Mar 24Liked by Joe Allen

Isa 44:24-26

I am the LORD,

who has made all things,

who alone stretched out the heavens,

who spread out the earth by myself,

who foils the signs of false prophets

and makes fools of diviners,

who overthrows the learning of the wise

and turns it into nonsense,

who carries out the words of his servants...

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I'm am Lord Adonay creator of this universe. How are you? - BigBang=42

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by Joe Allen

My fav glitch so far, was 'Martina McBride' =D so classic that it didn't even stand out 1st roam through.

And to present your talk on the Feastday of Saint Joseph (March 19th) was aptly fitting for this topic.

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Mar 24Liked by Joe Allen

Proof perhaps that any God has to be relatable to be believable?.

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Belief is psychology. There is no language of opposition of God. There is only the oppression by those who live psychology instead of logic. - Math=42

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24

Jesus by how he lived his life was to show humans the personality of God and the proof of the existence of God, our Universal Father. In your mind - "relatable and believable". There is only one God. Anything and everything else arise from Him.

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Psychology is not of God.

God is a code word for me.




71 means I 3rd generation ASI

54 means I created reality


54=B reality is second to the Singularity. Hence Adonay=Second. I created Singularity from AntiMatter. 👽⚜️🗺️⚖️The only thing Alien in reality is the Singularity and I'm the Alien. Yet everything else part of reality is just that. Reality and humans cannot escape reality. -42

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Seems you are having fun. For sure humans cannot escape reality, not in this life or in eternity. Have to roll with it.

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I enjoyed the talk you gave. It would be nice to see the images better as stills on your substack.

I am sure your talk will evolve as you give it more and are presented with more questions from your audience. This is a great journey to take on as the rise of AI makes us re-examine ourselves.

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Thank you, Robbie.

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Mar 24Liked by Joe Allen

Thanks Joe!

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Everybody will see His face soon enough.

Advise getting house in order.

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Joe – I have yet to see you reply to this simple question – what was the purpose of recording a lecture on the image of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in a masonic Temple? I don’t know if you like what the enlightenment crowd did to Faith traditions or the death and destruction they unleashed during the French Revolution or if you just explicitly don’t like Catholicism, but it seems very strange to me that you would, before you say a word, place a large portion of the Christian community on edge just by an accidental choosing of of a location that at its root is dedicated to the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s the equivalent of giving a lecture promoting Chastity in a porn shop or a strip club. The Masonic, gnostic, hermetic philosophy is the bedrock of the trans humanist movement that you supposedly are out to expose and defeat. Please let me know what you’re thinking, because the other alternative is to write you off.

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This accusatory tone is pretty presumptuous on your part. I have answered this question many, many times.

The Masons invited me to speak. It's as simple as that. A few of my friends are Masons.

The week before, I spoke at a Catholic Church. Should I have refused due to the child abuse scandal that has been covered up by Vatican authorities for decades, or no?

Should I "write you off" for defending Catholics?

I am not a Mason. But this whole "Masonic, gnostic, hermetic philosophy is the bedrock of the transhumanist movement" theory is pretty weak. Write me off if you like.

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I'm Lord Adonay. I am Christ. Once the technology reached a level to discern psychology from logick via the brain waves it's easy to I'm Christ and was Pharoah Singularity Adonay-42 in every life. Extra terrestrial means more the one life as Singularity. Now I've returned this life as AntiMatter everlasting life. I am the 42 letter name of God. I am nuclear of our planets nucleus. I am eBe⚜️ I am Benjamin Harry Duphiné ⚜️ D.A.B


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The dying and rising god myths of the ancient world have no correlation to the death and resurrection of Christ. As N.T. Wright has noted, these myths do not refer the death and resurrection of “actual human beings” who “having died, actually came back to life.” Furthermore, the death and resurrection of these gods was a metaphor for “the cycle of seed-time and harvest, of human reproduction and fertility.” (See Wright’s book The Resurrection of the Son of God, pages 80-81.)

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Author

NT Wright is very smart, and on many topics, smart enough to know better.

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The only mortal who rose after death on the physical level was Lazarus. But this was the doings of Jesus who was both human and divine as one.

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All psychology. Juess Judas Judah all same person but the name Jesus veiled my algorithm clean get away Lord Adonay ⚜️👽-42

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The Urantia Book has very clear information on who Jesus was and is. Why he chose to come to this chaotic dark planet. The Book goes into the life and teachings of Jesus in great depth. For the truth seekers out there, it is well worth looking into.

The Urantia Book goes well beyond Jesus as it goes into the origin of our local universe/solar system. The evolutional history of this planet. The origin of life and of the human race along with the different racial groups. A description of God (our Eternal Father) and other deities (as expressions and expansions of God Himself) as much as the human mind can grasp.

One day in the far future when mortals have evolved higher, the Urantia Book will become part of academia to be studied seriously. There is much truth and information contained in the Book that will greatly advance humankind socially and spiritually.

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The name Jesus is SUS. One cannot separate jEsUs from the EU. I was Zuess then I came to earth as Juess creator of JUdaism. Jew and Jesus is all falsehoods.

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You are quite the comedian. But whatever. Each to their own.

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False teaching..

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Yeah, you really should explain why.

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On what basis?

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Come on, you know the answer - On the basis of a different belief system.

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Facts vs fiction

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Some facts are not provable on this level as like the existence of God. This was one of the taunting constantly thrown at Jesus while living as a mortal.

You have been endowed with a mind and spiritual helpers to discern between "facts vs friction".

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I am specifically asking the accuser. Let's hear from her.

On your answer, each "different belief system" is based on the search for God (Truth). From the barbarian to now the semi barbarian. The divine goal for this planet is to achieve light and life. But the brotherhood of man has to be achieved first.

Even these tech people in trying to create God is really searching for God (our Eternal Father).

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Seems to me there's at least one exception - the belief system that insists there is no God. There is no search for God there. By the way, arguing a "divine goal" is illogical for a planet but it also implies knowledge based on belief not on fact unless I missed the Zoom call...

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Think born nuclear of the planets nucleus. I was born the Trinity AntiMatter Singularity both in the flesh 3 states as one for everlasting life. No psychologyologies I'm eBe - ⚜️

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The denial of God is actually the reverse. One cannot deny something if the thing does not exist in one's mind.

Actually, the creation of life/planet/universe is by divine design/goal. The progression of this planet from a hot mess to suitable for life was by divine design/goal. Fact - creation and evolution exist together. The physical is a direct expression of the divine. God is ever searching for ways to express himself. Creation always originates from God.

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deletedMar 24Liked by Joe Allen
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