Why not just get in touch with nature? Take that walk with no headphones or distractions, listen to the vibe that speaks to you. That is God's cyborg connection and it's free to everyone on the planet! Quit baby sitting your children to a stupid machine that can't work without your (or someone else's) input!

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Grimes, Musk, et. al are part of a technological death cult, an evolutionary dead-end. There will be no technological singularity, that is a wet dream of sociopaths who have no self-awareness. Intelligent AI is also a myth, doesn't matter what Bostrom, Kurzweil, and their ilk say. They are on the wrong side of history. Moreover, just because a "culture" goes one way -- mostly stimulated by a non-self-aware mass media -- doesn't mean that self aware people have to go there. And we won't. There are more and more of us every day. My opinion of course, but rational people are going to reject the psychopathic insanity of people like Harari, Grimes, and Schwabe. Transhumanism is the last gasp of a Dark army that is flailing and gnashing at a human society that will rise above the death cult of the Left. Good article BTW.

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I agree with your sentiments, but transhumanism and AI may be a doomsday legacy and not just a dark, last gasp by evil people.

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Transhumanism seems to be a direct consequence of the globalization of the way human coexistence has always evolved: every civilization ultimately collapsed and taken over by a new one, but there will be no new one to take over, once the mechanism reaches global levels.

It's happening.

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No one knows for sure. It depends on how many give up their power and embrace the dark. I see a brighter future for the human race than proposed by these Transhumanist nutjobs.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 6, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Can she carry wood? More generally, can the Homotechs survive without a legion of Homosaps babysitting them?

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Nature's right outside the door no matter how far up the digital sphincter the Gnostic cult of machines wants to take us.

They can design and build and control a great deal of things, but a few centuries of progress has made everyone think that the Apotheosis of AI is inevitable when it simply ain't so.

All their shiny tools are still embedded in economies run by humans, and dependent on material conditions like energy supply and supply chains. They forget the material conditions at their peril.

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I think the technocrats have it all wrong. The religions of scientism and technocracy are anti-life and will eventually destroy all creativity. Our real nature is pure spirituality and infinite awareness. We can explore the universe with our minds after we discover and develop spiritual skills. Technology will cut us off from that potential and reduce us down to soulless machines.

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Marshall McLuhan argues that technologies are physical and psychological self amputations. If this premise holds true, then transhumanism makes sense in that we seek closure, that is, to reintegrate that which is missing. Akin to a severed finger, we naturally seeks its reattachment. By the nature of technology itself, are we destined for transhumanism save for awareness?

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I thought McLuhan saw technology as an extension of the body and the senses?

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Yes. McLuhan did regard technology as extensions of the body. Another term for that is self amputation. Regarding the senses, McLuhan believed that these extensions reorient the five senses like a twist of a kaleidoscope. The result is a different perception of the world like a person who has lost their sense of hearing or sight.

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By whatever name I believe this technology is an extension of early 20th century eugenics born in the US and exported into the National Socialist Party policy and agenda of WWII Germany with the help of US/multinational corporations and others including Presidents, captains of industry, medical institutions and institutions of higher learning. History will always repeat and each time more insidious and pernicious as technology expands exponentially. From the beginning the Human has always tried to supplant God or god with itself or its technology. Forcing the nature of the Human to change for a perceived better Human through manipulative science is a slick sell that has never worked out well. Transhumanism, scientism like most 'isms' is a religion conceived by Humans. Like all things, there is a beginning and an end. Let us hope that the Human survives and thrives long after this technology has run its course. There is that or there is nothing. Nothing anyway that Humans would want to recognize or be subjugated too. I'm afraid that for generations Humans will have to endure the pain and humiliation of this misguided technology imposed by vain wealthy idealists, governments and truly 'Mad' scientists. The Human conscious/subconscious might live on in a program or simulation of sorts but the Human will die and perhaps in an afterlife view all this from a different perspective and laugh at the futility of the Human endeavorer to create a 'better' version of itself.

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Grimes seems to already be subservient to a more powerful being who is still, more or less, a 1.0 - Musk. She has already let go of her autonomy, so that may explain her lack of concern for further evolution/ devolution. I have never heard the end game explained so eloquently.

This feels biblical. I am reading the Bible with vigor these days. I understand the Antichrist will have a head wound. Does head wound mean neural link?

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

"And I think if we choose correctly and we choose wisely, consciousness could exist for a very long time and integration with AI could be extremely positive." - Grimes.

Some big "if's" here.

Suppose evolution is a thing. After all, it's the one fallacy whose near-universal acceptance has propelled mankind to the ugly precipice on which it finds itself at this moment. It is also the one premise that the intelligentsia uses to justify its compulsion to play "God" with the rest of us.

Suppose it is a thing - the mysterious "unseen hand" (lower case) that has magically improved the species generation by generation since the days of primordial ooze, and therefore promises with absolute certainty to continue to do so.

What justification does the intelligentsia have for wanting to tamper with it? On what basis does the risky "if" of uncertainty justify mucking around with the action of a perfect system?

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Since it has no clear understanding of consciousness, and can't even define it adequately, science will never be able to "upgrade" our consciousness. Consciousness is the basis of of human existence--or, in fact, all existence. I have military grade remote viewing training, something no AI will ever be able to do, because remote viewing relies upon the incredible quantum processor we call the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind processes a million times faster than the conscious mind, and appears to be where individual minds connect to the collective unconscious as well as information that is unavailable to the conscious mind through everyday means. I have never heard of any plans to create AI that mimics this part of the brain--transhumanists focus on cerebral cortex operations only, forgetting/ignoring the largest part of the brain, the subconscious processor. Remote viewing is a well established field that proves the human brain can do far more than transhumanists realize, such as access information remotely. Remote viewing is not a special psychic talent but a skill anyone can learn. Our brains are incredible, but I have a feeling that what transhumanists intend will disrupt subconscious processes and/or make these processes less accessible to the conscious mind. When this occurs, humans who've been transhumanized may very well have less access to intuition and other subtle survival senses, which would make them more vulnerable than the non-transhumanized. I would expect the opposite of what Grimes does...transhumanism disconnects us from nature, making us dependent upon machines for our health and well being. And those machines use vast amounts of energy and resources on a finite planet, which means that the transhumanized would not survive once the resources run out. The great wisdom of Nature is what evolves and heals us, yet we know next to nothing about how it works. It sounds like transhumanists are kids playing with dynamite, and it's sure to blow up in their faces. I also wonder if transhumanism is a ruse to give every non-elite a kind of chemical lobotomy in order to create an easily-controlled slave labor class...

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The Scriptures provide us with the culture necessary to survive the Cyborg Theocracy described in your article. God’s law, Christ’s teachings and the communal practices of the early church in the book of Acts provide us with this cultural material. With this cultural material we’ll evolve into the superior species; whereas, those practicing the atheist, cyborg religion will definitely suffer God’s wrath and die out fairly quickly according to the Scriptures. Revelation 14:9-12; 16:2, 10-11.

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As creatures made in the image of God, we can appreciate the warmth of the sun on our skin, the odors of the woods in autumn and the beauty of life, in general. We can’t anticipate 20 moves ahead in chess, and can’t lift objects like cranes. Globalist technocrats are undermining what it means to be human, by destroying families and communities, enslaving minds with cell phones, video games and social media using NLP and Skinner Box techniques. At restaurants and homes people no longer talk to each other. AI is another means to make the “useless eaters” subservient and to ultimately destroy them.

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And there are many people who believe Musk cares about free speech and civil liberties? I don't think so.

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Joe, Have you seen this yet: Stunning new AI "could be conscious" - with Elon Musk.

May 1, 2022


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Have you heard of Digital Twinning? Or, Cyborg Avatar Capitalism? This father has, and he's not having any of it! Very inspiring: https://youtu.be/zqOB4bWdHxY

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It gives another meaning to the Microsoft “Blue Screen of Death”. 😁

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