“Be passers-by.” Excellent.

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Joe, with every post you open up my mind to many mansions of info. Love it; Your fresh perspectives get my neurons hopping!Can't wait to read the book!! And don't forget about doing the

"Roadie tales " book and and anthology of your articles! Have a blessed day!!!

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You got it.

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This article and podcast is, in my opinion, the deepest dive of your series of articles. I see it as an exploration into the mind of Joe Allen, as much as the concepts of transhumanism, its origins, and development through the writings of Teilhard de Chardin, Julian Huxley, Theosophists, and the New Age gurus = the Baba Rum Raisins of my youth. I think you are up to the task to debate the James Lindsays and O’Fallons of this world.

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"I never feel completely at home in any religious gathering—or anywhere else for that matter..."

Welcome to my world.

Good stuff, Joe. I look forward to the debate. Keep us posted.

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I can see part of Teilhard de Chardin's attempt at explaining things based on some things that Paul writes in 2 Corinthians about liberty being found where the Spirit of God is. Therefore, seeing God's glory in the face of Jesus in his glory, or from glory to glory, seeing face to face in a mirror spiritual glorified bodies, emptied of corrupted Adamaic flesh to be filled by the Spirit to become a spiritual being reborn glorified by the breath of the Spirit of God. The Gnostics were forcefully removed, as I'm sure you know, by the Council of Nicea and Clement as heresy because, in my view, they actually hid what it takes to obtain seeing the transfiguration of Christ, where he reveals himself to us in his glory, in order to become glorified by the power of the glory shining from his face. The Catholics have the idolatrous icons: the reverence of the thing, that escapes me at the moment, that is carried around on a pole representing the glory of Christ's face that was made into an idol causing error to reverence, bow, and pray before it. But, THEY KNEW! They used that knowledge that some had early on to retain power and control for themselves in this earthly kingdom they plan to keep. This has caused a stumblingblock to keep formidable, devout Christian Catholics at bay of entering the holy sanctuary, that temple within themselves to God, that leaves them blind to the truth of what it actually represents. The robes they wear, for example, is the devil's garment, black and red. The devil doesn't have a face, contrary to popular opinion, or horns either, but devoid of eyes and mouth as well, even though he can speak. You'd see his short, blonde hair and hear his boasting, however it is that he speaks without a mouth, "Look what I've created", as he holds up an image of self that is within each person of the corrupted man in levitation as an idol of self that he holds captive in the throne room or judgement seat of God in a translucent, silvery bubble. They know what we're supposed to do and how, but we, without unwavering faith, worshipping God in Spirit, and reading the Word faithfully with vigor would never find out. So, it's possible by what's been given of the Word and knowing God, but not without difficulty and desperation when faced with tribulation to call out to God. The Bible calls the vessels of clay vessels of wrath, and vessels of mercy when God reconstructs the vessel into the shape of his making after their faith in Christ and being sent His Spirit. If we're going to reach this place of being glorified, we must rid ourselves of ourselves and be filled by the Spirit and become a holy temple, not made by human hands, consecrated and holy to God. Everything on the other side of that in the hearts and minds of fallen man, who are apart from Christ without the spirit and the mind of Christ, is self centeredness and vanity. In fact, they don't want us to know that we can be glorified until after we're dead. lol

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Worthy exploration, thanks!

Though he was obviously astute on some level and to a point, I've always felt that Teilhard de Chardin was a tad misguided and on an empty track - a dead end hidden in the fog that sounded good at the time. As for James Lindsay and O’Fallon, kudos to you for taking that on. In your shoes, I would feel compelled to turn and run from such grandiose convolution and delusion as quickly as possible. Their expression comes across as sociopathic pseudo-intellectual auto-eroticism to me - oversized mouth, no ears, and scrambled eggs for brains. How do you stand it?

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Hopefully won't have to concern myself with it too much longer!

Maybe they're right! Only one way to find out (well, only one way I would like to find out).

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I recall reading that Teilhard's "paleontology" is alleged; that his credibility as a scientist is right up there with his credibility as a Catholic priest.

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Yes, that's called dismissal.

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The great danger for the future is the merging point of the Marxism as an ideology, that will be Leninist when applied, and the Trans-humanism. It is just a mater of time. I would not be surprised if it is happening now, in an early phase, in China.

Marx was the high-priest of his religion poisoning the minds of many followers. He has been inviting them, even post-mortem, to experience the hallucinating power of the revolution. If Stalin had the trans-humanist tools he would do more damage to his pet people.

It is the mental virus that James Lindsay is sensing, and not living the horrors of the Communism, is trying somehow to pull an alarm signal. He, like many others, is a lonely voice in the wilderness. Same like you, Joe, about the Trans-humanism and the dark future of the mankind. At least on this aspect of prediction, both of you are on the same barricade...

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All those "Marxists" in Big Pharma and Big Tech? All those "Communists" on Wall Street and in the Chamber of Commerce?

Hard disagree. Might as well just call them "Gnostics."

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I understand you disagreement but it requires some clarifications. We have to distinguish between the “Opportunist Marxist” and the “Cathartic Marxist”. Former one is living in a trend and a group, only for his own interest, and the latter one is a true believer. For 34 years of my life, I have seen both of them in the Eastern Block.

At this point in time, many agree that Marxism is in fact a recent, a new religion. For a note, both types of Marxists are defending the sect, not accepting other religions and actively seeking to eradicate people practicing them. Enjoying power and crushing the lives of other people is the cathartic side of the experience as well as the grandiose parades. Crime, idiocy and entertainment...

This is the Socialist prelude of the Communism, the new Serfdom. Marx did described these phases but he did not foresee the people enjoying the cruelty of their actions. If he was a scientist, he would try his teachings first on rats...

Other than such a disagreement, I really appreciate your articles and be looking for your next podcast.

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I really appreciate this nuance and I respect your direct experience of this horrible ideology.

Thank you for clarifying.

As to American power, what I see are mostly fashionable Cultural Marxists -- sort of like "secular Christians" -- who have abandoned the economic core of the ideas in favor of DEI and so forth.

Ironically, this is in service to capital. Massive, historically unprecedented wealth accumulation.

I am not one to peg my values on economics in general, but in case it needs to be clarified, I am 100% pro-free market, with wise regulation when necessary.

Again, thank you.

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Marx analyzed labor relation in Industrial Capitalism in the 19th century. The last century was about Finance Capitalism and the weaponization of the US$ as weapon of choice of the banking class. Understanding fiat currency, Bretton Woods, the Petrodollar and financial instruments such as derivatives and credit default swaps takes some effort but allows you to grasp the past century of money as debt as we move into Transhumanism or money as data. Our overlords have an agenda of "Full Spectrum Dominance" by 2030. They're such psychopaths that they tell you every step of the way what they're doing counting on the general public being too indoctrinated or obtuse to pay attention.

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I practice Gnosticism and Magic much more than Academically evaluate it. From this opposition maybe you'll find something useful in my rough musing on the subject from my own experience and awareness with only the most fundamental knowledge of it, a path not usually taken.


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