theories.”

Joebot, that’s what we turn to you for! Most other people who understand the legit conspiracies (JFK, the Fed, CIA drug smuggling etc) and don’t fall for the idiotic ones (flat earth, Q etc) are either leftist parapolitics guys like Aaron Good or anarchists like Corbett. There’s something about right wing conspiracy culture where you’re expected to accept every claim no matter how absurd so long as it jibes with a pro Trump anti “them” agenda.

There is a “them” out there (and no it’s not “da jooz!”) which I’m sure would love to see Elon stir up so much Ultra-MAGA algo-bait slop that it justifies, in the public’s mind, a major speech crackdown and a repeal of section 230. They see the whole “believe all conspiracy theories no matter what” right as useful idiots for eventual censorship and demonization purposes.

That being said, Wigington’s documentary “The Dimming” is worth a watch. Sad to see him take leave of his common sense over time but if it happened to Jones and RFK Jr it can happen to anyone!

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Yes, I have been hearing Dane W preaching his panic attacks for years.

The math for energy equivalents in weather manipulation just doesn't add up.

We will never be a s powerful as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth's magnetic field of the Earth itself.

The idea of creating and controlling hurricanes is pointless and impossible.

They talk about "chemtrails" spraying elements into they sky. Could you imagine the cost of such venture?

About as close as we could get is the shear number of aircraft flying at any moment around the planet. All of these aircraft burn fuel that is composed of various ingredients used for various purposes such as keeping the aircraft from crashing out of the skies. Just like we use various grades of gasoline in our cars.

There are also fuel additives used for various military purposes such as disguising the heat signatures of the stealth aircraft. Of course these details of such use would be a secret as the development of the atomic bomb under the Manhattan Project.

Now these elements could possibly affect the overall weather by affecting the electromagnetic function of the ionosphere by releasing billions of tons ionizing elements in the upper levels of our atmosphere.

However I could not imagine how much this would cost being such fuels are valued at the cost equivalent to our best Malt Scotch Whiskey. How about filling your tank with some Johnny Walker Blue at $1400 per bottle.

All of those radio waves, sensors, and equipment installed all over the world are used for mapping and understanding in the inner and outer workings of our planet.

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Oct 15Liked by Joe Allen

It's about time a lot of the "truther" bullcrap does some course correcting. Overall, the so-called "Truth movement" has done more harm to actual truth seeking than anything else. The constant latching on to every claim that gets dumped into slick looking documentary videos and that pour out of huckster's slimy mouths has reached its peak. Trutherism is a religion, a cult, and it makes everyone questioning things look dumb as a box of rocks by association.

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Hear, hear!!

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Oct 15Liked by Joe Allen

This site is useful... https://contrailscience.com/

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Brilliant, Joe.

I've never been a fan of Alex Jones or Infowars precisely because of stuff like this. I wish he wasn't such a presence on War Room, but I know the value of my opinions. lol

Never heard of the lunatic peddling this stuff. Thank you for sifting through all that garbage to make such a brilliant case for a return to sanity regarding the myth of weather control. ♡

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I've been sending photos with evidence of Solar Radiation Modification (type "chemtrails" and get docked as conspiracy/fake news) to my WV Governor, and Delegates in the House and Senate, with zero response to it's existence and danger, so your slanderous comments of Dane Wigington don't go well with me, who regards Dane as of one of many unsung heroes of this time. Instead of writing here creatively inside of a psychotic bubble about AI and Bots, relying on poetic rhetoric and twisted humor to hide your "wigged out" paranoid state of mind, maybe you will take the time to watch this video production --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY

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Dimming indeed.

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OK, so Wigington may have overreached, but in helpfully debunking him a bit may you have dismissed more than perhaps is justified? Nineteen-sixty-two was 60+ years ago(!) and while LBJ indeed wasn't claiming the US gov.t had control of the weather just yet, he was making a statement, not a conjecture, about the future. Much more recently the US Army put a date on the achievement of that goal: 2025, Some two months or so from now, they have declared, they will at last "own" the weather (their term). During the intervening half century they have assuredly been experimenting, and their high security lab for a project of this size would have to be our precious planet. They will of course have experienced "teething troubles" - misplaced deluges, droughts, perhaps even earthquakes, and loss of life; all useful lessons, and as a bonus cited as proof of global warming.

The primary purpose of weather control is as a weapon of war. Improving the planetary environment is a no-less-dangerous, hubristic fantasy, but that won't stop control freaks from trying.

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It is one article. Which I suspect you didn't read carefully.

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Thanks, Joe. I shall review! :)

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