Great read! - essentially more observant, articulate, and thorough than most all the politically oriented blogging that interminably circulates the webosphere these days. Your post here covers more ground in one place than anything else I've seen lately, and certainly with more art (artists historically have always lead the way with their vision!)! Thanks for nailing it so eloquently!!

To wit:

"By its own fluid, the caterpillar’s body dissolves within the chrysalis to metamorphose into the butterfly. The chaos that has recently emerged on all of Earth, is the ‘fluid’ now dissolving humanity as we know it, within our global ‘chrysalis’. We the ‘Conscious Creatives’, are the imaginal cells building the new evolved Whole World out of the formless solution that chaos continues to make of us, as it expands and envelopes virtually all of humanity. It is time we redirect technology toward the truly ORGANIC evolution we so desperately need, arrest our descent to extinction, and manifest a paradigm that transcends our shortcomings."


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Anecdote alert; My father once gave me advice, upon leaving grade school to start high school (in Canada we have k-8 and 9-12/13). He challenged me to graduate without the principal ever learning my name (plus perfect attendance, nearly achieved). Meaning, stay off his radar, which I did. Our vice-principal (a tiny fierce local woman) however monitored my vast input, much to my deep chagrin. Alarmingly, when I returned to town with four offspring in tow, she recognized me after 20+yrs, instantly extending a warm invitation to bring them along to her multi-generational family farmstead. She'd never married, had no children, but was recognizable by every student who ever entered our 1500 student collegiate institute. It had never dawned on me, that she would remember any of us. After abandoning rural-mania for big city lure in the 1980s, it was overwhelming to learn that her welcome back to town held us in such high esteem. It, more than any other interaction, brought my small town back to me. Peg didn't make me feel like a leper or a traitor, having flown the coop for college and beyond. She reflected an unwritten rule of our rural town, to take care of its own. Emotional and surprising, to say the least. Point being, folks are often not how we remember them, if their restricted territory was 'on the job' aloof to all but kith and kin. Yes, she was older, but the same calm cannon I remembered as a teenager. She held the beating vibrant heart of the town in her hand. Lub dub. Lub dub. Never take a 'luddite' community for granted. It brims with visceral forgiveness.

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Thank god you're funny, Joe. Excellent piece.

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I always love your content Joe! I’ve found myself in the same kind of thought dilemma; can’t put the genie back in the bottle. I’ve realized recently the mark of the beast in the hand and forehead means both digital currency/ID AND transhumanism. Curious your thoughts of course, but I can’t see things going any other direction except the book of Revelation itself at this point. We’re intentionally steering directly toward it.

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Just replied in that article! Great stuff. I really appreciate how you can make it a broad overview rather than word and letter, macro instead of micro. You give it a more poignant place to rest in our minds than say an over zealous pastor might. Thanks again.

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This is a great article. It reminds me/us to never allocate anyone to do our thinking for us. We may vote for Trump, but that does not mean we need to buy into everything he says or others say he says.

your line: "optimists insist technology is “neutral” remind me of the popular science magazines of the 1950s where they touted the Peaceful uses of atomic power like digging new canals with atom bombs. No worries there.

This week, following the coup d'état against Joe Biden by his own party operators coming on the heels of the attempt on Trumps life, we look at chaos ahead and the Chinese curse of "May you live in interesting times." At the same time, what has been unthinkable is now being thought of. Unleashing nuclear weapons. In light of that, the bright and inevitable future of AI doesn't seem so bright or smart. More like a new arms race. Memorable line from the 1973 animated film Fantastic Planet: They are evil, they live on the other side of the park.

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Here's to hoping we don't look back and say, "Holy cow! A literal Chinese curse!"

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Joe, your article is poignant and timely. There is both great resistance to AI and great support for it. It has been coming for years... truly we've been reading about it in our science fiction novels for 50 years. Contemporary writers of SciFi are on both sides as well... some stories embrace it as part of normal, everyday life, others warn about it and have declared it's creation/development as warranting the death penalty.

It is no doubt here to stay... nothing we do will stop this machine from powering forward, short of a solar EMP that brings the entire world back to pre-industrial times (and this is extremely likely, and soon, but that is another story for another day). In the meantime, the best we can hope for is a balance of those of us who have a healthy fear of it to push back against those who would use it to control our lives.

Can AI be a useful tool? Absolutely. We, as humans, have a need to push our limits, and our place on Earth is about to stop being a limit. It's called evolution. Having AI tools can mean the difference in life or death when it comes to manned missions to Mars and beyond. However, making it sentient, or even having the appearance of sentience or sapience, is blasphemous and potentially deadly. “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that”.

The question is, of course, can we trust software less, or more than we can trust humans? I submit that the answer is ultimately less. I'm not certain you can program true empathy. More than that, the moment you make humanity secondary to the machine is the moment you submit to evil. Give the devil and inch, and he takes your soul.

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This is a perspective I take very seriously, even if I'm a smart ass at times. Thank you.

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Ugh. Scary stuff. I’m glad I’m old and won’t have to live many years in this automation world. I do believe drones will replace the human police and that is extremely frightening. I guess that the only positive is their strike will be immediate, exact and painless. 🤦‍♀️

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Dang, Joe. Maybe consider siging up a "chillax" booze/CDB sponsor to soften the blow of your truth bombs. Anyway, keep going! Looking forward to your exposure/ analysis of Blackrock + Ancestry.

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CBD sponsor, coming up!

"Are you sick of the opiate of the masses? Try the herb of the individualist. EVERYBODY is doing it!"

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... and probably doing it wrong. Individualist / Everybody Bingo! The life of Brian preaching to his "followers": You are all individuals! masses reply: "yes, we are all individuals."

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Sadly laughable. I sure hope enough people are aware to apply the brakes to this movement.

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Joe; Having been thrown off a bit by recent events, I finally got around to reading this, your latest offering to those of us following you. I find nearly your entire article well thought out & entirely plausible. It is indeed an undefined “Grey Tribe” seeking the very most Techno-Power of their personal wealth can obtain, in their pursuit of this latest iteration of “The Alchemist’s Philosopher’s Stone”, yet I wonder what will be feeding all these ravenous server farms, subsequent to their place in whatever electric grid they inhabit & consequently take their needed power from? I don’t think anyone would confuse my opinion as liking or looking forward to this Digitally Revised Version of George Orwell’s 1984, so I submit my personal verse in scripture from the Apostle Paul to close, from the very recent LSV translation, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me; and that which I now live in the flesh-I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me;”

Galatians 2:20. Being of good cheer, & praying/wishing the same to all~Pat Calhoun

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Well done sir.

In 2018 Trump created the National Security Commission on AI. He appointed Eric Schmidt as its Chair. Schmidt is a fellow Bilderbergers with Thiel. Trump also attended Davos twice as President. Only Clinton attended as President (once). Trumps job is to sell AI and the Digital Gulag to Conservatives, much like he sold them Lockdowns. He is a Trojan Horse for the Techno Libertarian Faction of the Globalists, also known as Accelerationists who want to accelerate social change and bring on a Dark Enlightenment and Techno feudalism. Thiel said Freedom is incompatible with Democracy.

You have your choice of two hells, a Dark one resembling Saurons Lord of the Rings or a Green Hell . I am too old to be around for much of what is go come. You all have my sympathies. Good luck.

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Do take a TDS pill, then consult a shrink. I fell off my chair and am still laughing, you forgot to say he wore a yarmulke....

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There's so much I want to say about this but I feel I don't have the time.

Isn't the whole digital replacement story just a big part of a giant demoralization psyop to convince us plebs (IE all but the diabolical elusive global elite) to devote ourselves to our own demise—to sacrifice ourselves to a future that has no place for us—and to stop us from realizing that we won't even be there—let alone enjoy it—when it happens and from wondering who WILL be (or intends to be) there to enjoy it and for whom it all has a point?

I don't agree that our “evolutionary history“ is something accessible to us to “gamble” [on]. Such an idea also suggests that we're not—you're not, I'm not—what “everything” is “for”, as though “everything” has a purpose, which is nonsensical because there is no purpose without a pre-existing discontent-experiencing entity seeking relief. But I am / you are / one is the discontent-experiencing entity seeking relief—relief that requires continued existence to be experienced. And proposing a “spiritual realm“ of “gods” and the like that we may move on to after we die is just more demoralizing, self-sacrifice-inducing psyop that helps the elite in its pursuit of vacant possession of the entire earth.

I am not dispensable!

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as usual joe you hit it out of the park!! I learn the infinite from you every post!, love the graphics too!

Does AI have a love affair with H.P. Lovecraft????

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