Nov 1, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

This from Lao Tzu ...

“Those who would take over the earth

And shape it to their will

Never, I notice, succeed.

The earth is like a vessel so sacred

That at the mere approach of the profane

It is marred

And when they reach out their fingers it is gone

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they didn't have the internet in those days

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Nov 1, 2021Liked by Joe Allen

My definition of AI is algorithmic insanity - It is disturbing to ponder the "thinking machine" is developing decision making algorithms based on modeling the "insane sheep" aka modern man zombies that are trying to live re-actively and emotionally utilizing chemically unbalanced and damaged hormonal systems; Sources of unnatural stresses such as mass confusion, radical social engineering, amplified fear, overcrowding living conditions, chemical overexposure and dependency, as well as, sleep & nutritional deprivation - the fact that this was a man-made idea, history shows us it's guaranteed to get it wrong and turn out as a disaster - a psychological atomic bomb

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

A novel rendering of “garbage in, garbage out”. If it comes down to it, I’d rather take my chances with that scenario than the soulless, coldly calculated one they wish to jam down our collective throats.

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In order to design artificial intelligence you have to first know and understand genuine intelligence and it's clear from human behavior that this has not been done to any great extent. So don't fear AI as it will be as impotent as its inventors.

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Harai's theories & predictions involve many presumptions about human consciousness & reality generally which I disagree with....presumptions which are practically dogma among today's elite intelligentsia. And he is obviously completely on-board with the US-centric Western Imperial program. Notice how he casually mentions all the official enemies of the Washington Regime by way of illustrating where possible dangers lie. The subliminal message being that our Western Imperial elites are good and will use technology to protect and benefit us. The dangers lie in far away places like Russia & China & Iran. It's banal and maddeningly obvious when you know the code.

But he is right. There are immense dangers in the new digital technology as there are in all technologies. Technology is and always has been a double edged sword. Everything comes down to human intent; to use or misuse. Which according to Harai we can do nothing about anyway because apparently we don’t actually make any of those decisions or choices. They are made for us in the deep unconscious recesses of our brains.

We are transitioning into a new era of human development which will radically transform our societies and our lives in ways we cannot fully predict at this time. In my opinion many of the wild & dystopian predictions made by Harai and many others will turn out to be sci-fi fantasies. The real dangers will likely turn out to be quite different.

For example, if we understand consciousness and intelligence as it functions in human beings then we can say that AI is neither conscious nor intelligent. And that is precisely the problem and where the real danger lies imo. We are handing over increasing control of our world and out lives to non-conscious and non-intelligent machines.

I'm very glad you and the War Room are focussing some attention on this immensely important issue of technocracy & transhumanism.

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this ^

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I've certainly never thought about this subject matter until I listened to you on the WarRoom. But, I could see how we could slip into this direction. I don't think we should allow our kids to be so addicted to being on computers, ipads or iphones like they were connected to their extremities. I've already obsserved how my grandchilds mind works differently. Thanks for the great reporting. Glad you are part of the WarRoom team. We need to get our head out of the sand!

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Just want to say God bless you Joe Allen when you were talking about hariri on the war room in the collective consciousness saying we have no individuality well when you're a non-believer I believe this to be true for the reason that Satan has power over you until you become a believer and that's when you get your individuality I think on that one love you buddy take care

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I am pleased to say that you are again sharing knowledge that every person should obtain and consider carefully. It is as important for those of us who are people of Biblical faith as for those who are not. The domination of our world is undoubtedly being affected by forces of darkness that are beyond our full understanding, and as less than perfect creatures we continue to influence the direction that our world takes. Succinctly, we can choose to be part of the domination or counter it with a life of non-violence and trust in each other. I believe that there is only one "God in Three Persons" who ultimately loves and provides for humanity. And although God is omniscient, and at times does exert His will in our reality, He allows us the freewill to make a choice to believe in His existence or not. The Bible, God's letter to us, tells us clearly that those who do not believe in Him, will end up left out of the Heavenly future that he promises for us. Frankly, it is more desirable to me to believe in a future filled with light than one filled with darkness.

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"Philosophically and morally, that means we’re not capable of making real choices—we’re just along for the ride. It also means no person is responsible for the nightmarish futures we may create:"

Take away all of the tech, can you not see that the God of the bible is not any different? It is God's will that is done, and not ours. Everything is foreknown before it was created. Pharaoh didn't have a choice. God hardened his heart so that he would not set the Jews free. If this is true it wasn't Pharaoh will. It was God's will that was done. If things do not go as they have been planned by God, only then do we have free will. The fact of the matter, according to the bible, we cannot save ourselves. It is up to God who is saved and all of it was foreknown and programed. Can I defy God's will and disrupt his plan? If I cannot, then how do I have freewill?

We may already be in a simulated reality. The bible tells us that heaven is the true reality and that we will not see it until our preprogramed (foreknown) existence comes to it end.

"Before I formed thee in the womb I knew you"

Apparently I existed in some form before I was born.

And God said, let "US" create man in "OUR" image, after "OUR" likeness.

"US"? "OUR"? Who are these entities that God is talking to?

"So God created man in his image ";" male and female created he "THEM"

Take note of the two independent clauses. Who are the entities referred to as "Them" that "HE" created?

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