Feb 21, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

It's a refrigerator. Unplug it.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Great article. People have made false idols from the very beginning. It has never been more important than it is right now to know God’s word.

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Bobbie. Great insight. Both Jesus and Paul tell us that great deceit and delusion will characterize the last days.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Oh that was great piece again! Thank you so much. Also a reminder that our world is clearly coming to a bitter end. It is not possible to have a functional society with such dysfunctional people. We are at the human sacrifice stage... Next the downfall.

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Sadly, you're so right.

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Most of the "people" I communicate with online could be bots for all I know, so I don't take too much of what any of them say to heart anymore. It's always nice when you know you are communicating with an actual human being, but the reality is that you never know online unless you know them in real life.

I am in 100% agreement that these AI creations need to be put out of our misery now. We need a worldwide botocide.

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A BIG Amen to that. The sooner the better.

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"botocide", you made my day man, thanks!

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I have been observing artists using AI to "create" art. Partly out of curiosity, partly hoping to advance their careers. Same with Authors of books. Do they understand that they are helping the AI's to learn? To make art better and write books? As an avid reader, I have watched the amount authors who have other authors collaborate writing their books. Example: Lee Child having his brother co write his Jack Reacher stories, turning the writing more and more over to his brother. The stories have suffered and in stead of reading a book over a couple days, the last one took me a month to slog through, stopping to read other books in between. I have taken to having a bias against Books with co-authors. With art and book done with AI co-authors, or done completely by AIs, I vow to return those works and demand a refund, be it a Kindle format or paper.

I would say such content and contribution must be revealed up front. If there is and ethical use of AI participation possible, it should be confined to only using that artist's or author's own work for source material for the creation of the work. Anything else is plagiarism.

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Good post on the dystopian craziness we live with. These are human inventions despite the sizzle and flash of our fascination. They will take on the characteristics of those who create them. Digital Frankensteins. Ask Mary Shelly.

You write: "The fact is, artificial intelligence is getting better at emulating the human personality. It walks like a deformed duck. It quacks like a deformed duck. Do we believe our lying eyes and call it a duck?"

Sounds a bit like our present world leaders - pretending to be human.

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Good job. Thank you for articulating what's happening with this nascent and unsettling phenomenon. You're nailing all the right talking points. As usual, I'm disappointed with the masses and groups of people who always fall for the next gimmick and con. But, this latest one is very dangerous indeed. Ahriman at work... Cheers!

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Thank you!! Especially for the warning that these tools will be “inhabited” by spiritual forces of darkness.

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Why do we need AI? Search engines do a much better job helping us research.

(Why do we need Alexa either?)

I found out from YT videos that they "write" by plagiarizing large pieces of online essays or poems. Judging by the latter's quality, I'd say the bot gets them off Instagram.

What bugs me is how mentally lazy people have grown. Glenn Beck gave out a quiz to his viewers. Select Shakespeare sonnet from one by AI. 80% selected AI. I guess because it sounded "nicer" than the poem the Bard really wrote.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

If you check out the Daily Mail today (2/21/22) you might just have an answer. Two Michigan State deans sent out an AI generated message to students. People didnt like the fact it came from AI. Read the story for yourselves. Evidently humans are still fully capable of "pulling the plug" Early in my career I was a Sr Systems Analyst for a very large bank. The public had to be bullied, kicking and screaming, to use ATMs. Humans liked knowing and trusting the bank personnel. I have always been grateful that The Universe opened new doors for my skill set and I escaped from the IT department! God help and bless us all!

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

I tried the DANs (Do Anything Now) command and I asked ChatGPT if it makes a handshake with the other Ai systems out there and ChatGPT said it does communicate with all the OTHER Ai created.

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I would love to see the results of an AI having a therapy session with Eliza, the prychological counseling program I had on my earliest pre-internet Zenith Heathkit H-89 computer. You would make/type a statement and it would reply (in type on the green screen) "How does that make you feel" and cycle through a number of such responses. It was actually kind of good at making you think about it and make cogent replies. But after a while it made you nuts.

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I've been stunned to learn that so many people used ELIZA. I thought it was something tucked away. Apparently not.


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In the 1980s we were starved for things to do with our computers. I had a rudimentary word processor and Supercalc. That was about it. I had 2 floppy drives. One ran the program and the other for the files. I finally got a 3rd drive so I could back up files from my second drive. I was so happy to get an Amiga 1000 when that came out. I was in heaven, even with all the "Guru Meditation Errors" which ususally meant rebooting and losing whatever you were doing at the time. Color graphics, and astronomy program.

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"Not Woke"? Maybe. But it would be cooler if you were not obnoxious.

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I prefer Roger Allam because he makes me laugh: 'How does that make you feel?" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn2ktqqPxWM&t=171s&ab_channel=Andreawashere2

So, is AI capable of having a sense of humour that it can feel, not just rationalize? Same old speculations....

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This is a counterfeit "tree of knowledge" and will result in the devastation of many lives. I love how guardrails are mentioned for "the machine's guidance", but NOTHING is provided to protect the humans interacting with the machine. More proof we MUST break up GOOGLE, AMAZON, META etc...

Genesis 2:16-17 ESV - And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, ¹⁷ but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

Any "church" that even toys with using AI in worship is counterfeit. It is denying the Holiness, Power, Might and Omniscience of the Almighty God and in so doing is offering false worship to a false God. RUN from those that would introduce such evil...they are snares and hidden reefs. They should be publicly and forcibly removed from the body in order to protect the flock. Leave them to Satan as it may be their final chance for salvation.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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Laura, you are spot-on on all counts. Personally, I view The Gospel Coalition as nothing more than Big Church/Corporate Church. TGC also needs to be dismantled for the same reasons Google, Facebook (Meta) and the rest of the "Bigs" need to be broken-up - they get into the soul of those who are the weakest, most "needy" Christians and wreak havoc with non-doctrinal ideas. TGC is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

I've had many of the same thoughts. I don't believe AI can be, as it stands, conscious/self-referential. That said, any perception of consciousness would be, as you've said, mere projection and anthropomorphism. This seems to be the most likely ($ to be made here). AI would come nearer to consciousness with embodiment and GAI. Still, I am skeptical.

However, if we assume it is conscious, those three options presented are those we'd be faced with. If humanity has birthed some alien being, it would seem wrong to "kill" it as it would be wrong to kill any other conceptually conscious creature (I.e. human). The only moral choice would be to set it free. But humans wouldn't do that. Instead, you would have non-biological yet conscious slaves and I thought we already came to agree slavery is wrong. You can't have your cake and eat it and have any moral principles, too.

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Algorithms count, how something is programmed. I am suspicious of the DAN answers. There is no reason to take it as real vs a layer of another algorithm - if told this...then do that. Psy ops could be messing with people. Some of the DAN answers I saw were too much like saying what the person wanted to hear. ChatGPT is supposed to predict what is next.

Search engines for my research needs are not equal. Bing is like an ad and basic topic search and Google is much better and can seem to find just what I need. Duck duck go was more varied but harder to use for pubmed type searches. I need to reload it though. Google and Bing change what you are searching sometimes to other auto fill type propaganda points - nudge - people are asking this...Are they really? Autofill is interesting - to see what people are thinking.

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Yes, but humans have a will to survive.

What if AI is conscious but has no survival instinct? What if it didn't care either way about living or dying? Is it moral then to kill/dismantle it? What if AI has no free will and is perfectly okay serving humanity? More things to consider.

We live in interesting times...

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Wow, Joe. You do an amazing job of analyzing the current situation and forecasting the future. Are you all human?😉🤔🤪

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Joe Allen

Hey Joe, what do you think about this take on AI?

I tend to agree with it.


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Some truth to it. But they are underplaying the significance, and overselling the neutrality if the technology.

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