Thanks Joe, for going to that monstrosity and reporting, so I don't have to. AI is a death cult, and it is promoted by persons who have lost their spiritual connection and are scared to death of taking their last breath. It's no wonder then that Transhumanism is so dystopian and life-denying.

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"it takes a strong misanthropic streak to see total depopulation as a “protopia.”" Indeed. It would have been nice if they had asked an *actual* transhumanist in creating this.... exhibit thing. I don't want transhumanism being presented by a misanthropist and anyone who wants humanity to go extinct or to "stop polluting the Earth".

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A couple of years back, I read an interview that Zuckerberg did with a magazine wherein he laid out his 'vision' for the future with Meta. He wants everyone (particularly young people) to have access to virtual reality technology so that they can create an avatar of themselves on Meta. Then, by wearing the VR glasses & bodysuit, you will be able to see, hear, & feel everything your avatar can. Zuckerberg then, excitedly explained that you can do this without ever leaving your house. I was mortified by his 'vision' because I have 7 grandchildren who could possibly grow up thinking that not having physical contact with other people is okay. It is wrong on every Godly & human level I can think of. Our children & grandchildren are going to face adverse situations that require them to be strong in their love for, & faith in Almighty God. I pray for their strength & resilience.

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"I suppose in the age of AI, you can expect any art to be derivative—but does it have to be stupid, too?"


It sure is good to see you writing here again, Joe. ♡

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There's an awful lot of interwoven themes going on in Aronofsky's head on any given day. Case in point, his film 'The Fountain' in 2006 features this trivia tidbit on imdb;

"Darren Aronofsky started on the story in 1999, when he turned 30yrs old and his parents were diagnosed with cancer. He began reflecting on human mortality: 'That was a really heavy-duty emotional time. Turning 30 marks when your 20s are over and you could start considering, one of these days I'm actually going to die.' His parents overcame cancer, and he began to focus on the concept of a young man saving a loved one from a life-threatening disease."


During the bonus features on his dvd, he highlights the fact that his roommate in college/uni was doing brain research. The film writing process may have begun at age 30, but after financing the film with Pitt/Blanchett in 2002 with 75mill budget, it all got kicked out from under him, delayed filming, cut budget to 35mill and relocated from Australia to Montreal, finally emerging intact in 2006.

I grabbed this dvd for $5 from a sale table in a video shop closing in our small town, knowing nothing about him or his films. The fallacies about the Spanish Inquisition are a pet peeve of mine, so I wanted to see what blarney he was spouting in his 'creative process'. Watching the film countless times, something new always emerges about his film making process, the details/diversions that almost overtake the place/people/plot. Perhaps that's why he was invited to produce this orb atrocity, simple as the old gypsy switch. Look entertained while I break your brain in half, and fill it with enough trash heap refuse material to render you moot, altered, walking by reflex to no particular destination....

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The Fountain is my favorite.

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Love your sense of humor.

Wondering what percentage of the population on earth has been awakened to the truth or is it mostly the young who get sucked into the rabbit hole of their phone. Hence another reason for killing off the elderly with plandemics and vax.

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study posted on the 20th. (link first seen on Q research...heh.)

A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination


We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.


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best prose in reporting my friend, (besides naomi wolf) you are becoming one of my fave writers! you need to write a book on your roadie days!

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The Instructions to "The Purple"

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Well now we know why Jesus Christ foretold this 2,000 years ago. God knew these demonic, insane Globalist leaders would be up to this in our time. Christ had this to say about the time shortly before His return to Earth

(Mark 13:19-20) "For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. {20} And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days."

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Thanks for this extraordinary post Joe! I knew nothing about this "exhibit". Everyone needs to get your book.. Dark Aeon. At a minimum, humanity needs at least SOME humans aware of what is happening right now.

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