Oct 8Liked by Joe Allen

I used to work with dementia/Alzheimer’s patients with a home care company. Not as a caregiver but in customer service operations. I also cared for my father at my home as dementia engulfed him over a 2 year period.

Visiting memory care facilities was like a nightmare, especially the state run facilities, filthy, uncaring and demeaning. The vulnerability of these people is astounding and there are plenty to prey on their weakness. The destruction of the family unit is to blame, these people should be at home with family not isolated or thrown into facilities to die. This is how the globalists and communists have risen to power.

If the state gets wind that a person may be a danger to themselves or others they will send in “charities” or NGO’s to take control. Theses “charities” go through the belongings, documents every drawer and my bet is A LOT doesn’t make it into the ledger. They then decide what to do with the “guilty”. Ankle monitors, splitting up spouses and selling everything to pay for their “care”.

It is a satanic society we live in. Stay close to family, don’t send anyone to a nursing home or memory care (unless they are violent) to make your life easier, for your time will come as well.

You are a good man Joe and so is your book. Keep up the good work.

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Really came to appreciate you with this one Joe. In all the world of omg, what the heck's happening, a little genuine care reminds us what's important and true.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by Joe Allen

"But for the Grace of God go I."

My mother died a couple of years ago with dementia. It's sad to watch a strong independent person lose their mind. She didn't even know who I was when she died.

God bless you always, Joe Allen. ♡

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Oct 8Liked by Joe Allen


I also give some of my time to people at church and in various charity groups. It REALLY sucks to see such good people that become so confused as to take fiction for fact. (Remember "Q"?) I pray. For them & their deceivers. Please continue writing & speaking. Eat the meat & throw away the bones. There is only so much you can do for people that are or want to be afraid. I personally? Have met and continue looking forward to meeting Yeshua in person. Being scared is something I put away along time ago. Remind the next "Sarah" who is in charge & stop bending knees.

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Q is still kicking. Some of my family are Q believers, and they’re such strong Christians that I hesitate to criticize them too heavily

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Oct 8Liked by Joe Allen

Fear is a powerful force. I suppose having a child who has gone through multiple hospitalizations with a variety of doctors from amazing to borderline incompetent, but mostly good, has made me realize that if God is God, then any perceived limitations of him are of my own making or my own perception. Incompetence didn’t stop him.

I’m not afraid of doctors, but the esteem I held for the profession is dead thanks to Covid and life experience. I trend towards natural medicine; I’ve always had a soft spot for it anyhow. There are herbs that heal fractures, but another human still has to set the bone. There are herbs to staunch bleeding, but someone still has to sew up that nasty gash.

I pity that woman in your story and wish her to be freed from her terrors. Am I supposed to say I will pray for her? Maybe I will. The scape goat mechanism is a strong impulse, prevalent in nearly all religions…. I try not to follow that impulse now that I’m aware of it in myself. It’s not easy; blame is much easier. Too many people think that any ONE decision is THE decision. They’re almost the opposite of the prosperity gospel believers, the fire insurance Christians. They bought their policy and haven’t noted it since. I was once like that, not so long ago. I feel pity for those in that sad trap. That woman, does she say she’s a Christian? Maybe she would be shocked to read the lists of people in bible who “do not inherit the earth” … right next to murderers and thieves and liars are the lazy and the cowardly. Got me thinking pretty long and deep when I came upon that and actually comprehended what I’d read.

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Oct 8Liked by Joe Allen

Who needs nanobots when you can control people with 1’s and 0’s?

If you liked the vax thing you’ll love the ufo’s.

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The UFO or alien deception is lining up all the 1s and 0s for the big day. It's been a hundred years in the making at least. HG Wells and then the Area 51 mythology through to Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project all funded by Rockefeller INC. Not sure it's going to land though. They may actually have run out of steam with Operation COVID which left even most NPCs jaded and exhausted. They know they were conned deep down and won't be so easy to fool with an even more elaborate and difficult to orchestrate ruse.

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They can always resort to force.

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A very sad story. All too common, I'm afraid. Very intelligent people can be mentally ill along with Alzheimer's / dementia. In fact intelligent people are often the victims of scammers because they thing they are too smart to be conned. We are all being gaslight 24/7 by advertising, media, politicians on both sides and, of course snake oil pitchmen and women because our health is a core survival concern. Everyone is a normie about somethings no matter how educated and resistant and naturally skeptical we may be. What chance do people like her have. With cults it is often impossible to deprogram people because they bought in fully and their whole personality and world vision is invested in what the cult "teaches". They are love bombed and feel the cult adherents are their friends and real family. Drinking the cool-aid has very real and tragic meaning.

I talked with a woman at my grocery store. She was old widowed and lonely. She started to spill her life story. She had lung cancer 15 or more years ago, the lung was removed, but, now suddenly fast growing cancer is in her other lung. The docs said there was nothing more they could do. I asked about if she had the covid shots. She replied of course, it was needed to save lives and had 4 shots. I told her about Pierre Kory who happens to be in our state and how he has been treating long covid and cancer patients, particularly those that had adverse effects form the shots or from covid itself. She replied "that is all right wing propaganda." I said that Kory and most of the frontline doctors are or were Democrats who are concerned about the injections and the side effects. Bottom line she would rather die than than try a Hail Mary attempt to prolong her life because her political world view was so set. All I could say was to wish her well and I hoped she could do some of the traveling she wanted to do while she was able.

People like her and the woman you talked with are adults and have the right to make their own decision for good or ill. We only have the duty to point to possible alternatives to consider.

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I think you should name the nanobot shills. I do, but I don't have quite the reach. They need to be called out for their nonsense. Whether they are the easily fooled or malicious actors, they do nothing but make it harder to get real concerns addressed

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But how do you know the nanobot story is not true?

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Because the studies claiming such are flawed in so many ways, and done by people who are woefully under-qualified to know what they are looking at. Among many, many other things. As well as actually taking a lot of time to look into all of it myself, having an understanding of these matters, and not just believing it because someone says it so and wanting it to be true.

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So have you then tried to observe the nanobots, or tried reading the patents maybe? There is much documented evidence, no?

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the fact that you call it nanobots, instead of nanoparticles, tells me you have no clue whatsoever what you are talking about. An inert material, that is nothing but a form of carbon, is not a robot. Do you even know what the prefix 'nano' means?

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patents mean nothing except there is a patent. Not all patents are used, not all research leads to anything. Believe what you want, I don't care.

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You see, I didn't believe it either. Who would? But when they said the unvaxxed were also polluted, I got my kiddie microscope off the shelf and found WORMS in my blood. Then I got a better microscope. The bottom line is the bots are everywhere, in everyone, and everything. I have yet to test anything that wasn't totally polluted. I can't stress it enough.

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a kiddie scope is not even almost powerful enough to see nanoparticulate. And whatever you think you found in your blood (which I am sure you are lying about) does not mean it has anything to do with the jab.

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Also, I doubt you were in a clean room wearing proper PPE, so even if you are being honest here, it means nothing. Hard enough to avoid external contaminants in a clean room let alone in you living room or wherever you allegedly did this.

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Oct 8Liked by Joe Allen

I'm going to have to do a little searching for these vaxxbots you speak of Joe. I think I know some of their names and now I want to dive in a bit more. I recently severely pared down the number of accounts I follow on X because of the fearporn industrial complex it was beginning to look like. Sure there is sinister work being done by governments and institutions but it is really important to not go off screaming into the night from things we just can't prove yet.

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You can see the bots. It can be proved.

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Thank you for your kindness to that poor woman.

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Same here. I say that because I have experienced my own versions of"Sarah".

All that said, there's a reason the Apostle Paul tells us, "Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began...".

The word "stablish" is akin to "stabilize", not "establish".... There's a difference. My take is that the word "now" is the most prescient, operative word in that passage. Effectively cuts across the ages.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

Wow. I wasn't ready for this view from you, but you made your point. I can think of some of the characters you refer to, and I've seen all the videos, too. Overall, I don't have to agree on the scammers at all to champion your point, mental decline is a side effect of mass bombardment. The clarion call to "Sunshine" is the point, and I thank you for making that loud and clear. Michael Nehls in "The Indoctrinated Brain" lays out the protection of our neurons: Sunshine, exercise, time away from all electronic media, Vit D, LUTEN (supplements), and 8 hours of sleep ---will regenerate neurons and prevent Alzheimer's. START today because there is a point of no return, but if you are reading this far, you are not past that point LOVE YOU ALL! please get sleep and begin your journey of healing your (our) brains. We are truly all in this together; the ultimate human act of defiance!____ FYI "The Indoctrinated Brain" is quite cheap on https://michael-nehls.com/the-indoctrinated-brain/

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Thanks, agree that Nehls presents a strong antidote including lithium orotate.

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I feel your pain. I had a similar but fortunately brief discussion just this morning about Milton. As it happens, it was with an intelligent person not suffering from dementia, just a victim of the 40 years of the Rockefeller curriculum that's left large segments of the population abysmally deficient in even the basics of science. I have hope I may have managed to inject at least a little reality.

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I would love to see your list of vaxxbot scammers so I could see if it's the same as my list. (Pretty sure I know who your queen bee of vaxxbot scammers is.) I also have a list of people in the so-called Medical Freedom Movement who I suspect are functioning as controlled opposition, especially those who now claims viruses don't exist. :-)

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If you can prove that viruses exist it would be very much appreciated by virologists that have failed to do so for the past hundred years. All they have managed to date is a sleight of hand magic trick using a petri dish and some cells. Inference is not evidence. And no one has ever proved contagion so until then...

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From Doctors for Covid Ethics...

Do viruses exist?


"One reads now and then that some pathogenic virus or other microbe does not satisfy Koch’s postulates, which is then construed as proof that it does not cause the disease for which it is known. This is fallacious. Koch’s postulates do not constitute some sort mathematical axiom; they should be understood in their historical context.

"Koch needed to convince a public that was initially radically skeptical; thus, the more comprehensive and rigorous his evidence, the easier it would be for him to succeed. It thus made perfect sense for him to focus on pathogens that could be grown in pure culture—that is, in the absence of any other living things—and which could then be inoculated into experimental animals and isolated again as many times as desired. However, once the idea of infectious pathogens had taken hold in principle, it soon became apparent that not all of them met every single postulate in the canon. For example, Rickettsia prowazekii and Treponema pallidum—the bacterial agents that cause typhus or syphilis, respectively—cannot be grown in pure culture, and therefore cannot meet the second, third and fourth postulate. They can, however, be propagated in experimental animals, and Rickettsia prowazekii also in cell culture.

"Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture. Therefore, no virus can possibly satisfy Koch’s postulates. However, we repeat that these postulates are not a logical necessity. If they are not fulfilled, the question of disease causation must be settled in some other manner."


"Several people have expressed very sweeping criticisms of virology as a discipline. For example, twenty doctors and investigators recently published a memorandum entitled “Settling the Virus Debate” [9]. In it, we read:

'Perhaps the primary evidence that the pathogenic viral theory is problematic is that no published scientific paper has ever shown that particles fulfilling the definition of viruses have been directly isolated and purified from any tissues or bodily fluids of any sick human or animal. Using the commonly accepted definition of “isolation”, which is the separation of one thing from all other things, there is general agreement that this has never been done in the history of virology. Particles that have been successfully isolated through purification have not been shown to be replication-competent, infectious and disease-causing, hence they cannot be said to be viruses.'

"Further on, the authors make it clear that they don’t agree with the use of cell cultures as part of the isolation procedure. According to them, cell cultures may on their own give rise to debris that might be mistaken for virus particles, and they therefore insist that a virus must be directly isolated from tissues or bodily fluids of infected humans or animals. This objection can be countered as follows:

1. The particles of many viruses have very characteristic shapes that are not likely to be confused with any particles produced by living cells, or with debris left behind by dead cells.

2. There are many biochemical methods for characterizing viral particles, and moreover for establishing that they contain genetic information characteristic of the virus rather than the host cell culture.

3. Not all viruses can easily be grown in cell cultures. Those which cannot are indeed routinely propagated in, and directly isolated from, laboratory animals.

"A good example of such an animal study was published by Theil et al. [10]. It concerned the isolation of a novel virus from gnotobiotic, i.e. otherwise germ-free pigs. The abstract of the study reads as follows:

'A rotavirus-like virus (RVLV) was isolated from a diarrheic pig from an Ohio swine herd. This virus infected villous enterocytes throughout the small intestine of gnotobiotic pigs and induced an acute, transitory diarrhea. Complete virions [viral particles] were rarely observed in the intestinal contents of infected animals … The genome of the porcine RVLV was composed of 11 discrete segments of double-stranded RNA …'

"The study shows both electron-microscopic pictures of the viral particles, as well as the result of an electrophoresis experiment that compares the genetic material contained in these particles to those of known viruses with similar morphology (see Figure 2). The novel virus could be serially passaged through multiple pigs without becoming “diluted” or getting lost altogether; therefore, it was clearly replicating within those pigs. Infection was detectable in the intestinal cells of the pigs and gave rise to diarrhea. We can see no reasonable objection to the authors’ conclusion that they had in fact established the existence of a novel virus that causes intestinal disease in pigs."


Has the SARS-CoV-2 virus ever been isolated?

"Yes, it has been—numerous times. An overview of such studies has been provided by Jefferson et al. [15]. A solid study that correlates virus isolation, PCR and clinical findings in a series of hospitalized COVID-19-patients has been published by Wölfel et al. [16]. It is also possible to buy samples of the purified virus from the American Type Culture Collection. These are heat-inactivated, but they should still permit investigators with the required expertise and equipment to confirm the identity of the virus.

"The legend that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated is founded solely on the rigid demand that such isolation be accomplished without the use of cell cultures. As noted before, practicing virologists are highly likely to ignore this demand, for which we cannot fault them."

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A breath of fresh air.

I needed that.

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Thank you. I felt the same way after reading your article, "Geoengineering a Psychic Storm".

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Hard to believe you are the same person who wrote this. Depressing.


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I managed to access this top secret collection of virus pics from electron microscopes.

Don't show anyone. The secret will get out. Lol


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When i say “ state facilities” i mean medicaid supported memory care facilities. The places are the embodiment of evil.

The facilities where people with money or great longterm care insurance can be quit nice.

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To be fair... the 5G-activated zombies already exist... have you seen the hordes walking around with their face in their phones and earbuds jammed in tight to block out the world around them... this is already dystopian... nanobots not required.

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