You nailed it, Joe. Appreciate your lonely voice of reason and perspective, and that you're clearly unafraid of being regarded as the wet blanket of the week. Trump is delivering, but on this, I also find his stance concerning and fraught. Count me among those racist against robots and with respect to gettin' brain-chipped, strongly desirous of remaining in the control group. Thank you and keep sounding the alarm.

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I appreciate you, Otto.

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Trump is a brilliant strategist. Could he be working with Ellison, Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, and Gates to reveal to the world what they are really planning?

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Anything is possible.

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the "Trump is delivering" meme seems to be working to keep people 'in their box' and therefore not astonished/appalled at what that 'delivery' consists of. Recent times have been so bleak that pretty much everyone is primed to take a 'glass half empty/half full point of view - ergo, give a handful of "DEI Gone" type 'chum' to the seals to chew on whilst delivering on the promises made to 'donors' ...

which open the doors to an intensive 'private\public partnership[aka looting of public institutions by private interests] in tandem with the main event... DOGE appears to be a great example of fox meet henhouse. Purge the payroll & send the 'savings' to AI guys.

digital currencies, social credit, 'full spectrum dominance' of the inner and external 'terrains' via Larry Ellison's 'drone patrols' of the body politic, and equivalent 'patrolling nano-sensors' of the somatic one.

Yup - the WHO is definitely 'legacy.' But what's on the horizon would appear to able to make even the WHO Horror seem a teddy bear's picnic in comparison. TERROR STATE in 3.2.1...?

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Though not probable.

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4-D chess is becoming a bit stale but who knows.

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Especially when it's becoming more evident by the day Trump isn't playing with a full deck.

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Yes, I'm sure everything is going to be rainbow farting unicorns and puppy dogs.

Or not.

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Gates was hanged at GITMO, and Zuckerberg was a clone of someone living off-planet. I believe we're seeing actors playing Zuckerberg and Bezos. Musk was born into the Luciferian Brotherhood (see Jessie Czebotar), but renounced it. Musk has been a covert ally of Trump for years and is helping the military defeat the Brotherhood (e.g., pretending to support Ukraine but passing on Starlink communications to Russia). Musk, Bezos and Richard Branson are helping build planetary defense systems (see Megan Rose, Welcome to the Future).

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I sure hope they can defeat the interdimensional reptilians before Atlantis rises from the sea.

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That made me laugh out loud. Lol.

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Ha, hahaha.

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Greetings Joe: Nice work, brother. The amphibian and reptilian races are terrestrial and have been around for millions of years as God's custodians of this planet. They transported Elijah to heaven in a chariot of fire from 1Kings 2:10-11. We are living inside a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion-Invasion of the Body Snatchers Movie THAT IS REAL. Earth passed behind the Sun relative to the Black Star on December 05, 2024 that was predicted far in advance:


The Earth will be in nearest proximity to the Black Star on June 07, 2025 at 9:39:35UTC. The Globalist Elite are planning to run to their underground Ark Cities where Super-AI has been running a Real-World Simulation for decades, while running threat assessment and contingency planning for the Elite. The truth is far stranger than fiction! Here is a breadcrumb trail to help you connect the dots:


Billy Hayes built 200 of the HAARP facilities around the world and was a member of Terral's Research Group from 2011-2013 we the group was disbanded due to AI attacks. Get more information from my Dana Ashley interview from July 2019.


This is a link to my Tina Griffin interview:


You and your supporters are pulled into The Matrix. Wake up and unplug! Follow the White Rabbit:

https://terral.substack.com/p/nasa-future-strategic-issueswarfare -


Those two posts will lead you to dozens of others. Blessings, Terral




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Lol, enjoying your science fiction story, maybe you should write a book, I'm sure GROK can help.

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Haha, that's funny, Dr Pat Griffin...I was thinking the same thing, but I wasn't going to say anything. And here it is, someone else was thinking it too.

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So...you haven't listened to the man speak? I'll fill you in :

When introducing the fantastic panel of tech billionaire bruhs at his first press conference, Trump said they are working on "AI factories" where they "make the AI".

Such brilliance! AI factories. Where they make the AI. Incredible grasp on the subject.

Such blinding intelligence and insight.

Welcome to Warp Speed 2.0 where an egomaniacal idiot delivers his country to totalitarianism. Think him handing 325 million Americans over the poisonous vaccines was bad?

You ain't seen nothin'' yet.

AND, yes, I am being snarky and sarcastic because I refuse to go lemming over the cliff with you and others simply because you voted for Trump.

I endorse no politicains. Zero. God Bless.

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Project Stargate is a smokescreen op providing infrastructure upgrades for Super-AI running the Real-World Simulation in the Underground Ark City connected to the Denver Airport. The Chemtrails + Drone-spraying Mystery Fog Nano upgrades allow every human and animal to be integrated into the AI-run Real-World Sim. Get more information from my interview:


Get on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen (How To: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store) for neutralizing the binary bioweapon threats.

Wake up and unplug from The Matrix! Knock, knock, Neo. Follow the White Rabbit:



The truth is stranger than fiction. More info at https://terral.substack.com and https://www.terral03.com/. terral@terral03.com

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Trump has "set Precedent" to bring people in front of the U.S. Court, and more important in front of the Military J.A.G., and has put people in position to expose them to be 'vetted' by the public before seeing them go down. I still trust in his vision of the future (literally seeing it) and being protective of humankind, aka NESARA GESARA.

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Great article as usual. A couple yrs ago when Bannon put you in my life I told my 5 grandkids to name their first robots Grammy after me. Christmas was a blast with virtual goggles etc but Shiney toys are just the fancy way to lure them. I love technology and I love all the good I see coming from it faster and faster. BUT God. I have a knowledge of the creator and I fear God. His love is all. If you cross that line with your toys we can’t play anymore. I love your articles kid. So spot on.

PS 4D chess

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"If you cross that line with your toys we can’t play anymore."


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It is very concerning and your discernment is on point and the warning that "he will deceive even the elect" has been on my mind for a decade. May the Creator of All be with you...thank you for being so bold.

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Thanks Joe, always enjoy your insights. It amazes me when elite-transhumanists advocate for Dominion a** sniffing surveillance. Until the compromised pedo/perv-elites on the blackmail lists of Epstein, CIA, DIA, Mossad, GRU, and every other government and corporate intelligence service have been prosecuted (note: "hacking" their encrypted files should be easy since AI driven quantum computing is so powerful,) they can f' off. I also suppose Sam Altman's digital twin would be able to confirm whether his sister's allegations are true.

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You did warn us! I had such angst when I saw your emails come thru as I knew it was both truth and something I had the fear to know. Joe, I am thankful for all of your education and warnings. I'm not happy any of this is moving to fruition. We have become a police state for which our every move will be monitored and abused as those in power see fit. May the one true GOD overpower these want to be Gods.

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Imagine being so clueless and cocksure about the nature of consciousness that you think you can create it from connecting enough transistors together.

IMO the best they'll do if they're "lucky" is create an interface for an existing consciousness to fuck with them, a sort of super expensive & ridiculously complex Ouija Board.

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Great article, I'm sure that will put a cat amongst the pigeons.

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Trump 1.0 was Best of Times/Worst of Times. I expect 2.0 to be the same, only more.

Tail case possibilities: The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart on one hand or the Apocalypse on the other.

Currently it's too early to tell, which makes it kind of like an adventure.

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Considering how much energy will be required to maintain such a system, I wonder if this is just another scam for the billionaire class to funnel more of the taxpayers' money into their coffers until the technology runs up against its natural limits, in much the same way that is now happening with solar and wind energy and with electric vehicles. Then again, perhaps one of the reasons why they want to reduce the size of the human population is to free up more energy for their fancy gadgetry.

Do not comply.

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Joe, thank you for speaking out about this a.i. stargate project. I could not believe the naive and blind enthusiasm for it from our beloved President Trump. To your point this utopia a.i. promoters want to create to make human dependent on machines/robot programmed by imperfect beings. Just looking of how dependent people of all ages have become on their i-phones where many can not have a conversation without checking the internet on their phone for further thoughts... from someone else. Humans will never do better than God the creator and trying to do so leads our race to perdition. Thanks again for speaking out! + Diane

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Glad you both like the comment. One more thing, as a data base, open ai is just another vulnerable outfit. In the 1990s I was told that any firewall can be taken down. While the internet and tech has "evolved" a lot since, it is still true. We are spending more and more time trying to avoid cyber threats on personal and work device, and institutions and government have not gotten the upper hand either. It never ends.

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When we talk of summoning the beast, AI Infrastructure and scaling laws might results in unintended consequences.

Decades of making Americans less intelligent and more subservient appears to have worked.

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DeepSeek R1 / the latest and the greatest succubus incarnation.


So I’ve had people coming to me for advice lately. I feel like the crazy life coach who paints and drinks too much. But people still want my input. I’m giving borderline dangerous advice. Then we start going off talking about predictions of the future and I talk about AI and the machine coming to take over. Some look at me like I’m crazy, but at this point I don’t care. They ask me what we can do. I say thrown yourself at it and stay as human as possible it’s the battle that I have been waiting for. The grift can be broken. With no hope we just become subjugated pets to their machine “god”.

Humans left intentionally blank primed to be entertained and manipulated, unless.

I keep waiting for someone to prove me wrong, but it doesn’t seem to be unfolding that way, so I’m gonna keep forging forward.

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So.... Has anyone else noticed how Trump's Stargate project actually fulfils the CIA's legendary "Project Stargate"? The historical challenge was always in training remote viewers, but this most current iteration uses mRNA tech to overcome those pesky beliefs (by mass-producing receptor cells) that are hard-wired into our consciousness (conscience?).

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Mars is a hot destination, I hear.

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Phenomenal article.

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Joe Allen - I told you in our "heated" exchange last night (check back if you've forgotten) that I would start paying attention to emails from you. I got "The Stargate is Open" a few minutes ago, and have been reading and studying it. Stopping to check all the internal links makes it take a lot longer to get through the article.

I'm down to the Retirement section, but I have to stop now and will try to get back to it tomorrow.

I like your writing style - it reminds me of my late brother's comments to the Substack articles that he followed. A history buff who read incessantly, he tended to make what were to me obscure historical references that I had no clue the meanings of and had to look them up.

It is obvious that you are a bright, educated, and well-read man. I appreciate that. It makes me want to dig in and find out what you are thinking and trying to communicate.

I will do my best to get back to the article tomorrow (we are in the midst of 12+ inches of snow here, and I can't even get out of my driveway.)

When I do get to it, I will finish it carefully and thoughtfully, and try to form an idea/opinion to convey to you. The work and time that you put in deserves more than a one-sentence comment.

-- Barsoom

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Many thanks!

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