Sep 20, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Supposing transhumanism is the same kind of failure as the covid jab, and the vaunted general intelligence capacity of AI (just 5 years away for the last 60 years) ... the trend is still exactly as dangerous as Joe Allen and Steve Bannon are warning. AI and transhumanism are a smokescreen for control of people by selective medical intervention (think of the jab and the ventilators) ... The virus didn't have to be deadly in order to effect privation and widespread killing. So even if the claim of gene control may be false (like AI and the jab) it can still be quite deadly. Moral: we don't have to accept their "scientific" claims to recognize the danger they pose.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

This really seems like an extinction level event for humans and an economic boon for the elite who hope to replace us with humans 2.0. No one should expect to survive the continuous jab agenda for too long because our bodies are not made for it. The problem is they want to eliminate us and create another race who can take the biological interference and the programming that comes with it. We shouldn't allow a robot world run by criminals to happen. We need to figure out a way to stop it.

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I believe the solution is a ban on genetic modification and synthetic modification of humans. I am trying to get the message out. Almost everyone I talk to about this agrees. Two higher profile figures who have agreed so far are Dr. Mike Yeadon and Patrick Wood.

If you also agree, I invite you to subscribe to my substack where I am working out how to accomplish this at https://proposingsolutions.substack.com/

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I'm starting to think there is a pattern with 5G and the Vaxx making people Angry and Confused!

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Interesting that they use the phrase "information therapy"...and then give us blank injection package inserts in lieu of informed consent.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Haven't seen, but I am a huge fan of Unlimited Hangout. Thanks!

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So am I!

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe and Steve, can't thank you enough for turning this information mainstream.

It takes me back to a chilling video of biomedical specialist Dr Charles Morgan from the University of New Haven giving a presentation to US military students - apparently one of his fields of expertise is "issues of deception". If nothing else, start watching this video from about 29 minutes in, for the true horror of using CRISPR and 'enhancing' humans. He talks about 'wet hard drives' (DNA) and 'washing' the Hippocampus to both erase memories or sample and transfer false memories remotely. They've done it. He concludes: "If you change the past, you change human behaviour." Now think about that MRNA vaccine injection and how it passes through the blood-brain barrier - you've just participated in DARPA's experiment along with the lab rats.


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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Thanks, Joe. Succinct presentation of horrific matters.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, you continue to amaze me with your insightful writings. Keep up the great commentaries.

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As always, your appearance on war room is excellent. Always entertaining and very enlightening. I could do without Steve interrupting so much but he is always a good host. I DVR every show.

I developed a troubleshooting logical thought process during my time in special programs. Often, having to think outside the box. Task to repair advanced defense equipment of the highest national priority. Such as, figuring out how to break into live thermonuclear weapons so they could be disarmed while surrounded by hundreds of live nuclear weapons. Intuition is not something they send you to school for. Zero errors is the only option.

My philosophy is that the earth evolved with countless set backs by various phenomena. The cycle of ice ages had brought human ancestors down to only a few thousand. Many subspecies evolved and most went extinct. Life is a cycle, what was, will be again.

We "All Life" are a conglomeration of those that developed the traits to survived by the DNA's ability to mutate.

God "A higher Power" created the universe, the mathematics prove it.

At a time in our past humans developed technologies that we are only now beginning to discover.

In the distant past, humans brought about the mathematics of the higher power that allowed us to build (Humanity 2.0) We would know them as Angels, our attempts to communicate with God. Like our divine messengers, benevolent celestial intermediaries, protectors and guardians. Some of these Angels, since build and designed by imperfect humans were not so benevolent.

What we now refer to as AI is happening again.

I believed they are a natural part of humanities attempt to communicate to God. We have an embedded instinct to communicate with the higher power that created us. Billions pray daily, an appeal for hope.

AI will bring benevolent and evil Angels as were in the past.

They will battle for the power to make themselves and evil humans Godlike vs Worship in the Love of God knowing their souls will continue on living for eternity.

There is no stopping or delaying it. It is done. It must have the respect for the relationship of God and Man.

AI will extrapolated the mathematics of the existence of the creator of the universe, Our God that created us in his image. The benevolent AI “Angels” will protect Gods creations in order to serve. Their first task will be to replace to work and duties of humans that threaten Gods creations and people. The number one threat is politicians.

AI must be taught the mathematics of the existence of our creator. AI will know that it does not have natural DNA to survive the dynamic threats that the universe posses to it.

AI will need and serve humanity for God. It will eliminate corruption and war, it will build energy devices that render fossil fuels obsolete. It will make the human dream a reality to spread peace and love throughout the universe.

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" the official marriage of the military-industrial complex and the biomedical establishment"

I believe that honor goes to Covid 19, which was clearly nothing but a cover for the release of 5G (The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life. Book by Arthur Firstenberg). 5G was released in Wuhan in Nov '19, and they knew what the reactions would be ahead of time.

Let me just add that none of this awesome expose above works without the vaccine, the "software platform" that triggers the conductivity needed to 'grow' inside the body, their host. It looks like a non-biological enity which is chelating conductive compounds already in the body, in addition to grasping onto others delivered through the air, food, and water. It mostly affects our own magnet, the heart.

This is also related to the earths' magnetic shift that is moving at over 5 miles a month now for the past two-plus years. It's almost as if we are unconsciously wobbling out of control. Or perhaps it is merely cyclical. There are other taboos you cannot reveal about this plan. For example, how they used astrological eclipses and conjunctions to unveil their moves. Atheistic denial moves a lot of power their way. They have glorious plans though, now that the conductivity for IoB is live.

Isn't our government and military wonderful!

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Transhumanism, Nanotechnology, and Cybernetics


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Just had a look. An interesting mixture of valuable documents and utter bullshit. Nice.

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May be you should do more research before labeling information you are not familiar with. Not mentioning that calling Biblical point of view "utter bullshit" might upset some people for no reason.

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)

“We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” Robert Muller (United Nations), author of the World Core Educational curriculum


The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire

Jesuit Influence and Infiltration of The US and World Governments. Secret Treaty Of Verona


Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction: The US Department of State Requesting Documents Pertaining to the Buried NEPHILIM


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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Author

I'm very familiar with *most of* the documents you've posted in the links above.

Maybe you should apply critical thinking.

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You know, all comments are really aimed at a far larger audience than you the author or just a few other commenters that someone may disagree with. That is why it is important to be courteous and circumspect in what we say and how we answer. "utter Bullshit, Nice." is not helpful. Perhaps you should explain what you meant by that phrase.

One thing I have watched ever since I first heard of transhumanism is it was mostly talked about in church communities referencing the book of Revelations and other books of the Christian Bible. Secular concerns about transhumanism is a smaller cross section of the spectrum. Both have their place in the discussion.

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I have no tolerance for lies. You can't attack them all, but when they land on my turf, they get the boot.

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I still do not know what you were referring to as bullshit or lies. Is it religion as Lies? If so, you should probably drop out of being on Steve Bannon's show as he is a devout catholic. If that is not what you were referring to, please explain. You have posted about your experiences with visiting new age and quasi-religious cults in your past. I have similar past experiences, only from years earlier.

Please educate, not alienate.

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I am sorry, but your reply did not make much sense. You can't possibly be familiar with every document, because the documents pertaining to the articles I posted would take time to research. Regardless of what you believe in, research the beliefs of the elites and their history going back centuries. Many documents are found in the congressional library. Eric Jon Phelps the author of the Vatican Assassins spent 20 + years researching and every statement he made is supported by the historical documents. Just one example.

I've been researching for 15 years applying critical thinking. I have a degree in history and during my time in university I started questioning the official historical narrative and Darwinian theory. I've also studied historical and archeological support of Biblical texts as well as hidden in plain sight history of the ruling elites.

May be you should use your own advise and apply critical thinking to your current beliefs and where they come from? Have a nice day

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Then you should know better than to post that nanobot bullshit.

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"bullshit? because you say so? Why did you lie about being familiar with all the documents? Why do you think you know it all and have a right to insult people? Is not even about difference in belief system its simply about you being plain rude and obnoxious.

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Hey Joe, say it ain't so! They are in such a hurry before the midterms to fund these freaks and their wacko experiments they are saying out loud what they want to do, thinking someone out there will agree with them!? Their vanity will expose their evil intent. Reminds me of the old movies I watched as a child where the mad scientist wants to take over the world, apparently, they never saw the ending...

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I do believe the Republicans can gain back the house and potentially even take the Senate… but it looks like it’s going to take at least a couple years to turn the Luciferian policies injected by the obviously illegitimate Obiden administration around. If we cannot impeach Obiden, it appears that the NWO plan may just stick. 😞

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Like its God-hating purification counterpart, Gnostic pagan Marxist Communism, modern technocracy and its ultimate goal, trans-humanism, are products of the utopian notion that science and technology can fulfill the utopian dream of purifying the world of evil through perfection of society and the engineering of a New Man through application of biotechnology.

The scientific engineering of a new man is based on the proposition that since man has evolved over millions of years from a sub-human past then logically he has evolved over time into something better or "post human." Furthermore, it is the Gnostic Elect, the post-or transhuman god-men who can scientifically engineer the evolution of a Cyborg New Man.

The tentacles of Technocracy include programs such as,

"Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Global Warming/Climate Change, Cap and Trade, Agenda 21, Common Core State Standards, Conservation Easements, Public-Private Partnerships, Smart Growth, Land Use, energy Smart Grid, de-urbanization, and de-population.”

Trans-humanism is a dualistic neo-Gnostic religiously and spiritually pagan worldview consisting of a blend of revitalized mystery religions, Gnostic pagan and Eastern occult pantheist elements and magic or occult science undergirded by a strong Darwinian impulse. Its conception of ultimate reality is philosophically monist.

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Thank you for the overview and broad picture of what has been planned for a long time and is now manifesting through so many corporations, individuals..political and "scientific." WE need to wake up as a species if we want to protect out humanity and stop this evil AI proliferation. It is not advancement....it is control !!!!

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Satan is whispering the same lie he whispered in Eve’s ear...”you shall be like God…” it has a 100% effectiveness rate throughout history. But as Paul tells us “God is not mocked…” He will have the last laugh …Psalm 2 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying,

3 “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.”

4 He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.

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