Jan 3, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

The reason elites promote lgbtq - trans propaganda is to program the minds of the people to their agenda. The only way a person accepts an implant in his/her body is when the binary logic of the brain is destroyed. When we were children while watching Tom anf Jerry we asked our parents "who is the good one and who is the bad guy???" (default binary logic). Without binary logic you can't distinguish good vs bad, white vs black, freedom vs slavery. Another reason they promote transgenders is to prepare you for robots, who are non-binary by default.

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I once took a class about the strategy used to create the “Nazi Soldier” who could carry out the atrocities of the Holocaust. It was all about subverting the moral man with the mindset for carnal pleasure. The primary tool they used was forced homosexual immersion. Within weeks, most had no moral inhibitions. Then they were subject to carrying out orders with a similar absence of binary Logos.

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Joe I am new to your site. Maybe you've already addressed it, but what do you hope to achieve with this site? Make people aware? Motivate to action? Just wondering. I like what I've seen and it has huge ramifications for everyone.

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Awareness first. Action second.

Keep reading!

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Love your message Joe Allen & I agree what’s goin on is Scary as Hell✅

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I wonder if JRRT had 'this' in mind as he wrote the character and influence of Sauron?! Seems awfully prescient to me, in dozens of ways. He took his past, into the present, to write the future.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Hi Joe, after listening you on WarRoom finally I made it to your substack. Great work, thank you for what you do. It ain’t your Wired rag… Would like to share with you this little musical video which I am sure you will appreciate:


It is bilingual music video and there are subtitles. Pay attention to visuals and lyrics.

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Wow. That's 100% pure Eastern Euro!

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Yes, the authors are based in Russia and there is whole series of clips they are producing on YouTube channel called Birchpunk - all videos our bilingual, super edgy, fun and at the same time satirical in the best sense. Here is another example:


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Saw a silent clip of this, and have been trying to track down the actual video! Thanks, man.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

I am so proud to be on Team Human with you, Joe! Thank you for continuing to share your words with us - their value and relevance is increasing by the day.

"Smash the control images. Smash the control machine."

-- W.S. Burroughs

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Much appreciated, brother man.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Precusor? Well OK. Like Paul Revere heralding the war of independence. The more concrete (biochemical) understanding of a precursor is something that, when combined with other somethings, leads to a stable or definite outcome. However, the things the transhumanists offer are unstable, indefinite dead ends.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Once again you have succinctly stated the reality we are facing. I admire you insightful candor.

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Much appreciated, Alan.

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

I'm constantly spreading the word about Joe Allen. Wish everybody would listen.

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Thank you, sir.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, would love to see a reading list on transhumanism of recommendations. If you have a few minutes, could you post one here or share it with the war room audience?

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Thanks joe! Didn’t realize you had already done it! Have a merry Christmas!

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

Are you consorts with James poulos? Very similar thesis - he just testified in front of congress

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Each day we seem to run into an article, newsfeed, or a personal discussion which involves a misconception about human sexuality. First, let me define what sin is. This will help in our understanding of what follows. This is a general description understood by the writers of the Old and New Testaments. Sin is living in defiance of the way God designed the world. It is actively rebelling against His plan, purpose and design for all human kind. No one is exempt.

In short, God’s plan establishes sex within the framework of covenantal marriage between one biological male and one biological female. We only need to read Genesis chapters one through three. This is not hidden, but obvious to all readers. Unbiblical sexuality then is living in defiance of the way God designed human sexuality as expressed in His Word. I will list a few more references in the footnote.

Briefly, here is an explanation of how people defy God’s design and an example of the form that defiance takes.

• God’s plan substituted for an unreal plan (e.g. pornography).

• God’s plan duplicated beyond the original (e.g. adultery, polygamy).

• God’s plan pre-empted (e.g. premarital sex, cohabitation).

• God’s plan altered (e.g. same sex relations).

• God’s plan coerced (e.g. sexual assault, abuse).

• God’s plan exploited (e.g. pedophilia, sex trafficking).

• God’s plan corrupted (e.g. non-human sexual relations).

As anyone can see, all examples listed above are found to be contrary to the expressed will of God and His design for all humankind. These are contrary to Biblical sexuality concerning the union of one biological male and one biological female in a covenant marriage ordained by God. God’s design by definition is sacred and binding, while the other avenues listed tear down, destroy and inflict pain on the participants who choose to sin.

As a follower of Christ, these are the false realities we will not enter into. Yet, a growing number of forms of media and now Meta, view these sinful examples as legitimate alternative choices. It is a lie and it leads to death. The growth of virtual reality is inevitable and it is inevitable that lost people who design this VR world will make the above examples normative in the worlds they build. It plays to the sin nature within everyone. As a result, people desire it and thus profits will be made and control will be gained. However, those who choose to follow Jesus will reject these counterfeit forms of unbiblical human sexuality and live by God’s design. Not only that, they will make disciples and teach others to reject them as well.

Thanks Joe for all you do.

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Joe Allen: You are probably too young to remember Dennis Potter. He was a famous British writer who wrote some amazingly prophetic teleplays, two of them being — “Karaoke” and “Cold Lazarus.” In Cold Lazarus” a decapitated human head is preserved in order to stimulate its brain. In the process memories are activated and transferred to a large television screen. “Scientific” voyeurs and a globalist ruler watch the poor man’s suffering with a detached cynicism. A group of revolutionaries called RONs are fighting a guerilla war against their globalist technocratic enslaver. RON stands for “Reality or Nothing.” Eventually the person whose brain they are experimenting with regains consciousness and understands his plight. The series is, again, amazing. You should watch it. DVDs are available from the Vermont Movie Store. It would be interesting to compare this series against the transhumanism being feverishly pursued by today’s technocratic oligarchs.

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It seems a good question about Ai is: What happens when Ai program is offended?

Who programmed the Ai? Etc.

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Are you absolutely sure we are not living in a gigantic computer generated reality now.

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Hey guys join the revolution against big tech censorship the answer to 1984 is Social1776.com

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