Jul 8Liked by Joe Allen

Great line... Human inventors are building these machines, greedy humans are investing in them, and reckless humans are deploying them.

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Jul 8Liked by Joe Allen

As long as there are junk yards with car crushers, we can even the score- ha, ha! I plan on carrying an old bic lighter to melt the faces off of them, they literally won't know what hit them! Crude technology always wins, remember the chess player that beat the computer by making dumb moves!! Have a great day folks, all is not lost yet!!! Just play dumb, it will make them crazy!!!

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Jul 8Liked by Joe Allen

And grunt back.

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Jul 8Liked by Joe Allen

Laughed my butt off!!!!!

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It seems we are going to have to come up with a new name because robot isn't a race, nor is it species. Robist might work as the robots are taking human jobs, We can't say "only a flesh wound" when a robot is damaged.

If they are to be "given" Personhood and rights as humans have, then they must also pay taxes commensurate with the taxes a human would have paid doing the same volume of work, and the pay scale of the human in the profession that they are replacing. The corporations can't weasel out of them paying those taxes claiming they are owned by the corporation because that would be slavery.

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Jul 9Liked by Joe Allen

Joe as I have posted before on this subject, I do believe God of the bible is not letting go of mankind to be totally despoiled, demoralized and be taken apart piece by piece by an out of control AI futurama. AI is the sign of the ultimate hubris of mankind who is in utter rebellion against the Creator God. Everything the AI promises is 180 degrees out of kilter with the things that God says makes man and his relation to man, to the world and to Himself unique. It is a counterfeit of reality. It is an epic fake made in the fallen image of man. Letting AI go the full measure is a complete rejection against the claims that God has as Creator on the world. And because man is hell bent on attempting to create heaven on earth without God, it will begin to destroy humanity—guaranteed. The book of Revelations in the Bible paints a very specific picture of an AI like object in Revelations 13 and 17 that is revealed where this Image of the Beast (the antiChrist) is allowed to speak and to enable the killing of resisters. As events in Revelations occur, this Image of the Beast (likely an AI entity) will force the beheading of millions of lives—those who resist the lies of the Beast system. The Lord is not going to let humanity be destroyed by this Beast. He is Lord and is going to return to take over. If you are interested I encourage you to seek the name of Jesus.

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Very nicely said ArnoldF! As coincidence would have it, my Bible Study Group at the Church I attend, is doing a “Revelation” study, & as I think you’ll agree, we’re under Satanic attack as I’ve never seen in my life, which has been lengthy, since my birth in 1948, & having served our Country during the Vietnam War.

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Let’s see what an Australian Cattle Dog does when a soulless robot gets anywhere near it. Fuck robots. Tessa Lena should see this. I’ll share it.

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Aww, Joe, don't get sentimental on us, but speaking for myself I prefer you over any robot too.

As far as martine's assessment goes I will be a "fleshist specieist" til the day my human body dies, and on into that realm beyond which people like him/her/it have no concept because they are soulless wannabe technocrats.

Have I mentioned lately how good it is to see you writing here again? ♡

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Jul 8Liked by Joe Allen

An article from The Corbett Report which gives similar info concerning slave brains and cyborgs…..


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That is funny I was just thinking of sharing that here, glad you beat me to the punch.

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Jul 8Liked by Joe Allen

It's official...I am racist! I stick with unaltered humans. Great article! You always amaze me with your writing.

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Jul 9Liked by Joe Allen

Anyone that would use a robot to walk their dog does not deserve the love of a dog. Woof

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This is so insane it is guaranteed to come about. The more demented, the more likely.

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Jul 9Liked by Joe Allen

If the ultimate project of an elitist technocracy is to replace the human race Joe, what happens when there aren’t any humans buying those replacement robots, or the goods they’re so efficiently producing? The remains of a barely detectable “Dwarf Neutron Star Botocratus Minor”? Nevertheless I appreciate your musings Joe, keep em coming!!

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I reckon they'll start paying bills in human souls if they get the chance. You could say they already do.

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All remaining humans will be controlled either via brainwashing or electrodes in brain, or combo of both.

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Will the robots eventually write a substack titled MULTIPLICITY WEEKLY?

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I dunno, but so far from what I have seen ( https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/is-amazon-being-flooded-with-ai-chatbot? ) their writing is of a very poor quality and easily discerned as AI regurgitated garbage.

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I agree.

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Jul 8Liked by Joe Allen

Loved this one, glad to see you not only taking the gloves off, but discarding them completely... Homines in aeternum!

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Homines in aeternum, brother.

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Have you come across any (fake author listed) AI generated books like this yet in your travels?


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Knock off "study guides" of MY book, generated by AI.


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Jul 9Liked by Joe Allen

Next time I’m offered to ring up my own groceries I’m going to proclaim that I’m racist against robots:) can’t wait

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Good message and messaging dear Mr. Joseph Allen,

Normally, when someone like “the music man” comes to town it’s bad for everyone(Way back in time, those selling stories in Hollywood in motion pictures OFTEN crafted stories with almost miraculous and quite wholesome outcomes”. But to put it mildly, what these latest technocrats(that you Joebot investigate) what these latest carpet baggers are selling, is really going ThermoNuclear with this latest carpet bagging scam. If you don’t understand what I mean, just watch the 1962 movie titled “the music man“. They always talk as if their objectives are inevitable, irresistible, undeniable… But that’s only if you let these necromancers give you a lobotomy. Only if you let them get inside your head and rely on them to present you with your options, to rely on them to guide you how to make sense of your days in your life. People who want to maximize their profits or advantages, have always cast spells. Of course, technology and gadgets and cascading algorithms, have always been useful, and will always get more useful in this or that way. But these people believe that life is strictly about money and power and control, and they have lots of fears that motivate their perversions of and hyper controlling of the town square, and the very human battle of ideas. As they abuse their freedom, there’s no end to what might happen, simply because it could happen. That has never been a life worth living. They are hoping as countless billions have over the history of this planet, that the next level gadgetry or the next bit of advice on their golf game will change everything, and emancipate us for many miseries… There couldn’t be a less scientific disposition with which to explore new technology… they don’t even believe many things they say, they just Whip up as much lather and frenzy as possible too provide cheap energy and momentum… two phenomenon that can be used to destroy anyone failing to acquiesce, or that just simply doesn’t have the right respect for the latest man-made worshipful obsession. Oh, but that sounds like such an unfair worry… Why would anyone have an evil or selfishly destructive attitude towards others in 2024… after all they might get exposed on social media for such bad behavior? Yes, that’s the solution. Everyone needs to be immersed in social media, so that they will no longer do evil, for fear of being exposed… if that thot doesn’t make you vomit, or at least a little bit confused, then it’s time for some soul-searching Homie.

Of course all I’m really trying to say Mr. Alan is that I agree with you and appreciate your incredibly laser focus, hard work, and the very tangible useful intelligence that you bring to the table for anyone that cares to make sense of their days and fight the good fight, to know that God is good, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. How so, because you debunk many of these latest false idolatrous obsessions that are so completely misleading.

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Just tagged you on my notes with a listing from one my LinkedIn recruiters highlighting positions that are about the take this to the next level. People need to wake up and wake up fast. 2026 is the target and it’s no joke.

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