I sure can relate to what you are saying. We are all assaulted from every direction by lies, damned lies and statistics; By well reasoned subterfuge; By poorly reasoned subterfuge; By narratives to keep us all off balance and fearful. My wife and I have adopted the 72 hour rule on anything we hear or read in the news: Wait 72 hours to see what shakes out., then if it still seems valid consider it but remain skeptical.

The difference between the Covid-19 / covid "vaccine" narratives and, say, historical narratives such as a lone assassin killed President Kennedy is that we have had the opportunity to fully immerse ourselves in all the details and differing information being spread, if we choose to do so. A majority of people didn't. The big advantage we have is the scope of the internet. We can find truth, speculation, and BS pretty easily despite the efforts to censor "mis/disinformation." We also are not going to buy the "we won't release all the information for XX number of years for your own good" crap anymore. When the Warren Commission did that we knew Lee Harvey wasn't anywhere near the whole story. Likewise, when Pfizer wanted to keep the data on their vax secret for 75 years we who were paying attention knew there was something way off.

If the earth was flat, cats would push everything off the edge.

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Love your insights, Robbie.

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"We can find truth, speculation, and BS pretty easily"? You missed the truth on one. It was the FDA that asked for the 75 years. It was not Pfizer.

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Same difference? If Pfizer was willing to release all the documents but the FDA wanted to keep from being released for 75 years, why did it not get released in any country in the world?

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Joe, are these principles also applicable to nanobots in dental anesthetics?

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It was not the pfizer documents they were after. It was FDA documents. The whole high court case was for FDA documents not pfizer. The court ruling wasn't for pfizer documents from the FDA. It was for FDA documents.

You should read about it at least once.

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Quote from that link "Food and Drug Administration to make public the data it relied on to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine".

That is not the same as asking Pfizer for their documents. It was not pfizer that asked for the 75 years. It was not the pfizer documents that were being asked for.

The FDA has to hand over THEIR documents for WHY they approved the vaccine. They were not ordered to hand over pfizer documents.

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Who produced and submitted the vaccine data?

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You are insulting. You assume what people know and what experiences we have had. You also mistake a generalized comment for a specific one, which was not the purpose of my comment. So as you are saying the ruling was only for FDA documents, not Pfizer documents, how come they only released 55 thousand pages (now over 80K) of Pfizer documents? Where were the J&J documents and the Moderna documents? And once again, where were the Pfizer/Biotech documents from other countries? countries that the FDA has nothing to do with? But since you said I (which means all of us in these comments) you should give the source so we can read it.

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Yes, that link, as all others do, shows it was a request for the FDA documents for it's data that it relied on to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. It was not for pfizer documents.

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"If the earth was flat, cats would push everything off the edge."

Had a good laugh with that one. classic. Was that yours?

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Great decision. Haste is the enemy of truth.

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I get your frustration with stupidity Mr. Allen, but asking questions about an experimental jab proven to be toxic wherein ingredients are secret isn't stupid. Particularly when our human right not to be experimented on under the Nuremberg and Geneva Conventions prohibit it. Thousands of JAB victims are IN FACT dying suspiciously. Of course, people will start making up their own theories. What else are they to do? Please be patient with us and continue educating us. You offer nothing more than conjecture in this article. Not one nano-particle of evidence. In what way does your uncited opinion bear more consequence than a differing opinion based on patents? My doctor can obtain my consent to JAB but CANNOT inform me as to what in the vials. My doctor doesn't know. Few labs have equipment capable of identifying nano-size particles. I follow pathologist Ryan Cole closely for example. A while back he publicly tested vial samples, then declared no evidence of nano-anything. Unfortunately, the test equipment wasn't sophisticated enough to test for presence of nano-size particles. WTF? Why would you, a seriously educated young man, take such a strong position on something you can't possibly know? Can you please direct me to lab tests you've seen capable of identifying nano-size particles and demonstrating no nano-particles present? Making matters worse, it's clear vial batches vary with some quite toxic, some less so, and some basically harmless. We are at war. Rogue elements in our own military and government as well as foreign entities are demonstrating malevolent intent toward our Constitutionally recognized rights and our health. The growing unexplained fatalities puzzling insurance actuarials and funeral home operators are no longer arguable. They are fact. Something is wrong in America and the world. In my humble opinion, you do an irresponsible disservice to your audience by emotionally ridiculing our unanswered questions regarding a never-ending barrage of lies in the face of an obvious mass attack on health. Whether the invisible threat is comprise of nanobots, nano-particles of some sort, chemicals, electromagnetic radiation, etc. is irrelevant. Please take a breath, chew us out if you need it, then get back to work studying this threat as objectively as you can. We appreciate and need you skill set. Don't shit on it because of frustration or because some of us get it wrong. That frustration results from the asymmetric war being waged against Main Street people on so many fronts. You are supposed to become frustrated and turn on your own. Thanks for your efforts. Greatly appreciated. Agreement is overrated. We need honest questions and should not condemn people for trying to figure out why their families and friends are dying. Again, take a deep breath and keep up the good work.

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"Why would you, a seriously educated young man, take such a strong position on something you can't possibly know?"

We have our power of reasoning. Some of us, anyway. I've been badgered by this crowd for a year and a half for some statement. This is it.

Along with this (see EXHIBIT A and B)


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To my earlier point Mr. Allen, your Exhibits A & B are just more observations and theoretical considerations as are Ms. Kingston's and thousands of others. Such considerations are not proof. Given the technical ability to forge or edit documents, photos, Xrays, etc. people on Main Street have no way of reliably verifying what's real or not real. Do you have an electron microscope at home? I don't. If I did, studying what's in one of these vials is illegal. As you know, the weaponized U.S. government deemed it illegal for citizens to obtain and/or analyze bioweapon vials. WHY? Do you not understand the felonious and dictatorial danger posed to Doctors and/or researchers brave enough to obtain vials for the purpose of material analysis? This is happening in the United States NOW, today. I'm not aware of the "badgering", "other attacks", or" possible threats" you live with so can't address that other than to say such actions by others are not helpful, are likely inappropriate, and perhaps worse. That said, as far as I know, you are under no legal threat for offering your opinion, which of course you're welcome to and which I think should be considered given your background. At the same time, researchers attempting to study these vials are in serious jeopardy. At this point, thousands of victims are being incapacitated, are dying, or both - all without empirical explanation. Correlation of this medical attack with the bioweapon rollout isn't proven causative but piles of evidence around the world begin to make a convincing case worth looking at. For what its worth, I have not disagreed with your take on this. My information isn't sufficient for me to have an opinion as to precisely what the COVID Pogrom is; other than to notice something is very wrong - murderously wrong. I do wish you'd try for a bit more patience as we can benefit from your expertise and the rancor is nonconstructive. In any adversarial public arena in which you take a stand, you will be agreed with, admired, quoted, AS WELL AS opposed, misquoted, lied about, and attacked. Sad, but there it is and we all have to cope with that as responsibly as we can. We cannot remain free in the U.S. through division, which of course, is one purpose of information warfare. It's critical for Main Street's non-enslaved transhuman dystopia that we set aside our differences to the point we can work together in figuring out the nature of this enemy. I sincerely apologize if I'm badgering you. My intent, as a 70-year old desert dweller is simply to have a conversation about a serious matter with a young man I respect a great deal. From my perspective, offering your opinion is a good thing. On the other hand, ridiculing people taking on serious legal risk as they attempt to puzzle this out will get you more badgering, probably a lot of it. Are any of these researchers gaming an opportunity for financial gain? Is Ms. Kingston? I don't know. I'd guess many are - maybe most. I'd also guess insulting people who disagree with you because some so-called experts are corrupt morons isn't particularly helpful either. One more comment: if you do a deep dive on the ionization of Earth's atmosphere into an electromagnetic plasma (antenna) as part of modified HAARP technology (you'll have to wade through some muck) and the Space Fence, you'll better understand why so many researchers are concerned about possible interaction with metallic components and/or nanaoparticles in these vials. These metal ingredients may not be accidental. Just sayin'.

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Bruce, respectfully, my point of contention is that the Vaxxbot Queen in question was factually wrong, was politely corrected, and yet persistent in lying.

That you failed to grasp that simple fact is depressing. It's also why I can't stand the Vaxxbot people.

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Mr. Allen, thank you for your patience here, sorry to depress you with my perceived stupidity. Please help me as an intellectually challenged person out. I don't see what is convincing in your exhibits PROVING Ms. Kingston or anyone else is a liar. What am I missing here. What have you shown me that is more credible than what Ms. Kingston or others are claiming? What is it that convinces you to take such a strong position? Why is this so personal for you? Jeez man. Get a grip.

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I am not offering an alternative explanation because I don't know the full story of the vaxx or its contents.

What I do know is that this wrong-headed theory is not just a distraction from an honest inquiry, it is seemingly designed to destroy the credibility of any questions about the official narrative -- which, if you've read anything I've done, I challenge constantly.

It is not "personal," aside from constantly having to explain that.

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I’ll try not to depress you anymore Mr. Allen, so I’ll call it quits with this response. I don’t know enough about Ms. Kingston to defend or attack her views, but again despite your generosity I see no proof of intentional deceit. I’ve only questioned you because I don’t get your animosity toward Karen Kingston. Perhaps with your connections you know much more than I about her activities and motives. If so, I respect your discretion and plead guilty to my own ignorance regarding her behavior. Sorry.

I agree with Exhibit A regarding the lipid protective shell and am not aware of anyone knowledgeable disagreeing. I don’t know of any researchers claiming lipids alter DNA, BUT many people as a matter of convenience refer to lipid nanoparticles generally. If Ms. Kingston said something this incorrect it seems either an error in the moment or a lie. You assume lie and I accept that.

If proof of Exhibit B is Ms. Kingston’s ignorance or duplicity regarding differences in nanoparticles or gels, we first need to define what a nanoparticle is. Dozens of different types of what might be termed nanoparticles encased in aerosol, liquid, or gel base carriers are known. Some are heavy metals, some are chemicals, some are genetic materials, some are nanotech devices. I imagine there are other things as well. In this Kingston presentation one graphic clearly shows a lipid membrane and spike proteins as entirely separate entities.

She does state, “Even the images of the ‘chimeric viruses’ in EcoHealth Alliance’s proposal look like spike proteins, which also look like the lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA vaccines.” This statement is corroborated in several studies I’ve seen. Here are a couple statements taken from a 2022 Stanford Research Paper titled Stanford single-dose nanoparticle vaccine for COVID 19.

“The spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 is quite large, so scientists often formulate abridged versions that are simpler to make and easier to use. After closely examining the spike, Kim and his team chose to remove a section near the bottom.

To complete their vaccine, they combined this shortened spike with nanoparticles of ferritin – an iron-containing protein – which has been previously tested in humans. Before the pandemic, Powell had been working with these nanoparticles to develop an Ebola vaccine. Together with scientists at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the researchers used cryo-electron microscopy to get a 3D image of the spike ferritin nanoparticles in order to confirm that they had the proper structure.” Here’s a link.


Note that the entire spike protein is not used in these JABS as it’s too large. Protein segments are selected for replication in the synthetic formulation(s) and yes they are similar to iron nanoparticles as you mention. That’s by design according to this Stanford white paper.

Regarding your Exhibit 3 reply to Ms. Kingston, “The evidence you provide for AI-powered nanobot bioweapons does not fit your theory. Nor does the evidence for lipid nanoparticles altering DNA.”

Your Exhibit 3 argument is semantic at best which is fair game but not proof of Ms. Kingston’s deceit. Here’s a link to one Swedish study (one of many around the world) titled "Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line."

Here’s a quote from the study: “…SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells.” Here’s a link to the study:


Following is th4 Abstract taken from this Swedish study.

Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, 20502 Malmö, Sweden

Infection Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, 22362 Lund, Sweden

Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 2022, 44(3), 1115-1126; https://doi.org/10.3390/cimb44030073

Received: 18 January 2022 / Revised: 19 February 2022 / Accepted: 23 February 2022 / Published: 25 February 2022


Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.

Many studies are finding this reverse transcription to be the case. Obviously, this is not genetically possible unless the cell nucleus has been invaded to reach and/or alter DNA material. I won’t defend Ms. Kingston’s veracity as I don’t know enough to do that. I will say little of what she claims is undocumented. You may be correct in your judgement of her veracity but some of your comments are incorrect per dozens of studies around the world.

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Look at A, B, and C. Read carefully. Tip of the iceberg.







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Totally agreed! The entire article is an exercize of brainless sarcastic gibberish!!!

This type of people only sow confusion in some people's minds... and never come up with rational explanations!!!

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Watching CNN, MSNBC does not lead to much knowledge. Just skilled propaganda from the mouthpieces earning millions for the shady work. You have to understand a bit more of the trans-humanist technology and science before criticizing Joe Allen. What he is describing, it is going to affect all of us the little people on the planet. Please be assured that I am sad on your acid response, and feel sorry for you having a limited knowledge of this field!

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In the meantime, back at the

ranch, we all ARE confused.... joe or no joe

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Bruce Kolinski, thank you for making these very valid points. Also, personally, I do not know who this Joe Allen is, but if he works closely with Steve Bannon & his War Room, who is closely tied to Trump (who I did vote for btw, but who is responsible for the rollout of 5G & Operation Warpspeed), why should this Joe Allen be trusted? I’ve personally heard Jared Kushner state he’s on board with the transhuman agenda. I’ve heard (but cannot prove) that Ivanka Trump holds shares of stock in the company InBrain. And, obviously, people are dying, & these Overlords have been obsessed with population reduction. And, if you believe there’s any truth to predictive programming, they’ve shown in many movies & shows what they’d like to do. Regardless of what you believe, one thing for certain is that there is poison shit in these jabs!

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We have hit Jared, we literally hit the jab deaths every day. Learn more.

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You will find all darkfield microscopy results from Dr Ana Mihalcea substack! Kill shots and transhumanism future.

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"A pretty blonde lady clasped a gold cross pendant in her gentle fingers."

When I read that, the person who came to my mind was Dr. Carrie Madej.

I also follow Karen Kingston, but I do find it hard to follow her patent trail. I've heard her mention patents, but then I wonder, "Okay, but how do we know that those patents are used in said product?"

I do try to keep an open mind, and this article has helped bring some balance to how I see this issue. That said, I'm convinced that there are nono-scale components in the bioweapon injections. They may not be "bots," but I'm convinced that there's something nefarious going on.

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Yuval Harari said we should be injected with nano particles.

Also, the video of black circular things under the microscope. I believe it was "vaccinated" blood, on a Stew peters episode with Karen Kingston, I believe.

How do you feel about that?

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The irony is that the snippet of video that you saw amounts to a lie.

Watch this all the way through. Then ask yourself what he meant by "surveillance going under the skin."


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Irony, no. "Iron oxide nanoparticles", yes. Go to "The “Magic” Disappearing words" in this article and search above phrase. ( I couldn't resist the play on words and my position that your are discounting way to much does not depend on this, so I had to make use of the play on words. Plus same patent mentions other interesting stuff!)


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I totally agree.

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Dr Ana Mihalce substack will show proof what is in all blood now!

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The above post is in my view, by and large a 'straw man' argument; doesn't explain the lengthy clots the embalmers are reporting and showing. I don't recall anyone saying that spoons would stick to the jab site; but I have physically seen with my own eyes the Neodymium Magnets sticking to the arms of the vaccinated. As they say "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.".

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Enjoyed reading this. I have become increasingly frustrated with alternative media gurus making ever more outlandish claims for the sake of clicks and followers. On the other hand, it's uncanny how sci-fi ends up proving the be true. I use my rational brain and a good dose of common sense and keep an open mind.

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I definately lost mine, all three of them. It is a joggle.

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Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most published cardiologists in the world and prior to last year was the Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center. He has also written as much as anyone on the "vaccines". He has said publicly that the "vaccines" do in fact change a person's DNA. Do you have information that contradicts that, and if so please provide the sources. Thank you.

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Admire Dr. McCullough's fight. But the Lund University study does not show incorporation into the genome (see below).

Original study:


Comment from researchers involved:

"What did your study conclude?"

YDM: "This study does not investigate

whether the Pfizer vaccine alters our



Reached out. Hope to get an answer to this.


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"This study does not investigate whether the Pfizer vaccine alters our genome." They purposefully phrased it this way so they can say the jab doesn't change DNA - plausible deniability. The spike protein breaches the blood/barrier, period.

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Thank you for this rare rational take on the issue. Too much sci-fi and too little knowledge of how various technologies work (or can't work) has far too many in the so-called 'truth community' believing anything and everything about them. Tried explaining countless times how things like the bluetooth theory are just not currently possible. Typical response is for the person to ask me which injection I got. Many on 'our side' are more harmful to the cause than those that would prefer us dead. Pushing these idiotic theories just cuz it sounds good only serves to make the real issues easier to brush aside

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Please. What hare-brained, far-fetched, National-Enquirer-level tin-hat conspiracy theory HASN'T proven to be true in the last 3 years?

Give it enough time, and you'll be garnishing a salad with the shredded remains of this post.


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You're right. Bigfoot probably is keeping love slaves.

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There is a lot you know nothing about, this is one of them. There is an agenda as in 2030, New World Order aka The Great Reset, Davos, and Yuval Noah Harari. This is part of all of that.

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"Despite his morally ambivalent tone when discussing humankind’s replacement, he exhibits serious empathy for sentient beings. Even as he coldly compares the 10,000-year-old practice of castrating bulls to the archaic role of eunuchs and to modern sex-change procedures, his writing betrays a soft spot for non-human mammals and helpless people."

I don't buy it, Harari mocks GOD, as a Jew he should know better. Sadly he's a tool, of the evil one, a cursed one at that. I feel sorry for him. He doesn't have a clue.

Joe, we are living in unpresidented times. A convergence if you will of signs of the last days. This is no joke. This global thing is but one piece of the puzzle. Israel is a bigger piece.

Joe, are you a Christian, do you believe in JESUS?

I'm still reading .......

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haha, my thoughts exactly

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Wow, Joe...your on fire! Excellent article! I find it amazing how the hype and bullshit permeates the masses. Tell them something and they believe it...thanks for your insight and showing how people don’t need vaxxbots to destroy their minds, they do a good job on their own. LOL

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Certain things, including the suppression of the use of the effective treatment drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, we can speak about with a certain validity. There's a lot we just can't, without solid evidence, fathom. Perhaps we should have concerns that while we're all gazing forward trying to rationalize detail after detail, the pantomime words "BEHIND YOU!" are being whispered, not hollered, behind our backs... and behind closed doors. I really hope not... but it's entirely possible.

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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑠. 𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑠. 𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑡. 𝑂𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑜 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤.

I agree 100% with the reality, and accept my fate in that regard, but I have stories I could tell about attempting to apply reason to work past it. Sometimes going with the flow is the safest option.

At present reality is so fucking unbelievable most of the time it's easy to understand how folks can be suckered into the rabbit hole of vaxbot land.

The whole world has gone crazy, Joe. There's no turning back.

Good luck with the whole idea of being done with the vaxbot crowd. I'll keep you in my prayers. ;)

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Thanks, Joe. Anyone remember the "The X Files" circa 1999? There was lots of nano technology in that series w the tag line "The Truth Is Out There!" Of course we were being fed the Y2K worldwide implosion at the same time. Billions were spent by major corporations because of a turn of the century programmers end of the world date problem! It was a big nothing burger that made many fear mongers rich. I have written before about the great science fiction writer Philip K Dick. He had many personal problems but he lit up the imagination of my Baby Boomer generation. If you read his writings, tech hasnt had an original idea since. Unfortunately, it is the fear and complete destruction of trust on many levels that has led to this thinking and speculation. Government, corporations, and other formerly trusted institutions have created and fed this fear. We now live in constant anxiety waiting for the other technological shoes to drop. It is crazy making by the greedy.

Our ancestors left us some good advice such as "fool me once,shame on you fool me twice..." or "Money is the root of all evil." The older you get, the more times rope-a-doped, the smarter you realize they were. God bless and take a walk in nature.

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And George perfected it all by himself... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjmjqlOPd6A

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Good post. Vaxbots aren't technologically feasible (yet) but that's not for lack of trying. Here's an article from 2018 that discusses the concept -- "We’re not there yet, but we’re getting close." https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/these-tiny-robots-could-be-disease-fighting-machines-inside-body-ncna861451 The Transhumanist psychopaths who want to create a nanoworld are working 24/7 to make this a reality.

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My sentiments exactly.

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We've been there for a long time already.

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I agree with most of your ridiculing. But virology is a total pseudoscience.

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Agreed. Wonder if Joe has updated his take on this. Anyone that does a deep dive on the subject cannot claim that viruses and contagion have been proven using the scientific method.

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I had to log in to this website to smash the like button Joe. 😐

good job. miss you. images are all good.

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