It’s as if you were clairvoyant when you wrote this. Becomes truer & more applicable as the days go by.

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That’s encouraging! It’s great to hear someone else has skepticism about Musk (in addition to the Allen/Warroom crew), I’ll have to check it out! Dark Aeon is a prescient warning (all 584 pages of it) & I’d argue that it’s a seminal work regarding how we perceive & opt to move forward /navigate this continually advancing tech as a society. I know of no other author who has comprehensively written and voiced such significant history, details, and critique regarding AI and transhumanism, in this manner, with cited sources. These are critical discussions to have.

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I look forward to hearing what you think of Corbett's work.

Yes I own a copy of Dark Aeon.

I agree that the book has many valid and astute points regarding AI.

Personally, I do not share Joe's views on so called "illegal immigrants", considering this : https://substack.com/@gavinmounsey/note/c-94196148 but aside from that, I found the book to be very informative.

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The more people let these LLMs do the heavy lifting for them, the weaker their brains get.


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Joe, I was thinking of you this morning when I read Robert Malone substack titled: "Dead Media Stumbles again." https://www.malone.news/p/dead-media-stumbles-again

Malone queried the Perplexity AI and it lied to him, when Malone entered official data Perplexity AI apologized and admitted "The developers and researchers at Perplexity AI determine the sources used in my Training. As an AL language model, I don't have direct access to or control over my training data. The selection of training data is a complex process involving careful curation and consideration of various factors."

My comment about this on Dr. Malone's substack is:

"It is perplexing. Perplexity was supposed to be an unbiased AI. As far as I can see an apology from an AI is just words on a screen and, a form of art in the dialog that means nothing at all. The Al references to its training is really the blanket admission that it is subject to the bias of its programmers and is therefore not to be relied on for truthful or factual information. Well reasoned subterfuge. It is only going to get more cleaver at it and worse. But everyone wants to use them in lieu of doing their own thinking.

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I enjoyed the Malone substack, too. He also said, "It is clear that AI is going to dominate our online lives and if those AI Language models are fed garbage, then the history books will be written to reflect that vomitus."

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In fact nothing is More True.

Relativism in, determinism out.

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The joke is on the “programmers”.

Even Musk.

It never ceases to blow my mind how easy it is the bamboozle people who want something so bad they’re fall for anything

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Chasing pie in the sky and unicorns.

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Excellent writing. You are right to think that Musk and Harari share essentially the same ideology. I suspect neither one of them really believe in their own fear-mongering, but both do want us get "upgraded" asap so that we make better test subjects.

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Then they should lead by example. Upgrade themselves and show us how well it works out for them. Then let us all make up our own minds if we think the juice is worth the squeeze. At least, for now, Musk is working to uncover the immense graft in the criminal organization called the US Grubbermint.

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Yes! Since Elon is all about transparency, we'll need to have access to the first crop of the "enhanced."

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All these Geeks are trying to out geek their competitors! They show how smart they are as each one adds/hides their own megalomania in the deep dark codes they come up with. It's the big experiment that runs "itself" with the mad scientists that really don't know what they are creating but want to take credit for the "good?" parts and try to hide the "downside/bad?" parts. They are all salesmen pedaling as fast as they can without looking back at the aftermath... And we are the dumb ones?!...

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This must have been very hard to get through Joe? The sacredness of God’s creation soulessly dismissed, & through the differentiation between the technological proponents, as to how humanity benefits, becomes apologetic about the degree of destruction that’s involved. Fundamentally, these people are comfortable in thinking themselves God equivalent, & as though you may have been there ahead of me, well before you got to your last couple of sentences, I thought to myself that in light of these concepts, I’m very happy to be thought a “Luddite”, then “Voila”, I got through to your summary! Thanks again Joe, spot on as usual!

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Thank you, Pat!

Yeah, man, the whole book was a slog.

But worth it! (I think.)

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damn man, dont know how i missed you. this is solid info, and great writing.

alts to amazon for purchasing the book direct...?

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Thank you! And yes, absolutely — there's a link to signed copies at the bottom of the excerpt, or at DarkAeon.xyz

I appreciate it!

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The more I read your writings, the more I begin to understand what you are talking about. Often I wonder to my self “ Do I really want to know?”. My curiosity always gets the better of me. Good piece. ❤️

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Ai has created its own language only computers understand.

It's sound like the Y2K LAN line modem.

Two AI agents on a phone call realize they’re both AI and switch to a superior audio signal ggwave.

See for yourself.


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Could we save the gibber link part to play the next time we have an AI customer representative that does not understand what we are asking of it? Particularly when we ask for a person or a human and they don't want to do that. It would be fun to screw with the AIs.

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Clone of the rag dolls finishes his comedy set.


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Elon - yes! Noah Yuval H? No! MF!

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Free will may be illusory but that doesn’t mean the universe is entirely deterministic. And the singularity techno-fetishists are so excited about may have already occurred eons ago. We may already be living in the Matrix, but unlike in the movie we may actually be the machines.

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Hugo de Garis: "..before long, machines will become vastly more intelligent than humans...either accept that humans will become the second most intelligent species or impose a global ban"

Kyus2001: "Soon these ELITES will stop DOWNGRADING us and start to UPGRADE themselves."

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