I'm 84 and shudder at the thought of living forever as some sort of geriatric cyborg hooked up to the metaverse. Much rather some crackpot scientist invent a way of taking me back to my youth and reliving the highs and just a sprinkling of lows for contrast. Looking back, life was so simple, natural and fulfiling without the money, the gizmos and the empty glitz. Beam me back, Scotty!

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I hear you, man!

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

The good news is the Elect will know the difference, if and when this is a choice or a mandate, and chose everlasting life with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Even if we are martyrs.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

On the Rothblatt this great piece by Jennifer Bilek https://jbilek.substack.com/p/big-pharma-big-tech-and-synthetic?:

Humans are connected to the biosphere by sex. The deconstruction of sex in language and law, and the manipulation of young people’s sex characteristics, seem to pave the way for further encroachments into our biology and our more complete melding with technology. Synthetic sexes work as a grooming process for the public to accept more violations of our physical boundaries while also providing young, healthy, resilient bodies to experiment on.

Putting these developments into the context of unfettered corporatism, an economic system that pursues profit like a heat-seeking missile that is destroying the planet, treating our home like a bottomless well of resources to feed itself, it appears that humanity is next in line for colonization.


The market has finally come for humans, dressed up as “gender expression,” with its eye on our genetic codes. Gender ideology opens the door. The market is standing there dressed to the nines, and we’re inviting it in for a full-course meal. It will probably be our last — unless we can understand what we’re looking at and use whatever free will we have left to organize and resist synthetic sex identities, institutionally, legally, and politically.

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Like the Pied Piper, they came for the kids. Every revolution does, great comment! Agree totally! You forgot Gates, organ on a chip. GMO mosquitoes while a funding another patent called “flying vaccine” the luciferase in the vax.

These big tech govt industrial complex had long terms plans and working diligently, while we raised our kids unknowingly .. it all started with a phone.

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There are other subtle things being marketed by big pharma as well. In addition to the mrna vaxx being pushed, there is a kind of device being marketed for diabetics where, instead of the daily finger prick to draw blood for testing glucose level, there's this device that gets implanted in your arm that will test your levels and record and store them on the internet. How is that for genetic data collection and tracking?

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I'm just curious, and as you seem to be a spiritually minded person, can you give me any good reason why the genetic modification of humans shouldn't be outright banned?

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I'm hesitant about the entire endeavor, but if gene-editing creates viable cures to genetic diseases, there are no good scientific reasons to ban it, and any spiritual interpretation will be ignored.

We're on this highway with no brakes.

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>there are no good scientific reasons to ban it

Without long-term multigenerational studies of hereditary impact and the potential unintended effects, it is ethically unconscionable to deploy this technology. Robert Malone points this out here https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/when-is-mrna-not-really-mrna

Besides that, after everything you've seen and written about, taking into account the stated intentions of technocrats such as Schwab, Hariri, and the rest, can you explain to me how this technology could be deployed in a way that is purely for health and wellbeing and not about control and eugenics?

>We're on this highway with no brakes.

A ban would put the brakes on.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, thank you for your writing style, humor and heart. You have given me a needed laugh. Great info and dry intelligent wit. Thank you. GOD Bless.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Great work, keep it up. Everything that you said can be summed up by the following statement, true from the dawn of man!

There are consequences both physical and spiritual when man plays God!

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Elon Musk Tweets “ Surely God wants you to see his creation”

The biggest lie the devil told, original sin, he would not know that.

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Where's Max Headroom when you need him. There's a reason listening to LP's is better. It's cause we know they're analogue. Nice article.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, you are a very gifted writer. Now I will probably have nightmares tonight, thanks. I can't help but think this is just an updated Tower of Babel. May God rescue us from our self-imposed hell.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Great piece. I have always wondered why, with all of their talk about how the planet needs to be depopulated (Gates et al) they are so hell-bent (definitely destined for Hell) on engineering physical immortality, or at least extending the "life" of the physical body 500 - 100 years. Obviously for the elites only. I am always asking: "who then is going to clean their toilets". And by the way when they are talking about brain implants, they obviously have no clue as to the complexities surrounding inter-cranial surgeries. And to think of replacing brain neurons one by one? How many surgeries will that entail? My sense if that it is all going to self-implode. There are serious consequences when humans attempt to usurp the role of the Creator. Bannon frequently suggests that this is part and parcel of the "sin against the Holy Spirit", and while we don't really know what is the actual reality of that, I suspect enshrining human hubris as god is a big part of it.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

George Carlin would have had a field day with this. What it really amounts to is a woeful, life-diminishing trajectory furnished, potentially, with the chimeric decrepitude of the ultra-wealthy/willing... and whatever the fxxx they have up their sleeves (the sleeves of their augmented arms) for the rest of us. What joy. Thank you, Joe Allen. Your brightness has reset my homeostasis. I felt it click back into place. Truly.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I wouldn't care about what the elites would like to do to themselves as long as they don't harm others, but we all know they couldn't care less about whom they harm.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

At least my Christmas list for 2029 is sorted.

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Thanks for a great read! Your great sense of humor shines through.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe I love your writing style. But what a trip. These people doubled up on the koolaid. You are brilliant. Thanks for the heads up

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I feel like the whole point of being on this planet is to discover your spiritual side and live in balance with nature. They seem quite off track.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I’ve followed your work for quite some time Joe, but I think this installment is by far the most compelling, if not the most frightening so far? I can distinctly remember the days when “Synth” was harmless musical accompaniment device, often adding unimaginable beauty to the musical piece being created & saved to be shared as long as that particular medium lasted. So I’m left with a couple of thoughts, the order of which is not important, 1) The Dark Side of Synthetic Salvation is plainly revealed, 2) When is Your Book Coming Out Joe?

Warmest Regards,

Pat Calhoun

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