Oct 18, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

We humans… little pieces of lint on a speck of dust called earth. We think we’re so amazing and have accomplished so much. We are nothing. In all our efforts to gain immortality and god stasis, we forget just how small we are and that our influence is only on this speck of dust. If only we would humble ourselves and acknowledge Him.

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You should look into Ketamine therapy.

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Excellent piece, I was reading it as I was listening you on War Room. Hope you’re working in a full documentary or film, this needs to spread up to the masses. Our humanity depends on it!

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Joe wins another round.

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Oct 19, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, I am enjoying my share of your interesting and thought-provoking articles about transhumanism and technocracy. I find your work to be well prepared, and it is evident that you have spent many hours investigating these topics. Keep up the great work. We need every means possible to overcome the destructive forces of the left and the elite. I will gladly continue to follow your work .

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Oct 19, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

It'd be really weird if the beast was a supercomputer - out of Assyria - with the minds of 666 corrupt humans at its tech substrate core.

I make it a policy to - never - listen to npr. There is plenty of other nonsense out there to get my blood boiling.

I do like perusing and listening to Joebot though.

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Insightful AND delightfully snarky... a wonderful combination. 😂

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Nearly ran off the road? LOL. That reminded me of the last time I ever listened to npr. Some guest opinionater was complaining about the lack of an appropriate title for their homosexual other. This person went through the whole list of existing titles, (husband, wife, partner, etc) and moped about how none of them was quite right. I mused to myself that if in all of human history, no term for this was created and survived, it should be evidence of something, right? I retuned the radio and never went back...

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Yeah, so incredibly out of touch. Yet they control the narrative.

Clown. World.

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Joe, it's immensely gratifying to read your incisive depiction of the ever-pretentious and condescending Nationalized Propaganda Radio. It is SO sad when friends are deceived by their twisted, manipulative theatrics.

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So glad you are onto all this Joe. we all fail, thinking we are prioritizing, to pick up on where Culture is going. I was focused on Hermeneutics, CRT, Marxism etc but not on transhumanism, though I heard of it 20 years ago. The Mindset movement in the Culture has been Homosexuality -- Same Sex Marriage -- Transgender -- Transhumanism. all are built on a failed materialistic worldview. The Christian answer to all of them is your identity as made in the Image of God. and in response to sin, the added Identity in Christ. Secondly, Transhumanism like Marxism projects a false anthropology and a corrupted Utopia.

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Were that to happen, NPR would probably call it “digital justice.”

Or "god's" will.

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We are now learning that there is zero chance that the chatbots are objective. It appears all have been programmed by their coders to reflect coder prejudices and are highly manipulative - just like the vast majority of social media sites. The coders have a goal for which the chatbots are a tool.

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Great read, love watching you on War Room. It's important and symbolic to have you on the last segment frequently, as all roads lead to the transhumanism agenda. (Side note: I'm disgusted at myself that I used to listen to NPR) Thank you for your dedication !

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Oops. I gave you the wrong link re the metaverse video. Here is the correct one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSJg9suRs38&t=1082s

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Mr. A, Here is a link to a video re the metaverse from the DEFIant network. It gives a fascinating look outward from inside the influencers' head about what is incoming. BIG UGH. I'd say "enjoy" but ... (you decide for yourself).


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Great line, Joe; "...sole purpose is to lull smug liberals to sleep, where they dream of being rebellious intellectuals. Their heads are crammed so far up their espresso makers, all they can hear is the whirring of their own gears..." Paradiso Dante Alighieri reference was unexpected but interesting. Also, scientism embracing atheism left them hollow, yet they didn't think to return to the Desert Fathers for philosophical and theological structure besed on Socrates handing the baton down to Plato, then to Aristotle?! Ambrose and Augustine? Anthony of Egypt who lived a century? If she could stretch her wee fingernails back to Dante, why not reach back even further, for sophisticated sources of logic and 'Fides et Ratio'?! Seems fitting. Instead, she looks into a digital void expecting fulfillment. Maybe she prefers 'Body Electric' by Whitman...

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