Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

The saddest thing is that brainwashed masses will never even be willing to think about these topics or read such articles to the end. Not just because it is irritatingly over their intellectual capacities to technically comprehend the content but also because they are in auto-defense mode to just dismiss any information against what they have been programmed to trust in. They label everything conspiracy theory even if they die as a result. Masses have been deliberately dumbed on all levels by artificially engineering dangerously degraded standards to become the norm. All delivered by sickening "global" food, media, entertainment and education in the past four decades or so at least. The ones reading articles like this already know all this is true but will be punished for sharing and stoned by the dumb successfully controlled part of society. How can we and the messages of truth still reach these masses currently outnumbering the awakened ones in subtle ways that they do not feel the info is offending their reality. How do we deliver these evidences in a way that they do not immediately instinctively reject it without consideration. Until this happens humanity cannot unite and eliminate these evil bastard soulless junk creatures and their servant puppets. I see this as the biggest obsticle we need to overcome.

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Bravo 👏 Very well stated!

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Hi Katalin,

You are generally right, and your voice has delivered a very important message.

>The ones reading articles like this already know all this is true but will be punished for sharing and stoned by the dumb successfully controlled part of society. How can we and the messages of truth still reach these masses currently outnumbering the awakened ones in subtle ways that they do not feel the info is offending their reality. How do we deliver these evidences in a way that they do not immediately instinctively reject it without consideration. Until this happens humanity cannot unite and eliminate these evil bastard soulless junk creatures and their servant puppets. I see this as the biggest obsticle we need to overcome.

There are several problems lying behind to reach a properly united humanity;

1. We must first acknowledge; WE ARE SOVEREIGN BEING, living so as individually unique oneness complex, as a grouped social complex, and any else way conceptualized wholeness.

2. The ARCHITECTURAL RIGHT MODEL, to understand this, - HOW A WHOLE BODY of beings, or any kind of organic living forms comprise a LIVING WHOLE BODY COMPLEX, as an individual fitting into a larger BODY of interconnections, and dependencies, projecting their THOUGHTS into the so called non-material domain, we call mind - have been long time distorted.

Think in first, a HUMAN BODY as a whole complex. Every cell in the human body has its own right, and autonomy, sovereignty to take and control their tasks in their own scope. The cells interact with each other, either individually, and/or grouped forming both the autonomous and voluntary nervous system. THE WHOLE BODY working not only depends on our BRAIN functions.

I won't go deeper into this here, just only mentioning, that, not every cell needs to understand perfectly how the whole body works and governed, but really they must trust in that cells what are responsible for the higher governance, and those governors also must trust in the working cells and giving them their sovereign autonomy to work - ALL FOR KEEPING THE WHOLE BODY WORKING TOGETHER FOR HIM-HER/ITSELF.

3. WE NEED TO CLAIM BACK FIRST CONSCIOUSLY, and RE-LEARN, and ALLOW FOR US WITH CURAGE our SOVEREIGN THINKING! Freeing ourselves from our personal and also collective fears from punishment, deeply 'programmed' into our both individual and collective THOUGHTS, by false belief systems, made by falsely thinking ones, so called distorted THOUGHT LEADERS, who think themselves playing GOD! Our individual sovereign thinking is A HUGE MASS POWER, what can form a RIGHTLY WORKING sovereign collective beingness, from what they are fearing from, and try to gain a control over by any means.

Unfortunately, they are imprisoned into their own falsely thought goals, or misused high knowledge. The reason for their own prison is very simple - IF THEY WANT GAINING CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING,THEY WILL FINALLY CONTROL TOTALLY THEMSELVES TOO, EVEN IF THEY WANT TO ESTABLISH A VIRTUAL REALITY WORLD SEEMINGLY NATURAL for they to escape, but what feeds this virtual reality finally will be destroyed, if they completely exhaust those HUMANS from they gaining the knowledge to feed their virtual worlds. Finally they destroy themselves too. THEY VERY WELL KNOW THAT.

4. So we entered into the FINAL GAME, of this GRAND EXPERIMENT! Not every technology is bad, even machine learning, and AI too (not same the both) may be beneficial for helping the original human works and existence, however the relevant question is USING OUR KNOWLEDGE, and any technological inventions gained from and by ourselves, reasonable well, NOT AGAINST, BUT REALLY beneficial FOR US. It all depends on the proper mass and also governance understanding and reasoning.

You may read my else comments, put it here.

this comment mentions, embeds the other two ones.


Thank you for reading.

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The way to conquer this problem is to spread the gospel. JESUS is the way, the truth and the life. If they come to know the salvation offered by the Son of GOD, they will wake up to the vaccine truth easily.

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For you Esther, but for me, the God thing, it just did not work. Our church priest was not a good guy, was abusive in many ways to members of my family. When it was reported to the church diosese (back in the 1970s) they did nothing. So, I found a closer way to what you call God, I call it trees and plants, and I am an herbalist. I do not expect my answer to suffice for you, but please do not expect your answer to suffice for me, ok? Thank you

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Indeed, "how do we deliver these evidences in a way that they do not immediately instinctively reject it without consideration". I would like to start with a simple question to someone who is cognitively disassociated from his humanity, but I don't know what question to start with. Most people I know would not even want to read this article.

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The masses don't matter, and have never mattered

History is decided by the elites, whether those elites are evil totalitarian technocrats or good people

The rest come along for the ride.

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Hi Santa Claus,

Perhaps, you may be right, - the history is ran, and perhaps written by elites, so called governors, who are using the mass as their 'body'.

The coin always has two sides, however factually that is the same coin. And, if you know about the mohbius strip, and infinite topology symbol, you may know always there is a balance or intersection point.

You may read, also my comment, replied to Katalin''s comment above.


Thanks for reading,

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Yes, a large obstacle, they are programmed both mind and body now. Part of me sees mother nature simply booting us off like a flea on a dog, and she would be right to do so.

At some point you have to call them zombies and encourage them to get MORE shots, which will likely kill more of them. Maybe us unwhack-scened encouraging them to get more shots will confuse them, and the dissonance of such a suggestion may break through. We need new tactics on this.

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Joe, this is your best article yet. I reposted this to my Facebook. Time to wake up the old fogies in my generation. Thanks so much for your great work.

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Interestingly, I shared this with my forty-eight year old daughter's friend, and he called it "Spam"!!

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Well, Why would it be spam? It seems he needs to do some reading before dismissing it out of hand, but many "normies never will go through the effort. Ignorance is bliss and we should follow our bliss, right? But there is a lot coming at us in the world now. If he is not feeling so blissful at the concept, He could start with Homo Deus - A brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari. Or he could even start with the TV series Homo Deus on Netflix = more entertaining, but the concept is there.

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Isn't "YNH" the Prodigal, Rebellious, Talmudic Jew...who is the "center-piece" of all intellectual Stimulation/Guidance for Schwab and the Rothschild controlled W.E.F....(whom, btw, are THE "people/organization" responsible for this entire SarsCov2/Mrna kill jabs/Gates-Gavi digital connections in West Africa/Depopulation 2030/"you will have nothing and be happy") Group? Why the FCK would I care what YNH says?! He's extremely smart, true..,but that's easy when Satan lives inside his Mind...YNH is just another Homosexual, (with a "FUGLY" Wife),exception: who has been "blessed" into a position similar to "Merlin" whispering in the King's ears, methods of creating a World where he, "YNH", can feel safe and accepted...He is, in any analysis/reality-check...just a Pathetic Fa**ot, who hates G*D, bcuz G*D.."YWYH" despises Homosexuality..(thus despises him)..so he wants an Earth without his ancestral Deity's judgement bothering him....Problem for the "REST" of us on the Planet ? He wants to KILL us all!That includes You, my dear.

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My reading of that book (gave me headaches) was that HUBRIS could have been the title. He consistently ignored rules of logic to build his conclusions from the cases he laid down. It was a sell job. He wanted us to buy the premise of the "glorious connected future" without considering the downside consequences. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Just perfect for the WEF and Globalists plans. It is said that Satan is the great deceiver but he has to reveal the truth so that we have buy what he is offering and accept it there-by deceiving ourselves. Satan offered Jesus the world if he would fall down and worship him. he answered "Get thee behind me Satan" We all are being offered the same Faustian bargain.

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I'm over 65. When I was on Facebook (pre-covid), I saw the old fogies announcing they got their flu shot, pneumonia shot, shingles shot, and on top of that, the "new and improved" shingles shot. On a retirement forum, I saw retirees talking about how the covid shot made them sick, but "that means it's working." They will happily get in line for this garbage if the prior jabs don't kill them first.

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Unfortunately I have noticed the same thing. The old fogies in my group were all gung-ho to get the first two shots and some of them lined up for the booster as well. Fortunately my siblings have woken up and would never take it. A friend of mine also had the shingles shot. Now the WHO (and their buddies in the UN) want to impose worldwide vax mandates! https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-chilling-reason-they-wont-declare-the-pandemic-over_4372005.html

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It's probably already been removed...

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except it's NOT the "old fogies" sucking this crap into their brains like the under 30 year olds do with their faces and Eyeballs smashed atop their fkn Ipads/phones every minute of every day,is it? It's not the under 30's "THEY" are trying to kill quickly, is it? It's not the "old fogies" who become "woke" to believing there are now 3 sexes, is it?!The Global Problem is that all the brain-dead kids (Not old fogies) are too fkn STUPID to read a damn book anymore, or think for themselves..since you, KBigg, what is that, a Black name? are still on FakeBook, looks like I'm correct.

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Hey Azreal77 -- Calm down, son. I'm on Fakebook to try and educate people. What do you care if KBigg is a Black name? Why is that important to you?

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Furthermore, for you to call me "son", unless you are over 75 years old, only increases the odds that you are delusional...percentages rule. White Man makes the Statues, Black Men tear them down..White Man makes the BasketBall, Black Men tears up the Court...Why are both the same?? White Man Pay Very Good Money to BLM and NBA players.

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Besides, what got MY goat, was your "point" that "old fogies" (implying over 60) are the demographic believing all the B.S. today..Most "old fogies"cannot even answer a gmail !

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Actually? Skin Color is not a true indicator of Intelligence or Character, but percentages are the rule...Proven Percentages are THE "difference" separating success and failure in any Universe.

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Well, I suppose you will soon be cancelled from you account for violating their tender sensibilities and terms of service and community standards (whatever that really means).

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I've been posting anti-vaxx stuff for the past year and I'm still up. Facebook is hopeless anyway, along with Twitter. If they cancel me I couldn't care less!

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

You are such an important voice, Joe and this article is profoundly important. Proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you on Team Human. Keep up the fight, friend. Thanks especially for adding the line, "Somehow, against all odds, the human spirit has not been broken."

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Breathtaking, sickening, maddening... thank you for putting the pieces of this nightmare together so cogently. As an archivist, I had read the patent for storing records in human DNA, the Frankenstein musing of MIT and Gates and wondered why? Now I know. Moderna is building the largest factory in the Southern Hemisphere in Australia, due to be operational by 2024. We have to dismantle it brick by brick and bury the bastards.

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Great piece! I’ll have to read it several times to fully absorb it. Meanwhile, I’ll NEVER get any sort of injection again. NEVER NEVER NEVER!!

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Problem is - viral shedding may do the job. I am always ill after being in a crowd or at a party. I don't want to become a monk.

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Your prognostication albeit scary, is God's honest truth!! Your research and composition skills are greatly appreciated. I look forward to more education from you, Joe Allen

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

As I am reading the article a few moments ago, you come on Warroom discussing this article. Yes, another great article. I do believe this is all moving toward the mark of the beast.

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

In the words of Hon. Tashunka Witco, “It’s a good day to die; care to come along?” The trick will be to ensure that the "perfect" Big Tech machine starves to death because it's unable to distinguish between an infinite number of equally attractive bushels of mRNA hay. We will need to become Coyote Going Upriver to tame a swallowing monster. First thing is to ask the Huckleberry Sisters for the plan. They will tell us to use taunts to get inside. Take five sharp knives to cut on the monster's internal organs, and kindling to set its anus afire. Kindling here means improper probability density functions, wandering statistical asymptotes, unavailing Kronecker products, etc. We cannot kill the swallowing monster but we can tame it, set the human beings (and all their relations) free, and put the monster to good use.

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Sounds like RoboCop 2, Capt. Kirk's ethically challenging "V-gers" programming, and primitively-similar to the "re-directing" of HAL whilst pulling memory cards in 2001.

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Crazy Horse was a real live person.

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Apr 3, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Merger of health care and AI interview re misallocation of capital, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPSPBTqW-rw circa 6:00

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Mar 30, 2022Liked by Joe Allen


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Hello Joe Bot...

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Yes - he tells it like it is. The only way in my opinion.

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What an amazing article! I followed all your links and read them as well. I've been pouring over the 55K Pfizer docs and have been frustrated that I am only reading what they are willing to show, much is hidden meant to occupy our time chasing rabbits. A line your article: "In the future, we believe that AI may help us predict what queries regulators are likely to come back with. We may then be able to improve our submissions by predicting in advance what regulators are likely to ask, and coming prepared with those answers ahead of time." Made that point for me. I think they are already doing it. Your article needs to be read by all who are striving to figure out what is going on with the viruses, the "vaxes" Vexes?, hexes?, the economy and the globalists. I wish that once in a while Steve Bannon (War Room Pandemic) would give you far more than 5 minutes at the end of his show.

You also made the point from Revelations: "to be marked on the right hand or the forehead." Last year I learned that in many bibles it was written as "to be marked in the right hand in the forehead." Amazing how one letter, an i or an o, can change the meaning of the words.

Thanks for what you are doing to add to our understanding.

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Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. Had it not been detailed, depicted, and distributed at a price, and unsuspecting public'd be fine and dandy with it. Well the common Era man, would find doing it a service to their country and all of humanity obligatory. Still the least common denominator principle is not fully understood, or cared to be interpreted by these so-called 'real men of genius.' So here's to you, the gates of Bill's and clause's of Swabs used to further variate this DAEMON straight into the 'Heart' of the matter, belly of the beast thing bee sting beasting; safely concludes that even in the lacking of lackeys, this system is able to produce, or correctly display, AT LEAST, the construct that interprets what is being built upon to purposely configure a manipulative view into the mechanations of conflagrating an easily obtuse terminal by which each velocity produces and creates more complex research and development Omarion delta variants of tangential elaborative speculations that further us along any and all transcendentialism, and other unique sets of deliberate waste of time and space continuum displacements, SERIOUSLY DESIGNED through which ORDER OUT OF CHAOS has a Pythagorean approachability, in the same number of finite steps approaching ABSOLUTE ZERO asymptotically. Okay. But it does make for an interesting Master's Thesis in assembling the configuration that provides not only histories, but developments, updates, and scheduled maintenances in need for optimum performance, highlight, and special-accessible programs designed cyber-linked protiened portended intended apprehended and thereby gene-therapeutically interpreted to reflect the duplexes in complexity that we are quite simply, so fascinated, it takes on a life of its own; whereby we end up going down another Rabbit hole. But that's another song. joebot.xyz Love and Aloha Brother. What an insight of an outlook worth looking into, to get the whole overview from a point of view, one easily misses by blinking. heh and I not mention any pedos, islands, gym/temples, or that gritty feeling after a dentist procedure. Thanks Brother and Godspeed.

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You should try getting Sober!

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I live on Hawaii Island, in the Kamuela township.

Sober is not a problem I struggle with.

Sadly, I don't see any of your contributions.

God bless.

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No read em, then.

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Do you get paid for such RICH AD, vice?

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"Today’s Transhumanists expand this cleavage (nature vs tech) in a rush to establish a race of biodigital Frankensteins. Hypnotized by wet dreams of enhancement, they attach wings to a caterpillar and call it a butterfly, ignore the pulse of their own breathing beings hidden behind a heartless view of the Universe, and charge headlong in passionate pursuit of some contrived delusional notion of ‘progress’.

By the 2020s we find ourselves commandeered by a technology whose algorithms and oh so virtual artificial intelligence are often regarded as a model to emulate in real life, sacrificing our very own minds in a blind displacement of genuine thinking. Is it any wonder we find our entire species in the diamond lane on the highway to extinction?

Current world policy appears to be fueled by a wealthy, powerful, and unaccountable Ignorati who exhibit no awareness whatsoever of how life on Earth actually succeeds. ‘What could go wrong?’ It is time we redirect technology toward the truly organic evolution we so desperately need, arrest our descent to extinction, and manifest a paradigm that transcends our shortcomings."


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Apr 15, 2022·edited Apr 15, 2022

Hi Beau,

I profoundly empathize and agree with your everything written above.


>we find ourselves commandeered by a technology whose algorithms and oh so virtual artificial intelligence are often regarded as a model to emulate in real life, sacrificing our very own minds in a blind displacement of genuine thinking. Is it any wonder we find our entire species in the diamond lane on the highway to extinction?

>What could go wrong?’ It is time we redirect technology toward the truly organic evolution we so desperately need.

You may read my above written comments;

1.. https://joebot.substack.com/p/vaxxed-by-machines-tracked-by-machines/comment/6068272?s=r


And regarding to your own personal site;

Whole World – Beau Says Know


>How will humanity survive?

you may read my essay put on the FQXI written in 2014


I strongly suggest reading the comments thread below the essay what may be more informative than the essay itself.

I put it here the earlier version of this essay abstract, (it had changed on the final version on the FQXI site), but, because you mentioned the

> displacement of genuine thinking....


This essay resulted not from an academic or professional physicist's viewpoint, but emerged from a scholarly person's critical thinking. The theme not only treats for an essay contest, but a very hot topic for how humanity can maintain itself. The author questions, whether the in-depth question is "How Should Humanity Steer the Future?". (Should it?) Or we need to ask more precise questions before we attempt giving answers to how humanity may be able to handle radically different modes of thought and fundamentally new technologies. The latter not only is becoming relevant, but in fact much of them are not new, working in practice and/or covertly, knowable, understandable or hidden, even 'alien' for present mainstream and/or open minded scientific views. But, we all have a tool either having strong technical understanding or living an average life course, what makes us to be a man, a higher order being atop nature who can reach his goals, is the ability for thinking. Unfortunately, even if our knowledge deepens, we don't put a focus to properly formulate how the thinking process works, for why and even how can express itself. The truly risk is, we are not able to adequately control our own thoughts and acts, therefore we should incur becoming manipulated by our own thoughts, in worst case steered by someones' else interest who have already studied, researched the faculty of thoughts, even developed peculiar technologies for controlling it. The author's aim to tug us to understand truly the fundamentals not oversimplifying the relevant questions for which FQXi's scope and goals try for, but much rather triggering an Eureka effect. This essay isn't able to cover and giving sufficient answers those questions addressed in possible sub topics. But, at best it can suggest quirky to see the modern physics and its relations with else scientific fields to describe how the everlasting thinking process is in working, and also to figure out how it can express itself via a substantial medium simultaneously being been both solid, material, physical, genetically coded, stored in a body and non-material, non-physical as the latter attributed to consciousness.


Thank you for reading.

P.s. the email in the essay not valid yet. you can find me at xyauth at indamail dot hu

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So, we know the scripture tells us the iron mixed with clay Beast AI system is in place. Im personally praying for a Comet or other solar plasma that flattens the energy system that wants to empower this thing! And the best resistence is the question "So what happens when the power goes out, nerdbrain?"

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