Jan 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Thanks again for another excellent expose of transhumanism and its inherent evil. Your depth of insight and use of evidentiary sources that so richly support the facts you give us as readers cause me to look forward to each of your articles. Bannon was wise to have enlisted you to join his War Room team. May God bless you daily.

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Thank you very much, Alan.

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Transhumanists are like the wizards & magicians & alchemists of old seeking personal power & immortality. Transhumanism is a latter-day search for the Philosopher's Stone; for salvation and exaltation. The rapture of the nerds as someone has termed it. And just as with the magicians & alchemists the outcomes will not always be what they imagine and hope for.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Industrial revolution also did away with lots of jobs. Today we all use blenders, microwaves, insta pots and dish and clothes washer etc. Cell phones were exciting but also the number one reason for cheating. It is up to each person to choose what to change and the effort to explore options vs follow the heard. Keep old appliances that work and don't use the chips. Do things by hand vs tools that use electricity. Meet in person vs zoom. Don't depend on others or government and don't follow the food Chanel but eat healthy and non processed food and less of it so you can avoid the Big Pharma, Medical business. We need to be a little bit Amish.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Joe Allen


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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Eye opening just saw this where “medical care” robots in production. How perfect to get rid of all nurses and health care workers and just have robots administering only the drugs Fauci, Pfizer and Pharma say with no fear of speaking out as their patients drop like flies.


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Grace and Sophia.

Interesting, no?

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Joe Allen


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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Great on the War Room! This all fits like a glove in hand with the Biblical scenario.

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Thank you for your incredibly brilliant exposure of the evil of transhumanism. I am so glad Bannon brought you on. I was ignorant of all of this and am so thankful for you! God bless you!

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I also grew up Southern Baptist. First and foremost I've been saved by grace and I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ. I was fortunate to have very wise people around me while growing up. Not rich or powerful, just simple people raising families. I have seen first hand all that I was taught, by these people coming to fruition. The AntiChrist is well on his way to being brought forward. All that is taking place right now, is setting the stage. I love your articles and I share them on many platforms. I am thankful for Steve Bannon, the rest of the crew and yourself. We are lucky to have your excellent incite. Keep up the great work!

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

And as I was just about to give you a thumbs up for a well written, well-executed article, because you tied their maniacal genius, specifically to their demon-filled SPIRITUAL empowerment, yet at the very end, you used filthy language (“f#ck”), to differentiate between their unrighteousness with the righteous premise of your article. “If salt has lost it saltiness, what will you use to make it salty again”? (Meaning it’s an impossibility). Think about the preservation power, the purifying quality of salt, hence Jesus used this example in Mark 9:50 to point this out. Because if you have to forfeit your righteousness; the purifying, preservative in order to point out that another is unrighteous, aren’t you in the mud with them? I love your articles and follow them with regularity and almost no one is covering this subject of technocracy like you are. But how can you say that they are evil, if you have to use evil yourself to make your point? Think about it.

Even so, we’ll done!👍👍👍

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I'm no saint, so let's hope forgiveness is coming.

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PS- I owe you an apology. My 1st comment to you was a little harsh. I ask you to forgive me. I could have said it another way and certainly with less words. Please forgive me. Thank you for not biting my head off.

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All you have to do is ask. I’m no saint either. As long as we’re in this human condition, there is no such thing; but there IS, forgiveness and heaven for all who will believe, and ask for it. No religiosity, no church-going necessary, just a willing heart and mouth that asks. While it’s not fair to you to turn your Substack page into a religious diatribe, I will ask you to look up one little scripture on your own time (maybe others will too)- Ephesians 2:8

It made all the difference to this ex-drug using pusher back in 1981. Sometimes it’s easier for someone with my background to see her need of a Savior, rather than it is for a “good person” to recognize their need but believe me when I tell you “there is none righteous, no not one” and we will all stand at the Judgement Seat. Think of it in terms of a court of law before a good judge. God must judge sin or He would be an unrighteous Judge. But you and I cannot pay the fine which is damnation or eternal separation from God, but Jesus stepped in our place and payed the fine so we wouldn’t have too “in while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”.

PS I love you too!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Thank you, we need to be following this.

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Great piece. I grew up Mormon, then switched to Southern Baptist when I was eleven. Today I am a classically trained mystic, with an ancient order. I consider us the light side of hidden, or occulted knowledge. I am starting believe those Mormons that produced the original Battlestar Galactica were onto something they picked up in the ether. I am sure their 33rd degree Mason founder taught the priest class at least, some of the Hermetic secrets. Mayhap it is an ongoing battle of intergalactic Ai, dark side, cyborgs versus heirloom humans; those of us older, less vaccinated than today’s youth and certainly free of the experimental spike protein mRNA gene editing bioweapon horrifically, euphemistically mislabeled a vaccine.

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No religion or mysticism will save you. Only believing in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection van save you. He is the Son of God and we are saved by grace. A free gift given to us by our Creator/God.

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Jan 27, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Thanks Joe!

"Even in the most natural of brains, there remains an electrode of evil"... that could be called the reptilian tail... https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Reptilian_Tail

There are ways to remove it.

The organic human is God technology!

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Puts McLuhan’s idea of man making himself the sex organs of tech in a fresh relief.

Darkness always counterfeiting, always projecting. Entropy isn’t God’s. It’s the natural consequence of Lucifer’s much ballyhooed rebellion. Unplug the world from it energy giver and yeah, the motors are gonna stop running.

Informative, engaging, thought provoking as always. The Chuck Norris of transhumanist expose. You can quote me.

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That blurb goes on the book.

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Thank you for letting people know the truth about this

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

You might really like a book by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen titled The Entropy Law and the Economic Process. ISBN 978-0674281646

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Thank you. I have not found The Entropy Law ... yet.

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I read it in grad school. Interesting ... never really got traction because NG=R confused degradation of energy with degradation of matter. Otherwise, it's first rate.

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Love you on Warroom

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