Oct 7, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Excellent article. I believe that a person takes a mark knowing that it means he or she worships the Antichrist, and the image of him, as it says in the text of Revelation 13. The signs & wonders that go along with this are yet to be seen, but we are farther along the road to the fulfillment than we were yesterday. The vax passport seems to be a conditioning tool for the rest to come. Maranatha.

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Oct 30, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

According to Jewish sages fusion (mixing) of fallen angels with the seed of man produced the Fallen Ones “נפלים” or as the Torah calls them ‘Nephilim’. Now we are facing the fusion of physical, digital and biological worlds.

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Nov 8, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

After listening in to today's war room, I think the term to be used for the after point of the transhumanist convergence should be the Latin Phrase:

Homo Machina

Since it cannot be Man in the machine, but is Man the Machine.

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Love that.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Excellent piece! I'd love to know how corrupt & frankly evil these people are? The vaccine for instance? Why are they ignoring natural immunity? It's the very thing a vaccine tries to get our bodies to mimic, the creation of antibodies made by our own bodies when you get sick to fight off the illness. Why are they pushing it on the kids? Their chance of dying from the CCP virus is stylistically 0 unless they have leukemia or another serious condition. They have many, many reports of miscarriage, changes in women's cycles etc. So there is a question about the effect the shot has on reproduction, why then would you let them give every child in the country this shot? (Other than it would be Bill & Melinda Gates fevered dream! Population control on mass!) Is it just about control or is it more nefarious, get everyone to take something, most really don't want, because of "public health" , but what people don't know is there's something in it, a chip perhaps? If they knew that they'd never take it, so get it in now, under the guise, of covid, or maybe it is just $, power & control?

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It's definitely conditioning.

I highly doubt there are chips in the vaxx. If there were, they probably wouldn't work much better than the vaccines!

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Oct 9, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Revelation aside, I am 68, I have never seen such intense pressure to take a vaccine, never. I'm sure, You remember, first it was bribery (Ohio going as far to place vaxxed adults into a lottery with a $ Mil jackpot (Paltry if you ask me) and for underage people, their name entered in a lottery with a Four Year College Tuition Scholarship as the jackpot.

Then it slowly crept into "social pressure" shaming those who refused the vaccine same as as non-caring selfish pigs who will kill others.. even though the others ARE vaccinated

Now, we have actual EXTORTION. Employers of >= 100 fined thousands per day per un-vaxxed employee. No legislation passed just have OSHA consider an Un-Vaxxed co-worker, in the same category as working with toxic / hazardous material without proper safe guards. Except in this case, the proper safe guard is firing the unvaxed.

NEVER have I seen even bribery used in the past to take a vaccine least see Extortion

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Oct 30, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

What is really interesting that many Christians don't understand is the connection between the Mark of the Beast and the Jewish tradition of using "tefillin" or phylacteries. These are small boxes filled with the word of God and wrapped in leather with leather straps. They are strapped to the left arm and to the forehead. In Jewish thought, the head represents your thought life, and the arm or hand (because in a Hebraic mindset, there is no difference) represents action. So, essentially this practice has to do with saturating your mind with the word of God and then putting it into practice. Now, in Revelations we see Satan copying this Jewish custom because he isn't very original. He likes to copy God, but instead, Satan is switching the left arm for the right arm. I think it's important that we understand the symbolism of this Jewish tradition because it is the key to unlocking the symbolism of the Mark of Beast. Satan wants control of our minds and he wants our devotion (action). The question is, how can he best implement this? How is he already doing this? And how will he best implement this in the future that pertains to the control of buying and selling? Once we figure this out, we will finally understand what might potentially be the Mark of the Beast.

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Revelation 13:16-18 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.

The question is, this was a prophecy given over 2000 yrs ago around 95 AD. "And he causes "all", all who? Well, the entire world. How is the antichrist going to do that? Wouldn't one need some type of tech to pull this off? This mandate isn't a request, its a mandatory order, whch means if one doesn't receive the mark, then one is shut out of the society that was left behind after all the Christians were removed from the earth by JESUS before the advent of the antichrist. The is call the 7 yr Tribulation for the world especially the Jews.

There is no connection between the a custom of the Jews which by the way was a commandment from The LORD, and the Mark. This custom, the Jews took it literally from this passage:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! 5 "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 "These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7 "You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. 8 "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. 9 "You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

The mark of the breast is a literal mark of some type that people will need to show in order to survive during the 7 yr tribulation.

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One of the issues I often see is when people get so in to trying to Identify the “Mark of the Beast,” is they get too wrapped up in trying to figure out what the Bible clearly says will be completely understood by all when it happens. This idea that people “accidently took the mark” by taking the concoctions (I refuse to call them a true vaccine) back in December of last year through literally the early summer is absurd.

In 1st John 4:3 we read “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” I think that too many Christians forget that the Spirit of Antichrist is here right now and has been since the beginning of the church. To put it another way, the Antichrist and his spirit will do what an antichrist does, and the pattern will be consistent.

It has taken almost 2000 years to get us to a potential true global world. It took over 100 years in America to have most of our educational system infiltrated to convert our schools into indoctrination centers rather than places of learning. We may have a wealth of information and knowledge at our fingertips, but we have lost wisdom. Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence will dominate the lives of our youth and most parents will simply let it happen. After all, today’s parents were raised on the Internet and highly exposed to their own virtual reality in the ever-expanding video game addictions we see in 20-and-30-year-olds.

Many Churches have taken on the things of the world, including being more entertainment oriented in their style, with the gospel message reduced to more of a self-help clinic and pep talk. The big screens, praise bands, and lighting effects stir the imagination, not the heart or intellect. For too many, the smartphone has become the replacement of their mind and soul.

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(1)Read what Emerald Robinson had to say recently about the Bio- illuminance in the Covid Inoculation. (2)Then watch the movie DUNE (old or new versions) and think about the scene wherein the royals house staff are checked for Harkonian spies by using a light beam of some sort. (3)Now ask your self: Why is there no Federal or State data base for those that are inoculated?

(4)The answer is obvious.

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I have a working theory that this transhumanist movement, Metaverse, graphene oxide and Neuralink are connected. Control F search graphene oxide: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2021/ma/d1ma00712b

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Dude, we've seen all of this. Your input is appreciated, but not the spamming.

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Joe this a great read.

I have just started follow you because I find the subject of transhumanism fascinating. It’s the tower of babel all over again.

As you pointed out many Christians are drawing parallels to the mark of the beast and current events. May I suggest the mark is already here and has been here. Johns’ revelation equates the mark with the coming of the anti-christ. However, in 1st John 4:3 the Apostle writes the anti-christ is already here. This was written two thousand years ago. Johns Revelation says the mark is man’s number. Remember man was created on the 6th day, he stands 6 feet tall and possesses 6 senses. The carnal man has no need for the God of the Bible. He thinks things in his mind and then builds it with his hands. The mark is in his head and in his hand. This is why Paul writes in Romans 12:2, Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. To the Christian, the great deceiver always brings forth a counterfeit to what the one true God is about to do on earth. So goes transhumanism.

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I’m late to this article, but in my defense, you just posted the link for me in your most recent post. :) I love this! Excellent insight! I’ve noticed that many translations of Revelation say a mark on the hand AND the forehead. I think the forehead aspect refers to a brain chip, ie BCI, human 2.0 etc, the changing of your image of God to an image of man, or Shwab or whomever. I believe that at some point, no one will be able to get by with only one or the other, they will need both, and the two will work together in tandem in midst of the global socialist Utopia; as your means of currency and identification, as well as conformity to the new human system and the new global governance. I can only imagine that it will be voluntary for a while but eventually will be mandatory…not by mandate, but mandatory the way a smart phone is mandatory if you want to keep up in life and business and society. Very few will even want to resist after a certain point. Thanks again!

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Revelation 18:23 ...for by your PHARMACEIA all nations have been deceived.

Please read this, it is translated from German. Because that could be the missing piece of the puzzle in your article_


DNA connection: Noah and his family were spared because their genetics were intact. But man's inheritance had been corrupted by Satan himself, so God had to destroy the entire population. You see, if you are no longer human in your DNA, then you are outside the scope of redemption and salvation, for the Lord Jesus (HE IS GOD) became man to redeem man. - Satan is trying to destroy mankind by altering human DNA.

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J?oe, I have been watching you on Steve Bannon's WarRoom and I am a end time, bible believing Christian and I was wondering if you have ever seen or heard of BILLY CRONE?? He is a Pastor of Sunrise Bible Church located in Henderson NV. He has EXTENSIVE work in TRANSHUMANISM and can be found at GETALIFEMEDIA.COM. You would be fascinated by the things that he has discovered regarding TRANSHUMANISM among many other topics concerning the last days. We live in the most exciting time period ever known to man! I like what you are doing, but if you want to add the "true" Christian element to all this, find out the actual TRUTH from the Word of God ABOUT this matter and the MARK OF THE BEAST, SATANISM, WITCHCRAFT, ETC. Billy Crone is the ABSOLUTE best you can glean from. This is for you and for anyone who is interested in the Biblical truth of the last days. Please, go to his website: getalifemedia.com God bless you all.

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And it is now abundantly clear that the CCP Plandemic bioweapon and the poison jabs are a NWO Globalist Luciferian depopulation agenda! Irrefutable Evidence... and GOD's 'Ultimate Antidote' and effective remedies/therapeutics detailed here:


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I get confused as to which players are behind the jab and rona. Gates, (Rockefreller/Illuminist?), Soros, CCP. Or are they the all behind it, like ww3's axis of evil?

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www.70weeks.com is about Jesus Christ's 1st and 2nd comings and the anti-christ the beast of the book of Revelations etc...

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Joe, fascinating work, watching you on war room. I want to share a video with you that ties in directly with what you do, you may already be aware of it. Catherine Austin Fits interview with Corey Lyn at Corey's Digs. Thanks for all you do! https://youtu.be/nJmrouipygY

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Hello joe,

Great work and keep it up. I wish Steve would give you more time, to develop this more. One note is that I personally am not jumping at every twist and turn as we head towards St Johns revel, Gods word says in the right hand or forehead, so until then we are still safe. Al this other nonsense is in preparation to the mark. To all humanity die first before you agree with the right hand or forehead options.

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