My new fav catch-all voodoo/hoodoo/schmoodoo term is "synchro-mysticism" ...no clue of the precise definition, but it sounds hippie trippy. Does this concept slingshot itself into orbit around post-humanism or are they unrelated?

PS - Methinks many are zombie-trotting through life, having already lost their minds, and those are the poor souls who cannot be reached, cannot see reason, nor feel empathy. They're empty. They're the ones who board the spaceship unaware of their menu relevance. Context is everything, per 1962 Twilight Zone = https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734684/

Show Quotes: SPOILERS

(Patty) Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! The rest of the book, "To Serve Man", it's - it's a cookbook!

(Michael Chambers) How about you? You still on Earth or on the ship with me? Well, it doesn't make very much difference because sooner or later we'll, all of us, be on the menu. All of us.

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I was glad to hear your definition of "singulartarian", however you spell it. I think I might be one and I am horrified by the eventuality, should mankind choose to go that route. Not at all "for" it. But, I also have confidence that The Almighty Immortal One will not allow the souls of the little ones to be harmed by the demons of convenience, control and predictability. God loves variety.

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Like the human drones who enforce the will of the overlords onto the rest of us.

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Hi Joe! Been following/subscribing, really enjoying your work. Dark Aeon on Audible. Great work, great writing. Love it!

Like Amy commenting here (and I suspect, ultimately, yourself), I'm convinced we have a much greater, much more wonderful inheritance than all of this bumph for Mankind (tho that wouldn't necessarily preclude some of the bizarro AI insanity unfolding - to whatever degree).

What do you think of the prophecy of the coming Sons of God (clearly referred to by Paul - and elsewhere), originally penned by 17th century Christian mystic, Jane Lead? (pinned to my X account @1WilliamTheLion - and/or lodged by me at Dropbox here):


If you're "link averse," I can email it (or maybe even post it here). lmk

Love and best wishes,


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